fixes issue

This commit is contained in:
walterhiggins 2016-09-10 17:14:36 +01:00
parent b330f06ea4
commit 9f7cdaab08
4 changed files with 486 additions and 12 deletions

View file

@ -496,10 +496,12 @@ Walter Higgins
* [How to Play](#how-to-play)
* [Rules](#rules)
* [Gameplay Mechanics](#gameplay-mechanics)
* [Items module](#items-module)
* [Items module (SpigotMC version)](#items-module-spigotmc-version)
* [Usage](#usage-13)
* [Entities module](#entities-module)
* [Items module (CanaryMod version)](#items-module-canarymod-version)
* [Usage](#usage-14)
* [Entities module](#entities-module)
* [Usage](#usage-15)
## Modules in Scriptcraft
@ -6285,7 +6287,445 @@ your own mini-game...
## Items module
## Items module (SpigotMC version)
The Items module provides a suite of functions - one for each possible item.
See for a list of possible items
### Usage; // returns org.bukkit.Material.BOOK; // returns a new org.bukkit.Material object with an amount 2 (2 books) itemType ); // compares itemType parameter to org.bukkit.Material.BOOK or an Item of type book
The following functions are provided:
* acaciaDoor()
* acaciaDoorItem()
* acaciaFence()
* acaciaFenceGate()
* acaciaStairs()
* activatorRail()
* air()
* anvil()
* apple()
* armorStand()
* arrow()
* bakedPotato()
* banner()
* barrier()
* beacon()
* bed()
* bedBlock()
* bedrock()
* beetroot()
* beetrootBlock()
* beetrootSeeds()
* beetrootSoup()
* birchDoor()
* birchDoorItem()
* birchFence()
* birchFenceGate()
* birchWoodStairs()
* blazePowder()
* blazeRod()
* boat()
* boatAcacia()
* boatBirch()
* boatDarkOak()
* boatJungle()
* boatSpruce()
* bone()
* boneBlock()
* book()
* bookAndQuill()
* bookshelf()
* bow()
* bowl()
* bread()
* brewingStand()
* brewingStandItem()
* brick()
* brickStairs()
* brownMushroom()
* bucket()
* burningFurnace()
* cactus()
* cake()
* cakeBlock()
* carpet()
* carrot()
* carrotItem()
* carrotStick()
* cauldron()
* cauldronItem()
* chainmailBoots()
* chainmailChestplate()
* chainmailHelmet()
* chainmailLeggings()
* chest()
* chorusFlower()
* chorusFruit()
* chorusFruitPopped()
* chorusPlant()
* clay()
* clayBall()
* clayBrick()
* coal()
* coalBlock()
* coalOre()
* cobbleWall()
* cobblestone()
* cobblestoneStairs()
* cocoa()
* command()
* commandChain()
* commandMinecart()
* commandRepeating()
* compass()
* cookedBeef()
* cookedChicken()
* cookedFish()
* cookedMutton()
* cookedRabbit()
* cookie()
* crops()
* darkOakDoor()
* darkOakDoorItem()
* darkOakFence()
* darkOakFenceGate()
* darkOakStairs()
* daylightDetector()
* daylightDetectorInverted()
* deadBush()
* detectorRail()
* diamond()
* diamondAxe()
* diamondBarding()
* diamondBlock()
* diamondBoots()
* diamondChestplate()
* diamondHelmet()
* diamondHoe()
* diamondLeggings()
* diamondOre()
* diamondPickaxe()
* diamondSpade()
* diamondSword()
* diode()
* diodeBlockOff()
* diodeBlockOn()
* dirt()
* dispenser()
* doublePlant()
* doubleStep()
* doubleStoneSlab2()
* dragonEgg()
* dragonsBreath()
* dropper()
* egg()
* elytra()
* emerald()
* emeraldBlock()
* emeraldOre()
* emptyMap()
* enchantedBook()
* enchantmentTable()
* endBricks()
* endCrystal()
* endGateway()
* endRod()
* enderChest()
* enderPearl()
* enderPortal()
* enderPortalFrame()
* enderStone()
* expBottle()
* explosiveMinecart()
* eyeOfEnder()
* feather()
* fence()
* fenceGate()
* fermentedSpiderEye()
* fire()
* fireball()
* firework()
* fireworkCharge()
* fishingRod()
* flint()
* flintAndSteel()
* flowerPot()
* flowerPotItem()
* frostedIce()
* furnace()
* ghastTear()
* glass()
* glassBottle()
* glowingRedstoneOre()
* glowstone()
* glowstoneDust()
* goldAxe()
* goldBarding()
* goldBlock()
* goldBoots()
* goldChestplate()
* goldHelmet()
* goldHoe()
* goldIngot()
* goldLeggings()
* goldNugget()
* goldOre()
* goldPickaxe()
* goldPlate()
* goldRecord()
* goldSpade()
* goldSword()
* goldenApple()
* goldenCarrot()
* grass()
* grassPath()
* gravel()
* greenRecord()
* grilledPork()
* hardClay()
* hayBlock()
* hopper()
* hopperMinecart()
* hugeMushroom1()
* hugeMushroom2()
* ice()
* inkSack()
* ironAxe()
* ironBarding()
* ironBlock()
* ironBoots()
* ironChestplate()
* ironDoor()
* ironDoorBlock()
* ironFence()
* ironHelmet()
* ironHoe()
* ironIngot()
* ironLeggings()
* ironOre()
* ironPickaxe()
* ironPlate()
* ironSpade()
* ironSword()
* ironTrapdoor()
* itemFrame()
* jackOLantern()
* jukebox()
* jungleDoor()
* jungleDoorItem()
* jungleFence()
* jungleFenceGate()
* jungleWoodStairs()
* ladder()
* lapisBlock()
* lapisOre()
* lava()
* lavaBucket()
* leash()
* leather()
* leatherBoots()
* leatherChestplate()
* leatherHelmet()
* leatherLeggings()
* leaves()
* leaves2()
* lever()
* lingeringPotion()
* log()
* log2()
* longGrass()
* magma()
* magmaCream()
* map()
* melon()
* melonBlock()
* melonSeeds()
* melonStem()
* milkBucket()
* minecart()
* mobSpawner()
* monsterEgg()
* monsterEggs()
* mossyCobblestone()
* mushroomSoup()
* mutton()
* mycel()
* nameTag()
* netherBrick()
* netherBrickItem()
* netherBrickStairs()
* netherFence()
* netherStalk()
* netherStar()
* netherWartBlock()
* netherWarts()
* netherrack()
* noteBlock()
* obsidian()
* packedIce()
* painting()
* paper()
* pistonBase()
* pistonExtension()
* pistonMovingPiece()
* pistonStickyBase()
* poisonousPotato()
* pork()
* portal()
* potato()
* potatoItem()
* potion()
* poweredMinecart()
* poweredRail()
* prismarine()
* prismarineCrystals()
* prismarineShard()
* pumpkin()
* pumpkinPie()
* pumpkinSeeds()
* pumpkinStem()
* purpurBlock()
* purpurDoubleSlab()
* purpurPillar()
* purpurSlab()
* purpurStairs()
* quartz()
* quartzBlock()
* quartzOre()
* quartzStairs()
* rabbit()
* rabbitFoot()
* rabbitHide()
* rabbitStew()
* rails()
* rawBeef()
* rawChicken()
* rawFish()
* record10()
* record11()
* record12()
* record3()
* record4()
* record5()
* record6()
* record7()
* record8()
* record9()
* redMushroom()
* redNetherBrick()
* redRose()
* redSandstone()
* redSandstoneStairs()
* redstone()
* redstoneBlock()
* redstoneComparator()
* redstoneComparatorOff()
* redstoneComparatorOn()
* redstoneLampOff()
* redstoneLampOn()
* redstoneOre()
* redstoneTorchOff()
* redstoneTorchOn()
* redstoneWire()
* rottenFlesh()
* saddle()
* sand()
* sandstone()
* sandstoneStairs()
* sapling()
* seaLantern()
* seeds()
* shears()
* shield()
* sign()
* signPost()
* skull()
* skullItem()
* slimeBall()
* slimeBlock()
* smoothBrick()
* smoothStairs()
* snow()
* snowBall()
* snowBlock()
* soil()
* soulSand()
* speckledMelon()
* spectralArrow()
* spiderEye()
* splashPotion()
* sponge()
* spruceDoor()
* spruceDoorItem()
* spruceFence()
* spruceFenceGate()
* spruceWoodStairs()
* stainedClay()
* stainedGlass()
* stainedGlassPane()
* standingBanner()
* stationaryLava()
* stationaryWater()
* step()
* stick()
* stone()
* stoneAxe()
* stoneButton()
* stoneHoe()
* stonePickaxe()
* stonePlate()
* stoneSlab2()
* stoneSpade()
* stoneSword()
* storageMinecart()
* string()
* structureBlock()
* structureVoid()
* sugar()
* sugarCane()
* sugarCaneBlock()
* sulphur()
* thinGlass()
* tippedArrow()
* tnt()
* torch()
* trapDoor()
* trappedChest()
* tripwire()
* tripwireHook()
* vine()
* wallBanner()
* wallSign()
* watch()
* water()
* waterBucket()
* waterLily()
* web()
* wheat()
* wood()
* woodAxe()
* woodButton()
* woodDoor()
* woodDoubleStep()
* woodHoe()
* woodPickaxe()
* woodPlate()
* woodSpade()
* woodStairs()
* woodStep()
* woodSword()
* woodenDoor()
* wool()
* workbench()
* writtenBook()
* yellowFlower()
## Items module (CanaryMod version)
The Items module provides a suite of functions - one for each possible item.
See for a list of possible items
@ -6836,7 +7276,7 @@ The Entities module provides a suite of functions - one for each possible entity
### Usage
entities.zombie(); // returns a canaryMod/Bukkit EntityType.ZOMBIE enum value
entities.zombie(); // returns a SpigotMC/CanaryMod EntityType.ZOMBIE enum value
entities.zombie( mob ); // compares the entity's type to a zombie, returns true if mob type is zombie, false otherwise
entities.player( self ); // at the in-game prompt this should return true (compares self to a player entity type)
entities.rabbit( self ); // at the in-game prompt this should return false (compares self to a rabbit entity type)

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ public class jscript file = new[0]);
FileReader fr = new;

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ var content = [
'### Usage',
' entities.zombie(); // returns a canaryMod/Bukkit EntityType.ZOMBIE enum value',
' entities.zombie(); // returns a SpigotMC/CanaryMod EntityType.ZOMBIE enum value',
' entities.zombie( mob ); // compares the entity\'s type to a zombie, returns true if mob type is zombie, false otherwise',
' entities.player( self ); // at the in-game prompt this should return true (compares self to a player entity type)',
' entities.rabbit( self ); // at the in-game prompt this should return false (compares self to a rabbit entity type)',

View file

@ -5,7 +5,39 @@ var out = java.lang.System.out,
entry = null;
var content = [
'## Items module',
'## Items module (SpigotMC version)',
'The Items module provides a suite of functions - one for each possible item.',
'See for a list of possible items',
'### Usage',
'; // returns org.bukkit.Material.BOOK',
'; // returns a new org.bukkit.Material object with an amount 2 (2 books)',
' itemType ); // compares itemType parameter to org.bukkit.Material.BOOK or an Item of type book',
'The following functions are provided:',
var enumVals = [], t, i, name;
var types = org.bukkit.Material.values();
for (t in types) {
if (types[t] && types[t].ordinal) {
name = ('' + types[t].name()).toLowerCase();
name = name.replace(/(_.)/g,function(a){ return a.replace(/_/,'').toUpperCase(); });
enumVals.push(' * ' + name + '()');
content = content.concat(enumVals);
for (i = 0; i< content.length; i++){
content = [
'## Items module (CanaryMod version)',
'The Items module provides a suite of functions - one for each possible item.',
'See for a list of possible items',
@ -20,16 +52,18 @@ var content = [
//var ItemType = java.lang.Class.forName('net.canarymod.api.inventory.ItemType');
var materials = itemTypeClass.getDeclaredFields();
var materials = cmItemTypeClass.getDeclaredFields();
var enumVals = [];
for (var i = 0;i < materials.length; i++ ){
enumVals = [];
for ( i = 0;i < materials.length; i++ ){
if (materials[i].type != itemTypeClass) {
if (materials[i].type != cmItemTypeClass) {
var materialField = materials[i];
var name = (''^(.)/,function(a){ return a.toLowerCase() });
name = (''^(.)/,function(a){
return a.toLowerCase() ;
enumVals.push(' * ' + name + '()');