diff --git a/docs/UsingOtherPlugins.md b/docs/UsingOtherPlugins.md index 8b13789..7df8aa7 100644 --- a/docs/UsingOtherPlugins.md +++ b/docs/UsingOtherPlugins.md @@ -1 +1,22 @@ +# Using Other Plugins from ScriptCraft +The following question gets asked a lot so I'm going to try to answer it here: +> How to use other bukkit plugins API? +> Like PermissionEX API. +> I can check permission group by java code: +> ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx.getUser(player).inGroup("moderator"); +> But I can't run this code in JavaScript. +> -- [Bukkit forum question][1] + +[1]: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/scriptcraft/?page=2#c48 + +The above question refers to using ScriptCraft for CraftBukkit so I'll answer that first: + +You can get the permissionsEx (or any other plugin) like this... +```javascript +var pex = server.pluginManager.getPlugin('PermissionsEx'); +if (pex.getUser(player).inGroup('moderator') ) { +... +} +``` +Generally if you want to use another plugin's API, then get the plugin object by name and then call its methods. In the above example the `pex` variable refers to the aforementioned `PermissionsEx` Plugin. Once you have that reference you can call any of the plugin's methods just as you would in Java. The tricky part is getting the reference and that's where `server.pluginManager.getPlugin()` comes in.