Removed chat plugin and SnowballFight mini-game - will be present in another repository soon to be made public.

This commit is contained in:
walterhiggins 2014-08-23 17:51:52 +01:00
parent c535f05fba
commit 9caf5b4bd6

View file

@ -292,7 +292,6 @@ Walter Higgins
* [Usage](#usage-10)
* [alias Plugin](#alias-plugin)
* [Examples](#examples-2)
* [chat Plugin](#chat-plugin)
* [Classroom Plugin](#classroom-plugin)
* [classroom.allowScripting() function](#classroomallowscripting-function)
* [Commando Plugin](#commando-plugin)
@ -307,8 +306,6 @@ Walter Higgins
* [NumberGuess mini-game:](#numberguess-mini-game)
* [Description](#description-1)
* [Example](#example-1)
* [SnowballFight mini-game](#snowballfight-mini-game)
* [Description](#description-2)
* [Cow Clicker Mini-Game](#cow-clicker-mini-game)
* [How to Play](#how-to-play)
* [Rules](#rules)
@ -4027,37 +4024,6 @@ Aliases can be used at the in-game prompt by players or in the server
console. Aliases will not be able to avail of command autocompletion
(pressing the TAB key will have no effect).
## chat Plugin
This plugin lets players choose a text color to use when chatting. Players can list colors by typing...
/jsp list_colors
... and can set the color to use when chatting by typing...
/jsp chat_color {color}
... where {color} is one of the following colors...
* black
* blue
* darkgreen
* darkaqua
* darkred
* purple
* gold
* gray
* darkgray
* indigo
* brightgreen
* aqua
* red
* pink
* yellow
* white
This plugin's source code is useful to study because it is short and demonstrates use of the `plugin()`, and `command()` functions, persistence and event handling.
## Classroom Plugin
The `classroom` object contains a couple of utility functions for use
@ -4289,47 +4255,6 @@ code is to demonstrate use of Bukkit's Conversation API.
Once the game begins, guess a number by typing the `/` character
followed by a number between 1 and 10.
## SnowballFight mini-game
### Description
This is a rough and ready prototype of a simple multi-player
shoot-em-up. To start a game with all players playing against one another...
/js new Game_SnowballFight(60).start();
... this obviously works best if all of the players are in close
proximity within the same game world. Alternatively you can have team
/js var redTeam = ['<player1>','<player2>',...etc]
/js var blueTeam = ['<player3>','<player4>,...etc]
/js var greenTeam = ['<player5>','<player6>,...etc]
/js new Game_SnowballFight(60, {red: redTeam,blue: blueTeam,green: greenTeam}).start();
Or you can just have specific players play against each other...
/js new Game_SnowballFight(60, ['player1','player2','player3']).start();
(where 'player1' etc are the names of actual players)
You specify the teams in the game as an object where each property's
name is a team name and each property's value is the list of players
on that team. You specify the duration of the game (in seconds) You
kick off the game with the start() method. I need to work on a
better in-game mechanism for players to choose teams and start the
game but this will do for now.
When the game starts, each player is put in survival mode and given
snowballs. The aim of the game is to hit players on opposing teams. If
you hit a player on your own team, you lose a point.
At the end of the game the scores for each team are broadcast and each
player returns to their previous mode of play (creative or
survival). Create a small arena with a couple of small buildings for
cover to make the game more fun.
## Cow Clicker Mini-Game
### How to Play