diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 9dc3bf9..9b115bc 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -14,17 +14,18 @@ ScriptCraft uses Rhino (The built-in javascript interpreter that comes with curr As of Dec 27 2012, the ScriptCraft mod includes just a few built-in objects and functions to make building easier. - * help() - Brings up a short help message. * print(message) - prints a message on the command screen. e.g. `/js print(1+3);` - * load('path-to-script.js') - lets you load and execute any javascript source file. Calling load() with no parameters will bring up a File Chooser dialog. (In the context of script files, the $SCRIPT js variable will refer to the current script filename and $SCRIPTPATH refers to the directory in which the current script resides.) - * player - the Player object - unfortunately this isn't currently useful as its properties are obfuscated. - * world - The minecraft world object - again - all properties are currently obfuscated. * getMousePos() - A function which returns the current position of the cross-hairs (if a block is selected) * getPlayerPos() - A function which returns the current position of the player. * putBlock(x,y,z,blockId,metaData) - A function which lets you place a block anywhere (if no coordinates are given the block the player is currently looking at is replaced). * getBlock(x,y,z) - returns the blockId and metadata at the given location (if no coordinates are given the cross-hair location is used) * putSign(String[] texts, x,y,z,blockId, metaData) - A function which lets you place a sign. +Functions in MCP version of Scriptcraft (no longer supported). + + * help() - Brings up a short help message. + * load('path-to-script.js') - lets you load and execute any javascript source file. Calling load() with no parameters will bring up a File Chooser dialog. (In the context of script files, the $SCRIPT js variable will refer to the current script filename and $SCRIPTPATH refers to the directory in which the current script resides.) + The above primitives can be used to create buildings which would otherwise be time-consuming to create manually. It is highly recommended using the attached drone.js javascript module which provides a fluent API for building. The Javascript `Drone` class provides a much richer API which can be used to construct buildings. See the attached @@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ The Javascript `Drone` class provides a much richer API which can be used to con Prerequisites ============= -(Minecraft Coder Pack Only - [Bukkit users go here][buk] +(Minecraft Coder Pack Only - [Bukkit users go here][buk] ) You will need to install Rhino (A javascript implementation for java) if it is not already installed. Type... @@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ http://mcp.ocean-labs.de/index.php/Main_Page Installing ========== -(Minecraft Coder Pack only - [Bukkit users go here][buk]. +(Minecraft Coder Pack only - [Bukkit users go here][buk]. ) Once you've installed Minecraft Coder Pack (MCP) and Rhino... 1. Copy the CommandScript.java file to the src/minecraft/net/minecraft/src/ located in the directory where you installed MCP.