Fix refresh(): add skipOpCheck parameter, unregister event handlers & cancel tasks (only Bukkit)

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Martin P 2016-01-01 15:51:25 +01:00
parent badf8b5470
commit d27747b3a0
1 changed files with 14 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -366,11 +366,18 @@ The refresh() function can be used to only reload the ScriptCraft plugin (it's l
1. Disable the ScriptCraft plugin.
2. Unload all event listeners associated with the ScriptCraft plugin.
3. Cancel all timed tasks (created by `setInterval` & `setTimeout`)
3. Enable the ScriptCraft plugin.
... refresh() can be used during development to reload only scriptcraft javascript files.
See [issue #69][issue69] for more information.
By default, if `self` is defined at runtime, it checks, whether `self` is server operator, otherwise fails with message. This behavivor can be modified using `skipOpCheck` parameter (useful, if you are doing some custom premission checks before calling this function).
#### Parameters
* skipOpCheck (boolean - optional) : If true, the function won't check if `self` is server operator.
### addUnloadHandler() function
@ -529,19 +536,20 @@ function __onEnable ( __engine, __plugin, __script ) {
return sender.op;
function _refresh( ) {
if ( typeof self !== 'undefined' ) {
if ( !_isOp(self) ) {
echo( self, 'Only operators can refresh()');
function _refresh( skipOpCheck ) {
if (!skipOpCheck && typeof self !== 'undefined') {
if (!_isOp(self))
return echo(self, 'Only operators can refresh()');
if (__plugin.canary){
var pluginName =;
Canary.manager().disablePlugin( pluginName );
Canary.manager().enablePlugin( pluginName );
} else {
__plugin.pluginLoader.disablePlugin( __plugin );
org.bukkit.event.HandlerList["unregisterAll(org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin)"]( __plugin );
server.scheduler.cancelTasks( __plugin );
__plugin.pluginLoader.enablePlugin( __plugin );
} // end _refresh()