# BrowserSync [![Build status] (https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/r5vung2ipn9uj4sy)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/shakyShane/browser-sync) [![Build Status](http://img.shields.io/travis/shakyShane/browser-sync/master.svg?style=flat)] (https://travis-ci.org/shakyShane/browser-sync) [![Coverage Status](https://img.shields.io/coveralls/shakyShane/browser-sync.svg?style=flat)](https://coveralls.io/r/shakyShane/browser-sync?branch=master) [![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/browser-sync.svg?style=flat)](http://npmjs.org/package/browser-sync) > Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites. BrowserSync is developed and maintained internally at JH, follow @BrowserSync on twitter for news & updates. ##Features 1. **Scroll** - I can keep your pages in sync when scrolling. 2. **Forms** - You fill out a form in one browser, I'll copy the data to all the others. 3. **Links** - I'll watch your clicks and make all the other browsers follow you. 4. **CSS injecting** - I can even watch your CSS files & inject them when they change. 5. **Live Reload** - I can also watch files like HTML and PHP & when they change I can reload all browsers for you. 6. **Built-in Server** - Yep, I can serve static files too if you need me to (uses Connect). 7. **Use with any back-end setup** - I even have a proxy option so that I can be used with existing PHP, Rails, Python, Node or ASP.net setup. 8. **Public URL** - View your website via a URL that any internet connected device can access & maintain all BrowserSync features. 9. **Browser Stack support** - Use the all of my features when viewing your site through Browser Stack. ##When is it useful? It's pretty useful when used with a single browser, watching a CSS file for changes & injecting it. But the real power comes when you're building responsive sites and using multiple devices/monitors because it can keep all browsers in sync & make your workflow much faster. ##Requirements BrowserSync works by injecting an asynchronous script tag (``) right after the `` tag during initial request. In order for this to work properly the `` tag must be present. Alternatively you can provide a custom rule for the snippet using [snippetOptions](http://www.browsersync.io/docs/options/#option-snippetOptions) ##Install ``` npm install -g browser-sync ``` ##How to use it 1. [Command line](http://www.browsersync.io/docs/command-line/) 2. [API](http://www.browsersync.io/docs/api/) ## Using Grunt? There's a [separate plugin](https://github.com/shakyShane/grunt-browser-sync) for that ## Using Gulp? No problem, here's a [setup guide](http://www.browsersync.io/docs/gulp) ## Using Brunch? Enjoy the [browser-sync-brunch plugin](https://github.com/ocombe/browser-sync-brunch) ## Screencasts [Some listed here](https://github.com/shakyShane/browser-sync/wiki/Screencasts) Want any more? Something specific? ask me nicely [@shaneOsbourne](http://www.twitter.com/shaneOsbourne) ##Support If you've found Browser-sync useful and would like to contribute to its continued development & support, please feel free to send a donation of any size - it would be greatly appreciated! [![Support via Gittip](https://rawgithub.com/chris---/Donation-Badges/master/gittip.jpeg)](https://www.gittip.com/shakyshane) [![Support via PayPal](https://rawgithub.com/chris---/Donation-Badges/master/paypal.jpeg)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=shakyshane%40gmail%2ecom&lc=US&item_name=browser%2dsync) ## Contributors ``` 778 Shane Osbourne 29 Shinnosuke Watanabe 19 Shane Daniel 13 Hugo Bessa 11 Paul Kinlan 8 shinnn 3 Marek 'saji' Augustynowicz 3 Werner van Deventer 3 Adam Lynch 2 Paul Robertson 2 Dan Tello 2 Hugo Dias 2 Michael Branch 2 Olivier Combe 2 Piotr Kaleta 2 brutaldev 2 chase_chou 1 Dave Hall 1 mericson 1 Robert Vock 1 Craig Morris 1 Cedric Kastner 1 Carl Henderson 1 Sylvain Emery 1 Tony Holdstock-Brown 1 Victor Fernandez de Alba 1 Cameron Spear 1 Yazhong Liu 1 Jory Graham 1 Benjamín Eidelman 1 viktor hesselbom 1 Guillaume Lambert 1 Peter Blazejewicz ``` ## License Copyright (c) 2014 Shane Osbourne Licensed under the GPL license.