Update Frequently-Asked-Questions.md

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Walter Higgins 2015-02-28 17:13:29 +00:00
parent b09c3184b6
commit d0e919db19

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@ -20,3 +20,27 @@ if (pex.getUser(player).inGroup('moderator') ) {
Generally if you want to use another plugin's API, then get the plugin object by name and then call its methods. In the above example the `pex` variable refers to the aforementioned `PermissionsEx` Plugin. Once you have that reference you can call any of the plugin's methods just as you would in Java. The tricky part is getting the reference and that's where `server.pluginManager.getPlugin()` comes in.
To get a reference to and work with another plugin's API using ScriptCraft for CanaryMod the same principle applies. Say you've installed ScriptCraft and the dConomy plugin:
var Canary = Packages.net.canarymod.Canary;
var pluginMgr = Canary.pluginManager();
var dConomy = pluginMgr.getPlugin('dConomy');
var dConomyServer = dConomy.modServer;
// from here on in you can access all of the dConomyServer object's calls
// e.g. dConomyServer.newTransaction()
The only difference between CanaryMod and Bukkit is how you get the plugin reference. In Bukkit it's:
var otherPlugin = server.pluginManager.getPlugin('PLUGIN_NAME_GOES_HERE');
whereas in CanaryMod it's:
var Canary = Packages.net.canarymod.Canary;
var otherPlugin = Canary.pluginManager().getPlugin('PLUGIN_NAME_GOES_HERE');