fix issues and

This commit is contained in:
walterhiggins 2016-03-19 12:46:38 +00:00
parent 8bc648ec29
commit e5eae2108a
5 changed files with 79 additions and 29 deletions

View file

@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<!-- compiles against these libraries -->
<property name="lib.canary" location="lib/canarymod-1.8.0.jar"/>
<property name="lib.bukkit" location="lib/spigot-1.8.8.jar"/>
<property name="lib.bukkit" location="lib/spigot-1.9.jar"/>
<property name="build" location="target/classes"/>
<property name="dist" location="target/" />

View file

@ -185,9 +185,6 @@ Walter Higgins
* [events.vehicleDamage()](#eventsvehicledamage-1)
* [events.vehicleUpdate()](#eventsvehicleupdate)
* [events.vehicleCreate()](#eventsvehiclecreate)
* [events.paintingBreak()](#eventspaintingbreak)
* [events.paintingBreakByEntity()](#eventspaintingbreakbyentity)
* [events.paintingPlace()](#eventspaintingplace)
* [events.enchantItem()](#eventsenchantitem)
* [events.prepareItemEnchant()](#eventsprepareitemenchant)
* [events.playerInteractEntity()](#eventsplayerinteractentity)
@ -234,11 +231,13 @@ Walter Higgins
* [events.playerVelocity()](#eventsplayervelocity)
* [events.playerQuit()](#eventsplayerquit)
* [events.playerLogin()](#eventsplayerlogin)
* [events.playerSwapHandItems()](#eventsplayerswaphanditems)
* [events.playerKick()](#eventsplayerkick)
* [events.playerToggleSprint()](#eventsplayertogglesprint)
* [events.playerCommandPreprocess()](#eventsplayercommandpreprocess)
* [events.playerGameModeChange()](#eventsplayergamemodechange)
* [events.furnaceSmelt()](#eventsfurnacesmelt)
* [events.prepareAnvil()](#eventsprepareanvil)
* [events.inventoryDrag()](#eventsinventorydrag)
* [events.craftItem()](#eventscraftitem)
* [events.furnaceBurn()](#eventsfurnaceburn)
@ -260,6 +259,7 @@ Walter Higgins
* [events.mapInitialize()](#eventsmapinitialize)
* [events.serviceUnregister()](#eventsserviceunregister)
* [events.pluginEnable()](#eventspluginenable-1)
* [events.villagerAcquireTrade()](#eventsvillageracquiretrade)
* [events.playerDeath()](#eventsplayerdeath-1)
* [events.entityCreatePortal()](#eventsentitycreateportal)
* [events.entityCombust()](#eventsentitycombust)
@ -272,6 +272,7 @@ Walter Higgins
* [events.projectileHit()](#eventsprojectilehit-1)
* [events.foodLevelChange()](#eventsfoodlevelchange)
* [events.itemDespawn()](#eventsitemdespawn)
* [events.villagerReplenishTrade()](#eventsvillagerreplenishtrade)
* [events.entityPortalEnter()](#eventsentityportalenter)
* [events.entityPortal()](#eventsentityportal)
* [events.entityTarget()](#eventsentitytarget)
@ -286,6 +287,7 @@ Walter Higgins
* [events.entityUnleash()](#eventsentityunleash)
* [events.entityExplode()](#eventsentityexplode)
* [events.entityInteract()](#eventsentityinteract)
* [events.entityToggleGlide()](#eventsentitytoggleglide)
* [events.explosionPrime()](#eventsexplosionprime)
* [events.horseJump()](#eventshorsejump)
* [events.creatureSpawn()](#eventscreaturespawn)
@ -298,6 +300,7 @@ Walter Higgins
* [events.itemMerge()](#eventsitemmerge)
* [events.slimeSplit()](#eventsslimesplit-1)
* [events.pigZap()](#eventspigzap)
* [events.fireworkExplode()](#eventsfireworkexplode-1)
* [events.potionSplash()](#eventspotionsplash)
* [events.entityChangeBlock()](#eventsentitychangeblock)
* [events.entityPortalExit()](#eventsentityportalexit)
@ -307,6 +310,7 @@ Walter Higgins
* [events.blockMultiPlace()](#eventsblockmultiplace)
* [events.blockExplode()](#eventsblockexplode)
* [events.notePlay()](#eventsnoteplay)
* [events.cauldronLevelChange()](#eventscauldronlevelchange)
* [events.blockFade()](#eventsblockfade)
* [events.blockPlace()](#eventsblockplace-1)
* [events.blockPhysics()](#eventsblockphysics-1)
@ -2140,30 +2144,6 @@ The crucial difference is that the events module now has functions for each of t
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.paintingBreak()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [painting.PaintingBreakEvent event]( is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.paintingBreakByEntity()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [painting.PaintingBreakByEntityEvent event]( is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.paintingPlace()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [painting.PaintingPlaceEvent event]( is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.enchantItem()
#### Parameters
@ -2532,6 +2512,14 @@ The crucial difference is that the events module now has functions for each of t
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.playerSwapHandItems()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerSwapHandItemsEvent event]( is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.playerKick()
#### Parameters
@ -2572,6 +2560,14 @@ The crucial difference is that the events module now has functions for each of t
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.prepareAnvil()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [inventory.PrepareAnvilEvent event]( is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.inventoryDrag()
#### Parameters
@ -2740,6 +2736,14 @@ The crucial difference is that the events module now has functions for each of t
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.villagerAcquireTrade()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.VillagerAcquireTradeEvent event]( is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.playerDeath()
#### Parameters
@ -2836,6 +2840,14 @@ The crucial difference is that the events module now has functions for each of t
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.villagerReplenishTrade()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.VillagerReplenishTradeEvent event]( is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.entityPortalEnter()
#### Parameters
@ -2948,6 +2960,14 @@ The crucial difference is that the events module now has functions for each of t
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.entityToggleGlide()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityToggleGlideEvent event]( is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.explosionPrime()
#### Parameters
@ -3044,6 +3064,14 @@ The crucial difference is that the events module now has functions for each of t
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.fireworkExplode()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.FireworkExplodeEvent event]( is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.potionSplash()
#### Parameters
@ -3116,6 +3144,14 @@ The crucial difference is that the events module now has functions for each of t
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.cauldronLevelChange()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.CauldronLevelChangeEvent event]( is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.blockFade()
#### Parameters
@ -6735,6 +6771,7 @@ The Entities module provides a suite of functions - one for each possible entity
The following functions are provided:
* area_effect_cloud()
* armor_stand()
* arrow()
* bat()
@ -6745,6 +6782,7 @@ The following functions are provided:
* complex_part()
* cow()
* creeper()
* dragon_fireball()
* dropped_item()
* egg()
* ender_crystal()
@ -6766,6 +6804,7 @@ The following functions are provided:
* item_frame()
* leash_hitch()
* lightning()
* lingering_potion()
* magma_cube()
* minecart()
* minecart_chest()
@ -6783,16 +6822,20 @@ The following functions are provided:
* primed_tnt()
* rabbit()
* sheep()
* shulker()
* shulker_bullet()
* silverfish()
* skeleton()
* slime()
* small_fireball()
* snowball()
* snowman()
* spectral_arrow()
* spider()
* splash_potion()
* squid()
* thrown_exp_bottle()
* tipped_arrow()
* unknown()
* villager()
* weather()

View file

@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
3.2.0 Release (2016 03 20)
Bug fixes and updated from Spigot 1.8.8 to Spigot 1.9
Fixed issues #256 and #287
3.1.12 Release (2015 12 30)