Tweaks to documentation (examples and all files in same directory sorted alphabetically except where precedence regexp present)
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 447 additions and 418 deletions
@ -570,92 +570,6 @@ To listen for events using a full class name as the `eventName` parameter...
## Example Plugin #7
A simple event-driven minecraft plugin. How to handle Events.
This example demonstrates event-driven programming. The code below
will display the version of ScriptCraft every time an operator joins
the game. This module is notable from previous modules for the
following reasons...
1. It does not export any functions or variables. That's fine. Not
all modules need export stuff. Code in this module will be
executed when the module is first loaded. Because it is in the
`/scriptcraft/plugins` directory, it will be loaded automatically
when the server starts up.
2. It uses ScriptCraft's `events.on()` function to add a new *Event
Handler*. An *Event Handler* is a just a function which gets
called whenever a particular *event* happens in the game. The
function defined below will only be executed whenever a player
joins the game. This style of program is sometimes refered to as
*Event-Driven Programming*.
Adding new *Event Handlers* in ScriptCraft is relatively easy. Use the
`events.on()` function to add a new event handler. It takes 2
1. The Event Name, in this case `'player.PlayerJoinEvent'`. You can
browse [all possible Bukkit events][bkevts] (click the 'Next
Package' and 'Previous Package' links to browse).
2. The event handling function (also sometimes refered to as a
'callback'). In ScriptCraft, this function takes 2 parameters, a
listener object and an event object. All of the information about
the event is in the event object.
In the example below, if a player joins the server and is an operator,
then the ScriptCraft plugin information will be displayed to that
What's also notable about this example is how it uses the [Bukkit
API][bkapi]. The code...
if (event.player.op)
... is a succinct way of accessing object properties which in Java
would have to be written as ...
if (event.getPlayer().isOp())
... ScriptCraft uses a special version of JavaScript which comes
bundled with Java (Minecraft is written in Java) and JavaScript in
Java can access properties of Java objects more succinctly than in
Java itself. What this means in practice is that when you're perusing
the [Bukkit API Reference][bkapi] and come across a method like
[Player.getAllowFlight()][bkgaf], you can write code like this...
var allowFlight = player.getAllowFlight(); // java style
... or the more succinct ...
var allowFlight = player.allowFlight; // javascript style
... Which style you choose is up to you but `player.allowFlight` is
cleaner and more readable. Similarly where you see a method like
[Player.setAllowFlight()][bksaf], you can write ...
player.setAllowFlight(true); // java style
... or the more readable...
player.allowFlight = true; // javascript style
... Which style you choose is up to you.
events.on('player.PlayerJoinEvent', function (listener, event){
if (event.player.op) {
event.player.sendMessage('Welcome to ' + __plugin);
## console global variable
ScriptCraft provides a `console` global variable with the followng methods...
@ -690,6 +604,58 @@ ScriptCraft uses Java's [String.format()][strfmt] so any string substitution ide
[strfmt]:, java.lang.Object...)
## Blocks Module
You hate having to lookup [Data Values][dv] when you use ScriptCraft's
Drone() functions. So do I. So I created this blocks object which is
a helper object for use in construction.
### Examples
box( blocks.oak ); // creates a single oak wood block
box( blocks.sand, 3, 2, 1 ); // creates a block of sand 3 wide x 2 high x 1 long
box(, 2 ); // creates a block of green wool 2 blocks wide
Color aliased properties that were a direct descendant of the blocks
object are no longer used to avoid confusion with carpet and stained
clay blocks. In addition, there's a convenience array `blocks.rainbow`
which is an array of the 7 colors of the rainbow (or closest
The blocks module is globally exported by the Drone module.
## Fireworks Module
The fireworks module makes it easy to create fireworks using
ScriptCraft. The module has a single function `firework` which takes
a `org.bukkit.Location` as its 1 and only parameter.
### Examples
The module also extends the `Drone` object adding a `firework` method
so that fireworks can be created as a part of a Drone chain. For
/js firework()
... creates a single firework, while ....
/js firework().fwd(3).times(5)
... creates 5 fireworks in a row. Fireworks have also been added as a
possible option for the `arrow` module. To have a firework launch
where an arrow strikes...
/js arrows.firework()
To call the fireworks.firework() function directly, you must provide a
location. For example...
/js var fireworks = require('fireworks');
/js fireworks.firework(self.location);

## http.request() function
The http.request() function will fetch a web address asynchronously (on a
@ -730,6 +696,47 @@ The following example illustrates how to use http.request to make a request to a
var jsObj = eval("(" + responseBody + ")");
String class extensions
The following chat-formatting methods are added to the javascript String class..
* aqua()
* black()
* blue()
* bold()
* brightgreen()
* darkaqua()
* darkblue()
* darkgray()
* darkgreen()
* purple()
* darkpurple()
* darkred()
* gold()
* gray()
* green()
* italic()
* lightpurple()
* indigo()
* green()
* red()
* pink()
* yellow()
* white()
* strike()
* random()
* magic()
* underline()
* reset()
/js var boldGoldText = "Hello World".bold().gold();
/js self.sendMessage(boldGoldText);
<p style="color:gold;font-weight:bold">Hello World</p>
## Utilities Module
The `utils` module is a storehouse for various useful utility
@ -1001,99 +1008,6 @@ a given directory and recursiving trawling all sub-directories.
return name.match(/\.js$/);
String class extensions
The following chat-formatting methods are added to the javascript String class..
* aqua()
* black()
* blue()
* bold()
* brightgreen()
* darkaqua()
* darkblue()
* darkgray()
* darkgreen()
* purple()
* darkpurple()
* darkred()
* gold()
* gray()
* green()
* italic()
* lightpurple()
* indigo()
* green()
* red()
* pink()
* yellow()
* white()
* strike()
* random()
* magic()
* underline()
* reset()
/js var boldGoldText = "Hello World".bold().gold();
/js self.sendMessage(boldGoldText);
<p style="color:gold;font-weight:bold">Hello World</p>
## Blocks Module
You hate having to lookup [Data Values][dv] when you use ScriptCraft's
Drone() functions. So do I. So I created this blocks object which is
a helper object for use in construction.
### Examples
box( blocks.oak ); // creates a single oak wood block
box( blocks.sand, 3, 2, 1 ); // creates a block of sand 3 wide x 2 high x 1 long
box(, 2 ); // creates a block of green wool 2 blocks wide
Color aliased properties that were a direct descendant of the blocks
object are no longer used to avoid confusion with carpet and stained
clay blocks. In addition, there's a convenience array `blocks.rainbow`
which is an array of the 7 colors of the rainbow (or closest
The blocks module is globally exported by the Drone module.
## Fireworks Module
The fireworks module makes it easy to create fireworks using
ScriptCraft. The module has a single function `firework` which takes
a `org.bukkit.Location` as its 1 and only parameter.
### Examples
The module also extends the `Drone` object adding a `firework` method
so that fireworks can be created as a part of a Drone chain. For
/js firework()
... creates a single firework, while ....
/js firework().fwd(3).times(5)
... creates 5 fireworks in a row. Fireworks have also been added as a
possible option for the `arrow` module. To have a firework launch
where an arrow strikes...
/js arrows.firework()
To call the fireworks.firework() function directly, you must provide a
location. For example...
/js var fireworks = require('fireworks');
/js fireworks.firework(self.location);

Drone Module
The Drone is a convenience class for building. It can be used for...
@ -1813,6 +1727,21 @@ To create a 2-line high message using glowstone...
[imgbt1]: img/blocktype1.png
## Drone.rainbow() method
Creates a Rainbow.
### Parameters
* radius (optional - default:18) - The radius of the rainbow
### Example
var d = new Drone();

## Drone.sphere() method
Creates a sphere.
@ -1887,21 +1816,6 @@ To create a glass 'north' hemisphere with a radius of 20 blocks...

## Drone.rainbow() method
Creates a Rainbow.
### Parameters
* radius (optional - default:18) - The radius of the rainbow
### Example
var d = new Drone();

## Drone.spiral_stairs() method
Constructs a spiral staircase with slabs at each corner.
@ -1929,6 +1843,272 @@ To construct a spiral staircase 5 floors high made of oak...
spiral_stairs('oak', 5);
## Example Plugin #1
A simple minecraft plugin. The most basic module.
### Usage:
At the in-game prompt type ...
/js hello(self)
... and a message `Hello {player-name}` will appear (where
{player-name} is replaced by your own name).
This example demonstrates the basics of adding new functionality which
is only usable by server operators or users with the
scriptcraft.evaluate permission. By default, only ops are granted this
The `hello` function below is only usable by players with the scriptcraft.evaluate
permission since it relies on the `/js` command to execute.
exports.hello = function(player){
player.sendMessage('Hello ' +;
## Example Plugin #2
A simple minecraft plugin. Commands for other players.
### Usage:
At the in-game prompt type ...
/jsp hello
... and a message `Hello {player-name}` will appear (where {player-name} is
replaced by your own name).
This example demonstrates the basics of adding new functionality
which is usable all players or those with the scriptcraft.proxy
permission. By default, all players are granted this permission.
This differs from example 1 in that a new 'jsp ' command extension
is defined. Since all players can use the `jsp` command, all players
can use the new extension. Unlike the previous example, the `jsp hello`
command does not evaluate javascript code so this command is much more secure.
command('hello', function (parameters, player) {
player.sendMessage('Hello ' +;
## Example Plugin #3
A simple minecraft plugin. Commands for operators only.
### Usage:
At the in-game prompt type ...
/jsp op-hello
... and a message `Hello {player-name}` will appear (where {player-name} is
replaced by your own name).
This example demonstrates the basics of adding new functionality
which is usable all players or those with the scriptcraft.proxy
permission. By default, all players are granted this permission. In
this command though, the function checks to see if the player is an
operator and if they aren't will return immediately.
This differs from example 2 in that the function will only print a
message for operators.
command('op-hello', function (parameters, player) {
if (!player.op){
player.sendMessage('Only operators can do this.');
player.sendMessage('Hello ' +;
## Example Plugin #4
A simple minecraft plugin. Handling parameters.
### Usage:
At the in-game prompt type ...
/jsp hello-params Hi
/jsp hello-params Saludos
/jsp hello-params Greetings
... and a message `Hi {player-name}` or `Saludos {player-name}` etc
will appear (where {player-name} is replaced by your own name).
This example demonstrates adding and using parameters in commands.
This differs from example 3 in that the greeting can be changed from
a fixed 'Hello ' to anything you like by passing a parameter.
command('hello-params', function (parameters, player) {
var salutation = parameters[0] ;
player.sendMessage( salutation + ' ' +;
## Example Plugin #5
A simple minecraft plugin. Using Modules.
### Usage:
At the in-game prompt type ...
/jsp hello-module
... and a message `Hello {player-name}` will appear (where {player-name} is
replaced by your own name).
This example demonstrates the use of modules. In
example-1-hello-module.js we created a new javascript module. In
this example, we use that module...
* We load the module using the `require()` function. Because this
module and the module we require are n the same directory, we
specify `'./example-1-hello-module'` as the path (when loading a
module from the same directory, `./` at the start of the path
indicates that the file should be searched for in the same
* We assign the loaded module to a variable (`greetings`) and then
use the module's `hello` method to display the message.
Source Code...
var greetings = require('./example-1-hello-module');
command('hello-module', function( parameters, player ){
## Example Plugin #6
A simple minecraft plugin. Finding players by name.
### Usage:
At the in-game prompt type ...
/jsp hello-byname {player-name}
... substituting {player-name} with the name of a player currently
online and a message `Hello ...` will be sent to the named
This example builds on example-5 and also introduces a new concept -
use of shared modules. That is : modules which are not specific to
any one plugin or set of plugins but which can be used by all
plugins. Shared modules should be placed in the
`scriptcraft/modules` directory.
* The utils module is used. Because the 'utils' module is
located in the modules folder we don't need to specify an exact
path, just 'utils' will do.
* The `utils.player()` function is used to obtain a player object
matching the player name. Once a player object is obtained, a
message is sent to that player.
Source Code ...
var utils = require('utils');
var greetings = require('./example-1-hello-module');
command('hello-byname', function( parameters, sender ) {
var playerName = parameters[0];
var recipient = utils.player(playerName);
if (recipient)
sender.sendMessage('Player ' + playerName + ' not found.');
## Example Plugin #7
A simple event-driven minecraft plugin. How to handle Events.
This example demonstrates event-driven programming. The code below
will display the version of ScriptCraft every time an operator joins
the game. This module is notable from previous modules for the
following reasons...
1. It does not export any functions or variables. That's fine. Not
all modules need export stuff. Code in this module will be
executed when the module is first loaded. Because it is in the
`/scriptcraft/plugins` directory, it will be loaded automatically
when the server starts up.
2. It uses ScriptCraft's `events.on()` function to add a new *Event
Handler*. An *Event Handler* is a just a function which gets
called whenever a particular *event* happens in the game. The
function defined below will only be executed whenever a player
joins the game. This style of program is sometimes refered to as
*Event-Driven Programming*.
Adding new *Event Handlers* in ScriptCraft is relatively easy. Use the
`events.on()` function to add a new event handler. It takes 2
1. The Event Name, in this case `'player.PlayerJoinEvent'`. You can
browse [all possible Bukkit events][bkevts] (click the 'Next
Package' and 'Previous Package' links to browse).
2. The event handling function (also sometimes refered to as a
'callback'). In ScriptCraft, this function takes 2 parameters, a
listener object and an event object. All of the information about
the event is in the event object.
In the example below, if a player joins the server and is an operator,
then the ScriptCraft plugin information will be displayed to that
What's also notable about this example is how it uses the [Bukkit
API][bkapi]. The code...
if (event.player.op)
... is a succinct way of accessing object properties which in Java
would have to be written as ...
if (event.getPlayer().isOp())
... ScriptCraft uses a special version of JavaScript which comes
bundled with Java (Minecraft is written in Java) and JavaScript in
Java can access properties of Java objects more succinctly than in
Java itself. What this means in practice is that when you're perusing
the [Bukkit API Reference][bkapi] and come across a method like
[Player.getAllowFlight()][bkgaf], you can write code like this...
var allowFlight = player.getAllowFlight(); // java style
... or the more succinct ...
var allowFlight = player.allowFlight; // javascript style
... Which style you choose is up to you but `player.allowFlight` is
cleaner and more readable. Similarly where you see a method like
[Player.setAllowFlight()][bksaf], you can write ...
player.setAllowFlight(true); // java style
... or the more readable...
player.allowFlight = true; // javascript style
... Which style you choose is up to you.
events.on('player.PlayerJoinEvent', function (listener, event){
if (event.player.op) {
event.player.sendMessage('Welcome to ' + __plugin);
## Arrows Module
The arrows mod adds fancy arrows to the game. Arrows which...
@ -2119,182 +2299,6 @@ global commands for a plugin, please let me know.
## Example Plugin #5
A simple minecraft plugin. Using Modules.
### Usage:
At the in-game prompt type ...
/jsp hello-module
... and a message `Hello {player-name}` will appear (where {player-name} is
replaced by your own name).
This example demonstrates the use of modules. In
example-1-hello-module.js we created a new javascript module. In
this example, we use that module...
* We load the module using the `require()` function. Because this
module and the module we require are n the same directory, we
specify `'./example-1-hello-module'` as the path (when loading a
module from the same directory, `./` at the start of the path
indicates that the file should be searched for in the same
* We assign the loaded module to a variable (`greetings`) and then
use the module's `hello` method to display the message.
var greetings = require('./example-1-hello-module');
command('hello-module', function( parameters, player ){
## Example Plugin #3
A simple minecraft plugin. Commands for operators only.
### Usage:
At the in-game prompt type ...
/jsp op-hello
... and a message `Hello {player-name}` will appear (where {player-name} is
replaced by your own name).
This example demonstrates the basics of adding new functionality
which is usable all players or those with the scriptcraft.proxy
permission. By default, all players are granted this permission. In
this command though, the function checks to see if the player is an
operator and if they aren't will return immediately.
This differs from example 2 in that the function will only print a
message for operators.
command('op-hello', function (parameters, player) {
if (!player.op){
player.sendMessage('Only operators can do this.');
player.sendMessage('Hello ' +;
## Example Plugin #1
A simple minecraft plugin. The most basic module.
### Usage:
At the in-game prompt type ...
/js hello(self)
... and a message `Hello {player-name}` will appear (where
{player-name} is replaced by your own name).
This example demonstrates the basics of adding new functionality which
is only usable by server operators or users with the
scriptcraft.evaluate permission. By default, only ops are granted this
The `hello` function below is only usable by players with the scriptcraft.evaluate
permission since it relies on the `/js` command to execute.
exports.hello = function(player){
player.sendMessage('Hello ' +;
## Example Plugin #6
A simple minecraft plugin. Finding players by name.
### Usage:
At the in-game prompt type ...
/jsp hello-byname {player-name}
... substituting {player-name} with the name of a player currently
online and a message `Hello ...` will be sent to the named
This example builds on example-5 and also introduces a new concept -
use of shared modules. That is : modules which are not specific to
any one plugin or set of plugins but which can be used by all
plugins. Shared modules should be placed in the
`scriptcraft/modules` directory.
* The utils module is used. Because the 'utils' module is
located in the modules folder we don't need to specify an exact
path, just 'utils' will do.
* The `utils.player()` function is used to obtain a player object
matching the player name. Once a player object is obtained, a
message is sent to that player.
var utils = require('utils');
var greetings = require('./example-1-hello-module');
command('hello-byname', function( parameters, sender ) {
var playerName = parameters[0];
var recipient = utils.player(playerName);
if (recipient)
sender.sendMessage('Player ' + playerName + ' not found.');
## Example Plugin #2
A simple minecraft plugin. Commands for other players.
### Usage:
At the in-game prompt type ...
/jsp hello
... and a message `Hello {player-name}` will appear (where {player-name} is
replaced by your own name).
This example demonstrates the basics of adding new functionality
which is usable all players or those with the scriptcraft.proxy
permission. By default, all players are granted this permission.
This differs from example 1 in that a new 'jsp ' command extension
is defined. Since all players can use the `jsp` command, all players
can use the new extension. Unlike the previous example, the `jsp hello`
command does not evaluate javascript code so this command is much more secure.
command('hello', function (parameters, player) {
player.sendMessage('Hello ' +;
## Example Plugin #4
A simple minecraft plugin. Handling parameters.
### Usage:
At the in-game prompt type ...
/jsp hello-params Hi
/jsp hello-params Saludos
/jsp hello-params Greetings
... and a message `Hi {player-name}` or `Saludos {player-name}` etc
will appear (where {player-name} is replaced by your own name).
This example demonstrates adding and using parameters in commands.
This differs from example 3 in that the greeting can be changed from
a fixed 'Hello ' to anything you like by passing a parameter.
command('hello-params', function (parameters, player) {
var salutation = parameters[0] ;
player.sendMessage( salutation + ' ' +;
## homes Module
The homes plugin lets players set a location as home and return to the
@ -2354,6 +2358,21 @@ The following administration options can only be used by server operators...
the world, it simply removes the location from the database. No
blocks are destroyed by this command.
## NumberGuess mini-game:
### Description
This is a very simple number guessing game. Minecraft will ask you to
guess a number between 1 and 10 and you will tell you if you're too
hight or too low when you guess wrong. The purpose of this mini-game
code is to demonstrate use of Bukkit's Conversation API.
### Example
/js Game_NumberGuess.start(self)
Once the game begins, guess a number by typing the `/` character
followed by a number between 1 and 10.
## SnowballFight mini-game
### Description
@ -2395,18 +2414,3 @@ player returns to their previous mode of play (creative or
survival). Create a small arena with a couple of small buildings for
cover to make the game more fun.
## NumberGuess mini-game:
### Description
This is a very simple number guessing game. Minecraft will ask you to
guess a number between 1 and 10 and you will tell you if you're too
hight or too low when you guess wrong. The purpose of this mini-game
code is to demonstrate use of Bukkit's Conversation API.
### Example
/js Game_NumberGuess.start(self)
Once the game begins, guess a number by typing the `/` character
followed by a number between 1 and 10.
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
This script is run at build time to generate - a single Markdown document containing documentation for ScriptCraft's API
var err = java.lang.System.err;
args = args.slice(1);
var dir = args[0];
var foreach = function(array, func){
@ -38,17 +40,23 @@ var sorter = function( precedence ){
return function(a,b)
// convert from Java string to JS string
a = "" + a;
b = "" + b;
a = '' + a;
b = '' + b;
var aparts = a.split(/\//);
var bparts = b.split(/\//);
var adir = aparts.slice(3,aparts.length-1).join("/");
var adir = aparts.slice(3,aparts.length-1).join('/');
var afile = aparts[aparts.length-1];
var bdir = bparts.slice(3,bparts.length-1).join("/");
var bdir = bparts.slice(3,bparts.length-1).join('/');
var bfile = bparts[bparts.length-1];
for (var i = 0;i < precedence.length; i++){
var re = precedence[i];
if (a.match(re) && b.match(re)){
if (afile < bfile)
return -1;
if (afile > bfile)
return 1;
if (a.match(re))
return -1;
if (b.match(re))
@ -56,24 +64,35 @@ var sorter = function( precedence ){
if(adir<bdir) return -1;
if(adir>bdir) return 1;
afile = afile.replace(/\.js$/,"");
if (afile == adir)
afile = afile.replace(/\.js$/,'');
if (afile == adir){
return -1;
return 1;
else {
var result = 0;
if (afile < bfile){
result = -1;
if (afile > bfile){
result = 1;
//err.println("afile: " + afile + ", bfile:" + bfile + ",result=" + result);
return result;
var sortByModule = function(a,b)
var aparts = (""+a).split(/\//);
var bparts = (""+b).split(/\//);
var aparts = (''+a).split(/\//);
var bparts = (''+b).split(/\//);
var adir = aparts[aparts.length-2];
var afile = aparts[aparts.length-1];
var bdir = bparts[bparts.length-2];
var bfile = bparts[bparts.length-1];
if (afile == "_scriptcraft.js")
if (afile == '_scriptcraft.js')
return -1;
if (bfile == "_scriptcraft.js")
if (bfile == '_scriptcraft.js')
return 1;
if(adir<bdir) return -1;
if(adir>bdir) return 1;
@ -86,15 +105,17 @@ var store = [];
find(new File(dir),store,/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\.js$/);
//err.println("store=" + JSON.stringify(store));
var contents = [];
foreach(store, function(filename){
@ -16,16 +16,17 @@ This example demonstrates the use of modules. In
example-1-hello-module.js we created a new javascript module. In
this example, we use that module...
* We load the module using the `require()` function. Because this
module and the module we require are n the same directory, we
specify `'./example-1-hello-module'` as the path (when loading a
module from the same directory, `./` at the start of the path
indicates that the file should be searched for in the same
* We load the module using the `require()` function. Because this
module and the module we require are n the same directory, we
specify `'./example-1-hello-module'` as the path (when loading a
module from the same directory, `./` at the start of the path
indicates that the file should be searched for in the same
* We assign the loaded module to a variable (`greetings`) and then
use the module's `hello` method to display the message.
* We assign the loaded module to a variable (`greetings`) and then
use the module's `hello` method to display the message.
Source Code...
var greetings = require('./example-1-hello-module');
command('hello-module', function( parameters, player ){
@ -19,13 +19,15 @@ any one plugin or set of plugins but which can be used by all
plugins. Shared modules should be placed in the
`scriptcraft/modules` directory.
* The utils module is used. Because the 'utils' module is
located in the modules folder we don't need to specify an exact
path, just 'utils' will do.
* The utils module is used. Because the 'utils' module is
located in the modules folder we don't need to specify an exact
path, just 'utils' will do.
* The `utils.player()` function is used to obtain a player object
matching the player name. Once a player object is obtained, a
message is sent to that player.
* The `utils.player()` function is used to obtain a player object
matching the player name. Once a player object is obtained, a
message is sent to that player.
Source Code ...
var utils = require('utils');
var greetings = require('./example-1-hello-module');
@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ plugins. Shared modules should be placed in the
sender.sendMessage('Player ' + playerName + ' not found.');
var utils = require('utils');
Reference in a new issue