(ns ldview.handler (:require [compojure.core :refer [defroutes]] [ldview.routes.home :refer [home-routes]] [noir.util.middleware :as middleware] [compojure.route :as route] [taoensso.timbre :as timbre] [com.postspectacular.rotor :as rotor] [ldview.models.schema :as schema])) (defroutes app-routes (route/resources "/") (route/not-found "Not Found")) (defn init "init will be called once when app is deployed as a servlet on an app server such as Tomcat put any initialization code here" [] (timbre/set-config! [:appenders :rotor] {:min-level :info :enabled? true :async? false ; should be always false for rotor :max-message-per-msecs nil :fn rotor/append}) (timbre/set-config! [:shared-appender-config :rotor] {:path "ldview.log" :max-size (* 512 1024) :backlog 10}) (if-not (schema/initialized?) (schema/create-tables)) (timbre/info "ldview started successfully")) (defn destroy "destroy will be called when your application shuts down, put any clean up code here" [] (timbre/info "ldview is shutting down...")) (def app (middleware/app-handler ;; add your application routes here [home-routes app-routes] ;; add custom middleware here :middleware [] ;; add access rules here :access-rules [] ;; serialize/deserialize the following data formats ;; available formats: ;; :json :json-kw :yaml :yaml-kw :edn :yaml-in-html :formats [:json-kw :edn])) (def war-handler (middleware/war-handler app))