moved drone to plugins directory

This commit is contained in:
walterhiggins 2013-12-24 00:12:56 +00:00
parent b2b8cdd7f3
commit 7f3b17a07c
19 changed files with 0 additions and 3520 deletions

View file

@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
Blocks Module
You hate having to lookup [Data Values][dv] when you use ScriptCraft's Drone() functions. So do I.
So I created this blocks object which is a helper object for use in construction.
box( blocks.oak ); // creates a single oak wood block
box( blocks.sand, 3, 2, 1 ); // creates a block of sand 3 wide x 2 high x 1 long
box(, 2 ); // creates a block of green wool 2 blocks wide
Color aliased properties that were a direct descendant of the blocks object are no longer used to avoid confusion with carpet and stained clay blocks. In addition, there's a convenience array `blocks.rainbow` which is an array of the 7 colors of the rainbow (or closest approximations).
var blocks = {
air: 0,
stone: 1,
grass: 2,
dirt: 3,
cobblestone: 4,
oak: 5,
spruce: '5:1',
birch: '5:2',
jungle: '5:3',
sapling: {
oak: 6,
spruce: '6:1',
birch: '62:2',
jungle: '6:3'
bedrock: 7,
water: 8,
water_still: 9,
lava: 10,
lava_still: 11,
sand: 12,
gravel: 13,
gold_ore: 14,
iron_ore: 15,
coal_ore: 16,
wood: 17,
leaves: 18,
sponge: 19,
glass: 20,
lapis_lazuli_ore: 21,
lapis_lazuli_block: 22,
dispenser: 23,
sandstone: 24,
note: 25,
bed: 26,
powered_rail: 27,
detector_rail: 28,
sticky_piston: 29,
cobweb: 30,
grass_tall: 31,
dead_bush: 32,
piston: 33,
piston_extn: 34,
wool: {
white: 35 // All other colors added below
dandelion: 37,
flower_yellow: 37,
rose: 38,
flower_red: 38,
mushroom_brown: 39,
mushroom_red: 40,
gold: 41,
iron: 42,
tnt: 46,
bookshelf: 47,
moss_stone: 48,
obsidian: 49,
torch: 50,
fire: 51,
monster_spawner: 52,
stairs: {
oak: 53,
cobblestone: 67,
brick: 108,
stone: 109,
nether: 114,
sandstone: 128,
spruce: 134,
birch: 135,
jungle: 136,
quartz: 156
chest: 54,
redstone_wire: 55,
diamond_ore: 56,
diamond: 57,
crafting_table: 58,
wheat_seeds: 59,
farmland: 60,
furnace: 61,
furnace_burning: 62,
sign_post: 63,
door_wood: 64,
ladder: 65,
rail: 66,
sign: 68,
lever: 69,
pressure_plate_stone: 70,
door_iron: 71,
pressure_plate_wood: 72,
redstone_ore: 73,
redstone_ore_glowing: 74,
torch_redstone: 75,
torch_redstone_active: 76,
stone_button: 77,
ice: 79,
snow: 80,
cactus: 81,
clay: 82,
sugar_cane: 83,
jukebox: 84,
fence: 85,
pumpkin: 86,
netherrack: 87,
soulsand: 88,
glowstone: 89,
netherportal: 90,
jackolantern: 91,
cake: 92,
redstone_repeater: 93,
redeston_repeater_active: 94,
chest_locked: 95,
trapdoor: 96,
monster_egg: 97,
brick: {
stone: 98,
mossy: '98:1',
cracked: '98:2',
chiseled: '98:3',
red: 45
mushroom_brown_huge: 99,
mushroom_red_huge: 100,
iron_bars: 101,
glass_pane: 102,
melon: 103,
pumpkin_stem: 104,
melon_stem: 105,
vines: 106,
fence_gate: 107,
mycelium: 110,
lily_pad: 111,
nether: 112,
nether_fence: 113,
netherwart: 115,
table_enchantment: 116,
brewing_stand: 117,
cauldron: 118,
endportal: 119,
endportal_frame: 120,
endstone: 121,
dragon_egg: 122,
redstone_lamp: 123,
redstone_lamp_active: 124,
slab: {
snow: 78,
stone: 44,
sandstone: '44:1',
wooden: '44:2',
cobblestone: '44:3',
brick: '44:4',
stonebrick: '44:5',
quartz: '44:7',
oak: 126,
spruce: '126:1',
birch: '126:2',
jungle: '126:3',
upper: {
stone: '44:8',
sandstone: '44:9',
wooden: '44:10',
cobblestone: '44:11',
brick: '44:12',
stonebrick: '44:13',
quartz: '44:15',
oak: '126:8',
spruce: '126:9',
birch: '126:10',
jungle: '126:11',
cocoa: 127,
emerald_ore: 129,
enderchest: 130,
tripwire_hook: 131,
tripwire: 132,
emerald: 133,
command: 137,
beacon: 138,
cobblestone_wall: 139,
flowerpot: 140,
carrots: 141,
potatoes: 142,
button_wood: 143,
mobhead: 144,
anvil: 145,
chest_trapped: 146,
pressure_plate_weighted_light: 147,
pressure_plate_weighted_heavy: 148,
redstone_comparator: 149,
redstone_comparator_active: 150,
daylight_sensor: 151,
redstone: 152,
netherquartzore: 153,
hopper: 154,
quartz: 155,
rail_activator: 157,
dropper: 158,
stained_clay: {
white: 159 // All other colors added below
hay: 170,
carpet: {
white: 171 // All other colors added below
hardened_clay: 172,
coal_block: 173
(function() {
// Add all available colors to colorized block collections
var colors = {
orange: ':1',
magenta: ':2',
lightblue: ':3',
yellow: ':4',
lime: ':5',
pink: ':6',
gray: ':7',
lightgray: ':8',
cyan: ':9',
purple: ':10',
blue: ':11',
brown: ':12',
green: ':13',
red: ':14',
black: ':15'
var colorized_blocks = ["wool", "stained_clay", "carpet"];
for (var i = 0, len = colorized_blocks.length; i < len; i++) {
var block = colorized_blocks[i],
data_value = blocks[block].white;
for (var color in colors) {
blocks[block][color] = data_value + colors[color];
rainbow colors - a convenience
Color aliased properties that were a direct descendant of the blocks
object are no longer used to avoid confusion with carpet and stained
clay blocks.
blocks.rainbow = [,,

View file

@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
Drone.blocktype() method
Creates the text out of blocks. Useful for large-scale in-game signs.
* message - The message to create - (use `\n` for newlines)
* foregroundBlock (default: black wool) - The block to use for the foreground
* backgroundBlock (default: none) - The block to use for the background
To create a 2-line high message using glowstone...
![blocktype example][imgbt1]
[imgbt1]: img/blocktype1.png
var bitmaps = {
raw: {
'0':' ### '+
' # # '+
' # # '+
' # # '+
' ### ',
'1':' # '+
' ## '+
' # '+
' # '+
' ### ',
'2':' ### '+
' # '+
' ### '+
' # '+
' ### ',
'3':' ### '+
' # '+
' ## '+
' # '+
' ### ',
'4':' # '+
' ## '+
' # # '+
' ### '+
' # ',
'5':' ### '+
' # '+
' ### '+
' # '+
' ### ',
'6':' ### '+
' # '+
' ### '+
' # # '+
' ### ',
'7':' ### '+
' # '+
' # '+
' # '+
' # ',
'8':' ### '+
' # # '+
' ### '+
' # # '+
' ### ',
'9':' ### '+
' # # '+
' ### '+
' # '+
' ### ',
'a':' ### '+
' # # '+
' ### '+
' # # '+
' # # ',
'b':' ## '+
' # # '+
' ## '+
' # # '+
' ## ',
'c':' ## '+
' # '+
' # '+
' # '+
' ## ',
'd':' ## '+
' # # '+
' # # '+
' # # '+
' ## ',
'e':' ### '+
' # '+
' ## '+
' # '+
' ### ',
'f':' ### '+
' # '+
' ## '+
' # '+
' # ',
'g':' ### '+
' # '+
' # '+
' # # '+
' ### ',
'h':' # # '+
' # # '+
' ### '+
' # # '+
' # # ',
'i':' ### '+
' # '+
' # '+
' # '+
' ### ',
'j':' ### '+
' # '+
' # '+
' # '+
' # ',
'k':' # '+
' # # '+
' ## '+
' # # '+
' # # ',
'l':' # '+
' # '+
' # '+
' # '+
' ### ',
'm':' # # '+
' ### '+
' # # '+
' # # '+
' # # ',
'n':' ## '+
' # # '+
' # # '+
' # # '+
' # # ',
'o':' # '+
' # # '+
' # # '+
' # # '+
' # ',
'p':' ### '+
' # # '+
' ### '+
' # '+
' # ',
'q':' ### '+
' # # '+
' # # '+
' ### '+
' # ',
'r':' ## '+
' # # '+
' ## '+
' # # '+
' # # ',
's':' ## '+
' # '+
' ### '+
' # '+
' ## ',
't':' ### '+
' # '+
' # '+
' # '+
' # ',
'u':' # # '+
' # # '+
' # # '+
' # # '+
' ### ',
'v':' # # '+
' # # '+
' # # '+
' # # '+
' # ',
'w':' # # '+
' # # '+
' # # '+
' ### '+
' # # ',
'x':' # # '+
' # # '+
' # '+
' # # '+
' # # ',
'y':' # # '+
' # # '+
' # # '+
' # '+
' # ',
'z':' ### '+
' # '+
' # '+
' # '+
' ### ',
'!':' # '+
' # '+
' # '+
' '+
' # ',
':':' '+
' # '+
' '+
' # '+
' ',
';':' '+
' # '+
' '+
' # '+
' # ',
',':' '+
' '+
' '+
' # '+
' # ',
'/':' # '+
' # '+
' # '+
' # '+
' # ',
'+':' '+
' # '+
' ### '+
' # '+
' ',
'-':' '+
' '+
' ### '+
' '+
' ',
'.':' '+
' '+
' '+
' '+
' # ',
"'":' # '+
' # '+
' '+
' '+
' ',
' ':' '+
' '+
' '+
' '+
' '
computed: {}
wph 20130121 compute the width, and x,y coords of pixels ahead of time
for (var c in bitmaps.raw){
var bits = bitmaps.raw[c];
var width = bits.length/5;
var bmInfo = {"width": width,"pixels":[]}
bitmaps.computed[c] = bmInfo;
for (var j = 0; j < bits.length; j++){
if (bits.charAt(j) != ' '){
// message
// string with text to be displayed
// fg
// foreground material. The material the text will be in.
// bg
// background material, optional. The negative space within the bounding box of the text.
Drone.extend('blocktype', function(message,fg,bg){
if (typeof fg == "undefined")
fg =;
var bmfg = this._getBlockIdAndMeta(fg);
var bmbg = null;
if (typeof bg != "undefined")
bmbg = this._getBlockIdAndMeta(bg);
var lines = message.split("\n");
var lineCount = lines.length;
for (var h = 0;h < lineCount; h++) {
var line = lines[h];
line = line.toLowerCase().replace(/[^0-9a-z \.\-\+\/\;\'\:\!]/g,"");
for (var i =0;i < line.length; i++) {
var ch = line.charAt(i)
var bits = bitmaps.computed[ch];
if (typeof bits == "undefined"){
bits = bitmaps.computed[' '];
var charWidth = bits.width;
if (typeof bg != "undefined")
for (var j = 0;j < bits.pixels.length;j++){
var x = bits.pixels[j][0];
var y = bits.pixels[j][1];
return this.move('blocktext');

View file

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
// a castle is just a big wide fort with 4 taller forts at each corner
Drone.extend('castle', function(side, height)
// use sensible default parameter values
// if no parameters are supplied
if (typeof side == "undefined")
side = 24;
if (typeof height == "undefined")
height = 10;
if (height < 8 || side < 20)
throw new java.lang.RuntimeException("Castles must be at least 20 wide X 8 tall");
// remember where the drone is so it can return 'home'
// how big the towers at each corner will be...
var towerSide = 10;
var towerHeight = height+4;
// the main castle building will be front and right of the first tower
// the castle is really just a big fort with 4 smaller 'tower' forts at each corner
// move back to start position
// now place 4 towers at each corner (each tower is another fort)
for (var corner = 0; corner < 4; corner++)
// construct a 'tower' fort
// move forward the length of the castle then turn right
return this.move('castle');

View file

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
* Creates a tile pattern of given block types and size
* Paramters:
* whiteBlock - blockId used for the traditional white portion of the chessboard
* blackBlock - blockId used for the traditional black portion of the chessboard
* width - width of the chessboard
* height - height of the chessboard
Drone.extend("chessboard", function(whiteBlock, blackBlock, width, depth) {
if (typeof whiteBlock == "undefined")
whiteBlock = blocks.wool.white;
if (typeof blackBlock == "undefined")
blackBlock =;
if (typeof width == "undefined")
width = 8;
if (typeof depth == "undefined")
depth = width;
for(var i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
for(var j = 0; j < depth; ++j) {
var block = blackBlock;
if((i+j)%2 == 1) {
block = whiteBlock;
return this.move('chessboard-start');

View file

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
// need to use the drone module to create buildings easily
// it can be done using calls to putBlock(), putSign(), getPlayerPos() and getMousePos()
// but it's easier to use the Drone class
// __folder is a special javascript variable whose value is the directory where the
// current script resides.
// usage:
// [1] to build a cottage at the player's current location or the cross-hairs location...
// /js cottage();
// [2] to build a cottage using an existing drone...
// /js drone.cottage();
Drone.extend('cottage',function ()
.box0(48,7,2,6) // 4 walls
.right(3).door() // door front and center
.up(1).left(2).box(102) // windows to left and right
// put up a sign near door.
return this.move('cottage');
// a more complex script that builds an tree-lined avenue with
// cottages on both sides.
Drone.extend('cottage_road', function(numberCottages)
if (typeof numberCottages == "undefined"){
numberCottages = 6;
var i=0, distanceBetweenTrees = 11;
// step 1 build the road.
var cottagesPerSide = Math.floor(numberCottages/2);
.chkpt("cottage_road") // make sure the drone's state is saved.
.box(43,3,1,cottagesPerSide*(distanceBetweenTrees+1)) // build the road
.up().right() // now centered in middle of road
.chkpt("cr"); // will be returning to this position later
// step 2 line the road with trees
for (; i < cottagesPerSide+1;i++){
.left(5) // return to middle of road
.fwd(distanceBetweenTrees+1); // move forward.
this.move("cr").back(6); // move back 1/2 the distance between trees
// this function builds a path leading to a cottage.
function pathAndCottage(d){
return d.down().box(43,1,1,5).fwd(5).left(3).up().cottage();
// step 3 build cottages on each side
for (i = 0;i < cottagesPerSide; i++)
// build cottage on left
// build cottage on right
// return drone to where it was at start of function
return this.move("cottage_road");

View file

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// Create a floor of colored tiles some of which emit light.
// The tiles change color every second creating a strobe-lit dance-floor.
// See it in action here =>
if (typeof width == "undefined")
width = 5;
if (typeof length == "undefined")
length = width;
// create a separate Drone object to lay down disco tiles
var disco = new Drone(this.x, this.y, this.z, this.dir,;
// under-floor lighting
var floorTiles = [35,35,'35:1','35:2','35:3','35:4','35:4','35:4','35:6',20,20];
// strobe gets called in a java thread - disco only lasts 30 seconds.
var discoTicks = 30;
var task = null;
var strobe = function() {
if (!discoTicks--)
var now = 0;
var everySecond = 20;
task = server.scheduler.runTaskTimer(__plugin,strobe,now,everySecond);
return this;

View file

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
// constructs a medieval fort
Drone.extend('fort', function(side, height)
if (typeof side == "undefined")
side = 18;
if (typeof height == "undefined")
height = 6;
// make sure side is even
if (side%2)
if (height < 4 || side < 10)
throw new java.lang.RuntimeException("Forts must be at least 10 wide X 4 tall");
var brick = 98;
// build walls.
// build battlements
for (i = 0;i <= 3;i++){
var turret = []; // solid brick corners
.up().box('50:5').down() // light a torch on each corner
turret.push('109:'+ Drone.PLAYER_STAIRS_FACING[this.dir]);
turret.push('109:'+ Drone.PLAYER_STAIRS_FACING[(this.dir+2)%4]);
self.sendMessage("ERROR: " + e.toString());
// build battlement's floor
var battlementWidth = 3;
if (side <= 12)
battlementWidth = 2;
// add door
var torch = '50:' + Drone.PLAYER_TORCH_FACING[this.dir];
this.move('fort').right((side/2)-1).door2() // double doors
.box(torch) // left torch
.box(torch); // right torch
// add ladder up to battlements
var ladder = '65:' + Drone.PLAYER_SIGN_FACING[(this.dir+2)%4];
this.move('fort').right((side/2)-3).fwd(1) // move inside fort
.box(ladder, 1,height-1,1);
return this.move('fort');

View file

@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
// Constructs the JS logo
// fg
// the material that the letters JS will be made of
// bg
// the material that the square will be made of
Drone.extend('logojs', function(fg, bg) {
// foreground defaults to gray wool
if (typeof fg == "undefined")
fg = '35:7';
// background defaults to gold blocks
if (typeof bg == "undefined")
bg = 41;
// Draw the sqaure
.box(bg, 100, 100, 1);
// Draw the J, starting with the hook
.box(fg, 1, 3, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 5, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 7, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 8, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 10, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 9, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 8, 1)
.box(fg, 2, 8, 1)
.box(fg, 4, 7, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 8, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 9, 1)
.box(fg, 3, 10, 1)
.box(fg, 2, 9, 1)
.box(fg, 2, 8, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 7, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 6, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 5, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 3, 1)
.box(fg, 10, 31, 1)
// Draw the S
// It's drawn in three strokes from bottom to top. Look for when
// it switches from .right() to .left() then back again
// move to starting point for S
// stroke 1
.box(fg, 1, 3, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 5, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 7, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 8, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 10, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 9, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 8, 1)
.box(fg, 2, 8, 1)
.box(fg, 4, 7, 1)
.box(fg, 2, 8, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 9, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 9, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 10, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 22, 1)
.box(fg, 2, 20, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 18, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 17, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 15, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 13, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 9, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 5, 1)
// stroke 2
.box(fg, 1, 9, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 9, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 8, 1)
.box(fg, 2, 8, 1)
.box(fg, 2, 7, 1)
.box(fg, 2, 7, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 8, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 8, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 9, 1)
.box(fg, 2, 19, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 17, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 16, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 14, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 10, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 6, 1)
// stroke 3
.box(fg, 1, 8, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 7, 1)
.box(fg, 2, 7, 1)
.box(fg, 4, 6, 1)
.box(fg, 2, 7, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 8, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 7, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 8, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 9, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 9, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 8, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 6, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 5, 1)
.box(fg, 1, 3, 1)
return this;
// Makes a cube of JS logos!
// This is a wrapper for logojs() so look at its docs
// Until the drone can rotate on its Z axis we can't
// use logojs() to create top/bottom sides of cube.
Drone.extend('logojscube', function(fg, bg) {
.logojs(fg, bg);
.logojs(fg, bg);
.logojs(fg, bg);
.logojs(fg, bg);
return this;

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
* Create a partial function
* Parameters:
* func - base function
* [remaining arguments] - arguments bound to the partial function
function partial(func /*, 0..n args */) {
var args =, 1);
return function() {
var allArguments = args.concat(;
return func.apply(this, allArguments);

View file

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
Drone.rainbow() method
Creates a Rainbow.
* radius (optional - default:18) - The radius of the rainbow
var d = new Drone();
![rainbow example](img/rainbowex1.png)
Drone.extend('rainbow', function(radius){
if (typeof radius == "undefined")
radius = 18;
// copy blocks.rainbow and add air at end (to compensate for strokewidth)
var colors = blocks.rainbow.slice(0);
for (var i = 0;i < colors.length; i++) {
var bm = this._getBlockIdAndMeta(colors[i]);
blockType: bm[0],
meta: bm[1],
radius: radius-i,
strokeWidth: 2,
quadrants: {topright: true,
topleft: true},
orientation: 'vertical'}).right().up();
return this.move('rainbow');

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
* Iterates over each cube in a cubic region. For each cube has a chance to callback your
* function and provide a new drone to it.
* Parameters:
* callback - any function that accepts a drone as its first argument
* probability - chance to invoke your callback on each iteration
* width - width of the region
* height - (Optional) height of the region, defaults to width
* depth - (Optional) depth of the cube, defaults to width
Drone.extend("rboxcall", function(callback, probability, width, height, depth) {
for(var i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
for(var j = 0; j < depth; ++j) {
for(var k = 0; k < height; ++k) {
if(Math.random()*100 < probability) {, new Drone(this.x, this.y, this.z));
return this;

View file

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
// usage:
// [1] to place a new block with redstone wire on it (block on bottom, redstone on top)
// /js wireblock(blocks.sandstone);
// [2] to drop wire on to an existing block
// /js wire()
// [3] to place a (redstone) torch on a new block
// /js torchblock(blocks.sandstone)
// [4] to place a repeater on a new block
// /js repeaterblock(blocks.sandstone)
// [5] To create a long redstone wire (with necessary repeaters, powererd by a single torch)
// /js wirestraight(blocks.sandstone, distance)
// [6] To create a 'road' with redstone torches and wire lining each side
// /js redstoneroad(blocks.stone, blocks.sandstone, 25)
.box(blockType,1,2,1) // 2 blocks tall, top block will be wire dropped on lower
.up();,this.y,this.z).setTypeId(55); //apply wire
return this.move('wireblock');
Drone.extend('wire',function ()
.up();,this.y,this.z).setTypeId(55); // apply wire
return this.move('wire');
Drone.extend('torchblock', function(blockType)
{,1,2,1) // 2 blocks tall
.up();,this.y,this.z).setTypeId(76); // apply torch
return this.down();
var block =,this.y,this.z);
block.setTypeId(94); // apply repeater
// redstone repeater dirs: north=0,east=1,south=2,west=3
var direction = [1,2,3,0][this.dir]; // convert drone dir to repeater dir.
return this.move('repeaterblock');
Drone.extend('wirestraight',function (blockType,distance)
for (var i = 1; i < distance; i++) {
if(i % 14 == 0)
return this.move('wirestraight');
Drone.extend('redstoneroad', function (roadBlockType, redstoneunderBlockType, distance)
return this.down()
.wirestraight(redstoneunderBlockType, distance)
.box(roadBlockType, 4,1,distance)
.wirestraight(redstoneunderBlockType, distance)

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@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
if (typeof floors == "undefined")
floors = 10;
for (var i = 0;i < floors; i++)
return this.move('skyscraper');

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@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
Drone.spiral_stairs() method
Constructs a spiral staircase with slabs at each corner.
* stairBlock - The block to use for stairs, should be one of the following...
- 'oak'
- 'spruce'
- 'birch'
- 'jungle'
- 'cobblestone'
- 'brick'
- 'stone'
- 'nether'
- 'sandstone'
- 'quartz'
* flights - The number of flights of stairs to build.
![Spiral Staircase](img/spiralstair1.png)
To construct a spiral staircase 5 floors high made of oak...
spiral_stairs('oak', 5);
Drone.extend("spiral_stairs",function(stairBlock, flights){
for (var i = 0; i < flights; i++){
.box(blocks.stairs[stairBlock] + ':' + Drone.PLAYER_STAIRS_FACING[this.dir])
.box(blocks.stairs[stairBlock] + ':' + Drone.PLAYER_STAIRS_FACING[this.dir])
return this.move('spiral_stairs');

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
* Creates a stream of blocks in a given direction until it hits something other than air
* Parameters:
* block - blockId
* dir - "up", "down", "left", "right", "fwd", "back
* maxIterations - (Optional) maximum number of cubes to generate, defaults to 1000
Drone.extend("streamer", function(block, dir, maxIterations) {
for(var i = 0; i < maxIterations||1000; ++i) {;
if(getBlock(this.x, this.y, this.z) !== "0:0") {
return this;

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
// constructs a mayan temple
Drone.extend('temple', function(side) {
if (!side) {
side = 20;
var stone = '98:1';
var stair = '109:' + Drone.PLAYER_STAIRS_FACING[this.dir];
while (side > 4) {
var middle = Math.round((side-2)/2);
.box(stone, side, 1, side)
side = side - 2;
return this.move('temple');

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
Drone.sphere() method
Creates a sphere.
* block - The block the sphere will be made of.
* radius - The radius of the sphere.
To create a sphere of Iron with a radius of 10 blocks...
sphere( blocks.iron, 10);
![sphere example](img/sphereex1.png)
Spheres are time-consuming to make. You *can* make large spheres (250 radius) but expect the
server to be very busy for a couple of minutes while doing so.
Drone.extend('sphere', function(block,radius)
var lastRadius = radius;
var slices = [[radius,0]];
var diameter = radius*2;
var bm = this._getBlockIdAndMeta(block);
var r2 = radius*radius;
for (var i = 0; i <= radius;i++){
var newRadius = Math.round(Math.sqrt(r2 - i*i));
if (newRadius == lastRadius)
lastRadius = newRadius;
// mid section
this.up(radius - slices[0][1])
.cylinder(block,radius,(slices[0][1]*2)-1,{blockType: bm[0],meta: bm[1]})
var yOffset = -1;
for (var i = 1; i < slices.length;i++)
yOffset += slices[i-1][1];
var sr = slices[i][0];
var sh = slices[i][1];
var v = radius + yOffset, h = radius-sr;
// northern hemisphere
.cylinder(block,sr,sh,{blockType: bm[0],meta: bm[1]})
// southern hemisphere
v = radius - (yOffset+sh+1);
.cylinder(block,sr,sh,{blockType: bm[0],meta: bm[1]})
.left(h).back(h). down(v);
return this.move('sphere');
Drone.sphere0() method
Creates an empty sphere.
* block - The block the sphere will be made of.
* radius - The radius of the sphere.
To create a sphere of Iron with a radius of 10 blocks...
sphere0( blocks.iron, 10);
Spheres are time-consuming to make. You *can* make large spheres (250 radius) but expect the
server to be very busy for a couple of minutes while doing so.
Drone.extend('sphere0', function(block,radius)
var lastRadius = radius;
var slices = [[radius,0]];
var diameter = radius*2;
var bm = this._getBlockIdAndMeta(block);
var r2 = radius*radius;
for (var i = 0; i <= radius;i++){
var newRadius = Math.round(Math.sqrt(r2 - i*i));
if (newRadius == lastRadius)
lastRadius = newRadius;
// mid section
//.cylinder(block,radius,(slices[0][1]*2)-1,{blockType: bm[0],meta: bm[1]})
this.up(radius - slices[0][1])
.arc({blockType: bm[0],
meta: bm[1],
radius: radius,
strokeWidth: 2,
stack: (slices[0][1]*2)-1,
fill: false
var yOffset = -1;
var len = slices.length;
for (var i = 1; i < len;i++)
yOffset += slices[i-1][1];
var sr = slices[i][0];
var sh = slices[i][1];
var v = radius + yOffset, h = radius-sr;
// northern hemisphere
// .cylinder(block,sr,sh,{blockType: bm[0],meta: bm[1]})
blockType: bm[0],
meta: bm[1],
radius: sr,
stack: sh,
fill: false,
strokeWidth: i<len-1?1+(sr-slices[i+1][0]):1
// southern hemisphere
v = radius - (yOffset+sh+1);
//.cylinder(block,sr,sh,{blockType: bm[0],meta: bm[1]})
blockType: bm[0],
meta: bm[1],
radius: sr,
stack: sh,
fill: false,
strokeWidth: i<len-1?1+(sr-slices[i+1][0]):1
.left(h).back(h). down(v);
return this;
Drone.hemisphere() method
Creates a hemisphere. Hemispheres can be either north or south.
* block - the block the hemisphere will be made of.
* radius - the radius of the hemisphere
* northSouth - whether the hemisphere is 'north' or 'south'
To create a wood 'north' hemisphere with a radius of 7 blocks...
hemisphere(blocks.oak, 7, 'north');
![hemisphere example](img/hemisphereex1.png)
Drone.extend('hemisphere', function(block,radius, northSouth){
var lastRadius = radius;
var slices = [[radius,0]];
var diameter = radius*2;
var bm = this._getBlockIdAndMeta(block);
var r2 = radius*radius;
for (var i = 0; i <= radius;i++){
var newRadius = Math.round(Math.sqrt(r2 - i*i));
if (newRadius == lastRadius)
lastRadius = newRadius;
// mid section
if (northSouth == "north"){
this.cylinder(block,radius,slices[0][1],{blockType: bm[0],meta: bm[1]});
} else {
this.up(radius - slices[0][1])
.cylinder(block,radius,slices[0][1],{blockType: bm[0],meta: bm[1]})
.down(radius - slices[0][1]);
var yOffset = -1;
for (var i = 1; i < slices.length;i++)
yOffset += slices[i-1][1];
var sr = slices[i][0];
var sh = slices[i][1];
var v = yOffset, h = radius-sr;
if (northSouth == "north") {
// northern hemisphere
.cylinder(block,sr,sh,{blockType: bm[0],meta: bm[1]})
// southern hemisphere
v = radius - (yOffset+sh+1);
.cylinder(block,sr,sh,{blockType: bm[0],meta: bm[1]})
.left(h).back(h). down(v);
return this.move('hsphere');
Drone.hemisphere0() method
Creates a hollow hemisphere. Hemispheres can be either north or south.
* block - the block the hemisphere will be made of.
* radius - the radius of the hemisphere
* northSouth - whether the hemisphere is 'north' or 'south'
To create a glass 'north' hemisphere with a radius of 20 blocks...
hemisphere0(, 20, 'north');
![hemisphere example](img/hemisphereex2.png)
Drone.extend('hemisphere0', function(block,radius,northSouth){
return this.hemisphere(block,radius,northSouth)

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@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
Drone.prototype.testHorizontalStrokeWidth = function(){
blockType: 42,
meta: 0,
radius: 8,
orientation: 'horizontal',
strokeWidth: 3,
quadrants: {topright:true,topleft:true,bottomleft:true,bottomright:true}
Drone.prototype.testVerticalStrokeWidth = function(){
blockType: 42,
meta: 0,
radius: 8,
orientation: 'vertical',
strokeWidth: 3,
quadrants: {topright:true,topleft:true,bottomleft:true,bottomright:true}