Added docs for events module

This commit is contained in:
walterhiggins 2013-02-10 13:42:32 +00:00
parent 7e8fc91e63
commit 5830c73df0
4 changed files with 228 additions and 34 deletions

View file

@ -1,3 +1,34 @@
Core Module
This module defines commonly used functions by all plugins...
* load (filename) - loads and evaluates a javascript file, returning the evaluated object.
* save (object, filename) - saves an object to a file.
* plugin (name, interface, isPersistent) - defines a new plugin. If
isPersistent is true then the plugin doesn't have to worry about
loading and saving state - that will be done by the framework. Just
make sure that anything you want to save (and restore) is in the
'store' property - this will be created automatically if not
already defined. (its type is object {} )
* ready (function) - specifies code to be executed only when all the plugins have loaded.
* command (name, function) - defines a command that can be used by non-operators.
* locationToString(Location) - returns a bukkit Location object in string form.
* getPlayerObject(playerName) - returns the Player object for a named player or `self` if no name is provided.
Core Module - Special Variables
There are a couple of special javascript variables available in ScriptCraft...
* _plugin - The ScriptCraft JavaPlugin object.
* server - The Minecraft Server object.
* self - the current player.
Drone Module
The Drone is a convenience class for building. It can be used for...
@ -573,11 +604,23 @@ An array which can be used when constructing stairs facing in the Drone's direct
An array which can be used when placing signs so they face in a given direction.
This is used internally by the Drone.sign() method.
This is used internally by the Drone.sign() method. It should also be used for placing
any of the following blocks...
* chest
* ladder
* furnace
* dispenser
To place a chest facing the Drone ... blocks.chest + ':' + Drone.PLAYER_SIGN_FACING[drone.dir]);
Used when placing torches so that they face the same way as the drone.
Used when placing torches so that they face towards the drone. blocks.torch + ':' + Drone.PLAYER_TORCH_FACING[drone.dir]);
Drone.spiral_stairs() method
@ -718,3 +761,70 @@ To create a 2-line high message using glowstone...
[imgbt1]: img/blocktype1.png
events Module
The Events module provides a thin wrapper around Bukkit's
Event-handling API. Bukkit's Events API makes use of Java Annotations
which are not available in Javascript, so this module provides a
simple way to listen to minecraft events in javascript.
events.on() static method
This method is used to register event listeners.
* eventName - A string or java class. If a string is supplied it must
be part of the Bukkit event class name. See [Bukkit API][buk] for
details of the many bukkit event types. When a string is supplied
there is no need to provide the full class name - you should omit
the 'org.bukkit.event' prefix. e.g. if the string
"block.BlockBreakEvent" is supplied then it's converted to the
org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent class .
If a java class is provided (say in the case where you've defined
your own custom event) then provide the full class name (without
enclosing quotes).
* callback - A function which will be called whenever the event
fires. The callback should take 2 parameters, listener (the Bukkit
registered listener for this callback) and event (the event fired).
* priority (optional - default: "HIGHEST") - The priority the
listener/callback takes over other listeners to the same
event. Possible values are "HIGH", "HIGHEST", "LOW", "LOWEST",
"NORMAL", "MONITOR". For an explanation of what the different
priorities mean refer to bukkit's [Event API Reference][buk2].
An org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener object which can be used to
unregister the listener. This same object is passed to the callback
function each time the event is fired.
The following code will print a message on screen every time a block is broken in the game
events.on("block.BlockBreakEvent", function(listener, evt){
echo ( + " broke a block!");
To handle an event only once and unregister from further events...
events.on("block.BlockBreakEvent", function(listener, evt){
print ( + " broke a block!");
To unregister a listener *outside* of the listener function...
var myBlockBreakListener = events.on("block.BlockBreakEvent",function(l,e){ ... });
var handlers = org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent.getHandlerList();

View file

@ -1,23 +1,37 @@
This file defines commonly used functions by all plugins...
Core Module
This module defines commonly used functions by all plugins...
load (filename) - loads and evaluates a javascript file, returning the evaluated object.
* load (filename) - loads and evaluates a javascript file, returning the evaluated object.
save (object, filename) - saves an object to a file.
* save (object, filename) - saves an object to a file.
plugin (name, interface, isPersistent)
- defines a new plugin. If isPersistent is true then
the plugin doesn't have to worry about loading and saving
state - that will be done by the framework. Just make sure
that anything you want to save (and restore) is in the 'store'
property - this will be created automatically if not already defined.
(its type is object {} )
* plugin (name, interface, isPersistent) - defines a new plugin. If
isPersistent is true then the plugin doesn't have to worry about
loading and saving state - that will be done by the framework. Just
make sure that anything you want to save (and restore) is in the
'store' property - this will be created automatically if not
already defined. (its type is object {} )
ready (function) - specifies code to be executed only when all the plugins have loaded.
* ready (function) - specifies code to be executed only when all the plugins have loaded.
command (name, function) - defines a command that can be used by non-operators.
* command (name, function) - defines a command that can be used by non-operators.
* locationToString(Location) - returns a bukkit Location object in string form.
* getPlayerObject(playerName) - returns the Player object for a named player or `self` if no name is provided.
Core Module - Special Variables
There are a couple of special javascript variables available in ScriptCraft...
* _plugin - The ScriptCraft JavaPlugin object.
* server - The Minecraft Server object.
* self - the current player.
var global = this;
var verbose = verbose || false;

View file

@ -636,11 +636,23 @@ An array which can be used when constructing stairs facing in the Drone's direct
An array which can be used when placing signs so they face in a given direction.
This is used internally by the Drone.sign() method.
This is used internally by the Drone.sign() method. It should also be used for placing
any of the following blocks...
* chest
* ladder
* furnace
* dispenser
To place a chest facing the Drone ... blocks.chest + ':' + Drone.PLAYER_SIGN_FACING[drone.dir]);
Used when placing torches so that they face the same way as the drone.
Used when placing torches so that they face towards the drone. blocks.torch + ':' + Drone.PLAYER_TORCH_FACING[drone.dir]);
@ -831,6 +843,10 @@ Used when placing torches so that they face the same way as the drone.
var depthFunc = function(){
var block =,that.y,that.z);
// wph 20130210 - dont' know if this is a bug in bukkit but for chests,
// the metadata is ignored (defaults to 2 - south facing)
// only way to change data is to set it using property/bean. = meta;
var heightFunc = function(){

View file

@ -1,20 +1,74 @@
var global = this;
// Usage:
// The following code will print a message on screen every time a block is broken in the game
// events.on("block.BlockBreakEvent", function(listener, evt){
// print ( + " broke a block!");
// });
// To handle an event only once and unregister from further events...
// events.on("block.BlockBreakEvent", function(listener, evt){
// print ( + " broke a block!");
// evt.handlers.unregister(listener);
// });
events Module
The Events module provides a thin wrapper around Bukkit's
Event-handling API. Bukkit's Events API makes use of Java Annotations
which are not available in Javascript, so this module provides a
simple way to listen to minecraft events in javascript.
events.on() static method
This method is used to register event listeners.
* eventName - A string or java class. If a string is supplied it must
be part of the Bukkit event class name. See [Bukkit API][buk] for
details of the many bukkit event types. When a string is supplied
there is no need to provide the full class name - you should omit
the 'org.bukkit.event' prefix. e.g. if the string
"block.BlockBreakEvent" is supplied then it's converted to the
org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent class .
If a java class is provided (say in the case where you've defined
your own custom event) then provide the full class name (without
enclosing quotes).
* callback - A function which will be called whenever the event
fires. The callback should take 2 parameters, listener (the Bukkit
registered listener for this callback) and event (the event fired).
* priority (optional - default: "HIGHEST") - The priority the
listener/callback takes over other listeners to the same
event. Possible values are "HIGH", "HIGHEST", "LOW", "LOWEST",
"NORMAL", "MONITOR". For an explanation of what the different
priorities mean refer to bukkit's [Event API Reference][buk2].
An org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener object which can be used to
unregister the listener. This same object is passed to the callback
function each time the event is fired.
The following code will print a message on screen every time a block is broken in the game
events.on("block.BlockBreakEvent", function(listener, evt){
echo ( + " broke a block!");
To handle an event only once and unregister from further events...
events.on("block.BlockBreakEvent", function(listener, evt){
print ( + " broke a block!");
To unregister a listener *outside* of the listener function...
var myBlockBreakListener = events.on("block.BlockBreakEvent",function(l,e){ ... });
var handlers = org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent.getHandlerList();
var events = events || {
// handle events in Minecraft