; This file holds all the functions If it gets too big, ; we can split it in categories ; ***************************************************************************** ; * Tileset Procedure InitGraphics() GFXLogo = LoadSprite(#PB_Any, "../data/gfx/logo.bmp") GFXTileset = LoadSprite(#PB_Any, "../data/gfx/tileset01.bmp") EndProcedure ; TODO: Make this dynamic Procedure InitTileset() Define i.i, j.i, count.i count = 0 For i=0 To 5 For j=0 To 5 Tileset(count) = CopySprite(GFXTileset, #PB_Any) ClipSprite(Tileset(count), #TILE_SIZE*j, #TILE_SIZE*i, #TILE_SIZE, #TILE_SIZE) count+1 Next Next Debug count EndProcedure Procedure LoadMap(Filename.s) ; Extract the map data from the XML file If LoadXML(0, Filename) And XMLStatus(0) = #PB_XML_Success Define *Node.i = XMLNodeFromPath(MainXMLNode(0), "/map/layer/data") Define MapData.s = GetXMLNodeText(*Node) If CreateRegularExpression(0, "\d{1,2},?") Dim Tiles.s(0) Define NumFound.i = ExtractRegularExpression(0, MapData, Tiles()) Define i.i, X.i, Y.i X = 0 Y = 0 Debug ArraySize(Tiles()) ;CreateFile(0, "mapcheck.txt") ; File stuff for checking the map loader For i=0 To NumFound-1 TileMap(X, Y)\TileNumber = Val(RTrim(Tiles(i), ","))-1 TileMap(X, Y)\X = X TileMap(X, Y)\Y = Y ;WriteString(0, StrU(TileMap(X, Y)\TileNumber+1)+",") If X = #MAP_WIDTH-1 X = 0 Y+1 ;WriteStringN(0, "") ; do new line Else X+1 EndIf Next ;CloseFile(0) EndIf EndIf EndProcedure Procedure DrawTile(number.i, x.i, y.i) DisplaySprite(Tileset(number), #TILE_SIZE*x, #TILE_SIZE*y) EndProcedure Procedure DrawMap() Define X.i ,Y.i For X.i=0 To Cam\Width For Y.i=0 To Cam\Height DrawTile(TileMap(X+Cam\X, Y+Cam\Y)\TileNumber, X, Y) Next Next EndProcedure Procedure DrawPlayer() DrawTile(Player\TileNumber, Player\X-Cam\X, Player\Y-Cam\Y) EndProcedure Procedure DrawHUD() EndProcedure ; ***************************************************************************** ; * Menu Procedure Menu_GotoCurrent() If *ActiveMenu\Entries()\Selected <> #True FirstElement(*ActiveMenu\Entries()) ForEach *ActiveMenu\Entries() If *ActiveMenu\Entries()\Selected = #True Break EndIf Next EndIf EndProcedure