class Tile constructor: -> @layers = [] for restype, i in allResourceTypes() @layers.push new Tilelayer( type: restype, depth: i, amount: Math.round(Math.random( ) @currentLayer = 0 @entity = null @isActive = false click: (button)-> if button == "left" if @layers[@currentLayer].collect() name = app.layerIndexToName(@currentLayer)[name] += 1 else @currentLayer += 1 # If we reach the bottom, the entity on top dies. @entity = null if @currentLayer == allResourceTypes().length-1 tick: -> @entity.tick @ if @entity moveIn: -> @isActive = true moveOut: -> @isActive = false select: -> @isSelected = true deselect: -> @isSelected = false render: (x, y)-> tileLayer = @layers[@currentLayer] app.layer.drawRegion app.images.layers, tileLayer.sprite, x*8, y*8 if @entity app.layer.drawRegion app.images.entities, @entity.sprite(), x*8, y*8 if (@entity and @entity.isMoveable()) # Draw the status indicator. app.layer.drawImage app.images.progress, x*8, y*8 numPercent = Math.floor((tileLayer.amount*6)/ for i in [0..numPercent] color = ["#f00", "#a00", "#f60", "#aa0", "#0a0", "#0a0"][numPercent] color = ["#f00", "#f00", "#f80", "#ff0", "#0f0", "#0f0"][numPercent] if i == numPercent app.layer.setPixel(color, x*8+1+i, y*8+6) if @isSelected app.layer.drawImage app.images.selected, x*8, y*8 if @isActive app.layer.drawImage, x*8, y*8