Updated alias to support aliases without 'jsp' prefix, added 'console' global variable

This commit is contained in:
walterhiggins 2013-12-27 22:50:13 +00:00
parent d4fe3f9b1b
commit a7a4bf79a1
4 changed files with 271 additions and 183 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
## console global variable
ScriptCraft provides a `console` global variable with the followng methods...
* log()
* info()
* warn()
* error()
The ScriptCraft console methods work like the Web API implementation.
### Example
console.log('Hello %s', 'world');
Basic variable substitution is supported (ScriptCraft's implementation
of console uses the Bukkit Plugin [Logger][lgr] under the hood and
uses [java.lang.String.format()][strfmt] for variable
substitution. All output will be sent to the server console (not
[lgr]: http://jd.bukkit.org/beta/apidocs/org/bukkit/plugin/PluginLogger.html
[strfmt]: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/String.html#format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...)
var argsToArray = function(args){
var result = [];
for (var i =0;i < args.length; i++)
return result;
var log = function(level, restOfArgs){
var args = argsToArray(restOfArgs);
if (args.length > 1){
var msg = java.lang.String.format(args[0],args.slice(1));
logger['log(java.util.logging.Level,java.lang.String)'](level, args[0]);
var Level = java.util.logging.Level;
exports.log = function(){
log(Level.INFO, arguments);
exports.info = function(){
log(Level.INFO, arguments);
exports.warn = function(){
log(Level.WARNING, arguments);
exports.error = function(){
log(Level.SEVERE, arguments);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
var _commands = require('plugin').commands;
Tab completion for the /jsp commmand
var __onTabCompleteJSP = function() {
var result = global.__onTC_result;
var args = global.__onTC_args;
var cmdInput = args[0];
var cmd = _commands[cmdInput];
if (cmd){
var opts = cmd.options;
var len = opts.length;
if (args.length == 1){
for (var i = 0;i < len; i++)
// partial e.g. /jsp chat_color dar
for (var i = 0;i < len; i++){
if (opts[i].indexOf(args[1]) == 0){
if (args.length == 0){
for (var i in _commands)
// partial e.g. /jsp al
// should tabcomplete to alias
for (var c in _commands){
if (c.indexOf(cmdInput) == 0){
return result;
module.exports = __onTabCompleteJSP;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
var tabCompleteJSP = require('tabcomplete-jsp');
Tab Completion of the /js and /jsp commands
var _isJavaObject = function(o){
var result = false;
try {
}catch (e){
// java will throw an error when an attempt is made to access the
// hasOwnProperty method. (it won't exist for Java objects)
result = true;
return result;
var _javaLangObjectMethods = [
var _getProperties = function(o)
var result = [];
if (_isJavaObject(o))
for (var i in o)
// don't include standard Object methods
var isObjectMethod = false;
for (var j = 0;j < _javaLangObjectMethods.length; j++)
if (_javaLangObjectMethods[j] == i)
continue propertyLoop;
var typeofProperty = null;
try {
typeofProperty = typeof o[i];
}catch( e ){
if (e.message == 'java.lang.IllegalStateException: Entity not leashed'){
// wph 20131020 fail silently for Entity leashing in craftbukkit
throw e;
if (typeofProperty == 'function' )
if (o.constructor == Array)
return result;
for (var i in o){
if (i.match(/^[^_]/)){
if (typeof o[i] == 'function')
return result.sort();
var onTabCompleteJS = function() {
if (__onTC_cmd.name == 'jsp')
return tabCompleteJSP()
var _globalSymbols = _getProperties(global)
var result = global.__onTC_result;
var args = global.__onTC_args;
var lastArg = args.length?args[args.length-1]+'':null;
var propsOfLastArg = [];
var statement = args.join(' ');
statement = statement.replace(/^\s+/,'').replace(/\s+$/,'');
if (statement.length == 0)
propsOfLastArg = _globalSymbols;
var statementSyms = statement.split(/[^\$a-zA-Z0-9_\.]/);
var lastSymbol = statementSyms[statementSyms.length-1];
//print('DEBUG: lastSymbol=[' + lastSymbol + ']');
// try to complete the object ala java IDEs.
var parts = lastSymbol.split(/\./);
var name = parts[0];
var symbol = global[name];
var lastGoodSymbol = symbol;
if (typeof symbol != 'undefined')
for (var i = 1; i < parts.length;i++){
name = parts[i];
symbol = symbol[name];
if (typeof symbol == 'undefined')
lastGoodSymbol = symbol;
if (typeof symbol == 'undefined'){
// look up partial matches against last good symbol
var objectProps = _getProperties(lastGoodSymbol);
if (name == ''){
// if the last symbol looks like this..
// ScriptCraft.
for (var i =0;i < objectProps.length;i++){
var candidate = lastSymbol + objectProps[i];
var re = new RegExp(lastSymbol + '$','g');
// it looks like this..
// ScriptCraft.co
//print('debug:case Y: ScriptCraft.co');
var li = statement.lastIndexOf(name);
for (var i = 0; i < objectProps.length;i++){
if (objectProps[i].indexOf(name) == 0)
var candidate = lastSymbol.substring(0,lastSymbol.lastIndexOf(name));
candidate = candidate + objectProps[i];
var re = new RegExp(lastSymbol+ '$','g');
//print('DEBUG: re=' + re + ',lastSymbol='+lastSymbol+',lastArg=' + lastArg + ',candidate=' + candidate);
//print('debug:case Z:ScriptCraft');
var objectProps = _getProperties(symbol);
for (var i = 0; i < objectProps.length; i++){
var re = new RegExp(lastSymbol+ '$','g');
propsOfLastArg.push(lastArg.replace(re,lastSymbol + '.' + objectProps[i]));
//print('debug:case AB:ScriptCr');
// loop thru globalSymbols looking for a good match
for (var i = 0;i < _globalSymbols.length; i++){
if (_globalSymbols[i].indexOf(lastSymbol) == 0){
var possibleCompletion = _globalSymbols[i];
var re = new RegExp(lastSymbol+ '$','g');
for (var i = 0;i < propsOfLastArg.length; i++)
module.exports = onTabCompleteJS;

View file

@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
# SnowballFight mini-game
## Description
This is a rough and ready prototype of a simple multi-player
shoot-em-up. To start a game with all players playing against one another...
/js new Game_SnowballFight(60).start();
... this obviously works best if all of the players are in close
proximity within the same game world. Alternatively you can have team
/js var redTeam = ['<player1>','<player2>',...etc]
/js var blueTeam = ['<player3>','<player4>,...etc]
/js var greenTeam = ['<player5>','<player6>,...etc]
/js new Game_SnowballFight(60, {red: redTeam,blue: blueTeam,green: greenTeam}).start();
Or you can just have specific players play against each other...
/js new Game_SnowballFight(60, ['player1','player2','player3']).start();
(where 'player1' etc are the names of actual players)
You specify the teams in the game as an object where each property's
name is a team name and each property's value is the list of players
on that team. You specify the duration of the game (in seconds) You
kick off the game with the start() method. I need to work on a
better in-game mechanism for players to choose teams and start the
game but this will do for now.
When the game starts, each player is put in survival mode and given
snowballs. The aim of the game is to hit players on opposing teams. If
you hit a player on your own team, you lose a point.
At the end of the game the scores for each team are broadcast and each
player returns to their previous mode of play (creative or
survival). Create a small arena with a couple of small buildings for
cover to make the game more fun.
var _startGame = function(gameState){
// don't let game start if already in progress (wait for game to finish)
if (gameState.inProgress){
gameState.inProgress = true;
// reset timer
gameState.duration = gameState.originalDuration;
// put all players in survival mode and give them each 200 snowballs
// 64 snowballs for every 30 seconds should be more than enough
for (var i = 10;i < gameState.duration;i+=10)
for (var teamName in gameState.teams)
gameState.teamScores[teamName] = 0;
var team = gameState.teams[teamName];
for (var i = 0;i < team.length;i++) {
var player = server.getPlayer(team[i]);
gameState.savedModes[player.name] = player.gameMode;
player.gameMode = org.bukkit.GameMode.SURVIVAL;
end the game
var _endGame = function(gameState){
var scores = [];
var leaderBoard = [];
for (var tn in gameState.teamScores){
leaderBoard.sort(function(a,b){ return b[1] - a[1];});
for (var i = 0;i < leaderBoard.length; i++){
scores.push("Team " + leaderBoard[i][0] + " scored " + leaderBoard[i][1]);
for (var teamName in gameState.teams) {
var team = gameState.teams[teamName];
for (var i = 0;i < team.length;i++) {
// restore player's previous game mode and take back snowballs
var player = server.getPlayer(team[i]);
player.gameMode = gameState.savedModes[player.name];
player.sendMessage("GAME OVER.");
var handlerList = org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent.getHandlerList();
gameState.inProgress = false;
get the team the player belongs to
var _getTeam = function(player,pteams) {
for (var teamName in pteams) {
var team = pteams[teamName];
for (var i = 0;i < team.length; i++)
if (team[i] == player.name)
return teamName;
return null;
construct a new game
var createGame = function(duration, teams) {
var _snowBalls = new org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack(org.bukkit.Material.SNOW_BALL, 64);
var _gameState = {
teams: teams,
duration: duration,
originalDuration: duration,
inProgress: false,
teamScores: {},
listener: null,
savedModes: {},
ammo: [_snowBalls]
if (typeof duration == "undefined"){
duration = 60;
if (typeof teams == "undefined"){
wph 20130511 use all players
teams = [];
var players = server.onlinePlayers;
for (var i = 0;i < players.length; i++){
// allow for teams param to be either {red:['player1','player2'],blue:['player3']} or
// ['player1','player2','player3'] if all players are against each other (no teams)
if (teams instanceof Array){
_gameState.teams = {};
for (var i = 0;i < teams.length; i++)
_gameState.teams[teams[i]] = [teams[i]];
this function is called every time a player is damaged by another entity/player
var _onSnowballHit = function(l,event){
var snowball = event.damager;
if (!snowball || !(snowball instanceof org.bukkit.entity.Snowball))
var throwersTeam = _getTeam(snowball.shooter,_gameState.teams);
var damageeTeam = _getTeam(event.entity,_gameState.teams);
if (!throwersTeam || !damageeTeam)
return; // thrower/damagee wasn't in game
if (throwersTeam != damageeTeam)
return {
start: function() {
_gameState.listener = events.on('entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent',_onSnowballHit);
new java.lang.Thread(function(){
while (_gameState.duration--)
java.lang.Thread.sleep(1000); // sleep 1,000 millisecs (1 second)
exports.Game_SnowballFight = createGame;