swapping canarymod 1.7.10-1.1.3 for 1.8.0-1.2.0 and added contrib notes to top of generated docs

This commit is contained in:
walterhiggins 2015-01-11 00:11:44 +00:00
parent c21be34609
commit ecc2d91ea2
4 changed files with 126 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
<property name="src.bukkit" location="src/main/java/bukkit"/> <property name="src.bukkit" location="src/main/java/bukkit"/>
<!-- compiles against these libraries --> <!-- compiles against these libraries -->
<property name="lib.canary" location="lib/CanaryMod-1.7.10-1.1.3-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar"/> <property name="lib.canary" location="lib/CanaryMod-1.8.0-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar"/>
<!-- property name="lib.bukkit" location="lib/bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2.jar"/ -->
<property name="lib.bukkit" location="lib/bukkit-1.7.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"/> <property name="lib.bukkit" location="lib/bukkit-1.7.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"/>
<property name="build" location="target/classes"/> <property name="build" location="target/classes"/>
@ -127,7 +126,13 @@
<target name="construct-api-ref" depends="gen-toc-apiref,init"> <target name="construct-api-ref" depends="gen-toc-apiref,init">
<concat destfile="docs/API-Reference.md"> <concat destfile="docs/API-Reference.md">
<header filtering="no" trimleading="yes"># ScriptCraft API Reference <header filtering="no" trimleading="yes">&lt;!--
Contributors: This file is generated from comments in javascript source files src/main/js/*
If you would like to make changes, change the comments in the src/main/js/* files instead.
# ScriptCraft API Reference
Walter Higgins Walter Higgins
@ -160,7 +165,13 @@ Walter Higgins
<!-- Piece together the Young persons' guide from template and generated table of contents --> <!-- Piece together the Young persons' guide from template and generated table of contents -->
<target name="construct-ypgpm" depends="gen-toc-ypgpm,init"> <target name="construct-ypgpm" depends="gen-toc-ypgpm,init">
<concat destfile="docs/YoungPersonsGuideToProgrammingMinecraft.md"> <concat destfile="docs/YoungPersonsGuideToProgrammingMinecraft.md">
<header filtering="no" trimleading="yes"># The Young Person's Guide to Programming in Minecraft <header filtering="no" trimleading="yes">&lt;!--
Contributors: This file is generated from source file src/docs/templates/ypgpm.md
If you would like to make changes, change file src/docs/templates/ypgpm.md instead
# The Young Person's Guide to Programming in Minecraft
</header> </header>
<fileset file="${dist}/toc-ypgpm.md" /> <fileset file="${dist}/toc-ypgpm.md" />
<fileset file="src/docs/templates/ypgpm.md" /> <fileset file="src/docs/templates/ypgpm.md" />

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@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
Contributors: This file is generated from comments in javascript source files src/main/js/*
If you would like to make changes, change the comments in the src/main/js/* files instead.
# ScriptCraft API Reference # ScriptCraft API Reference
Walter Higgins Walter Higgins
@ -77,6 +83,7 @@ Walter Higgins
* [events.bookEdit()](#eventsbookedit) * [events.bookEdit()](#eventsbookedit)
* [events.playerListEntry()](#eventsplayerlistentry) * [events.playerListEntry()](#eventsplayerlistentry)
* [events.eat()](#eventseat) * [events.eat()](#eventseat)
* [events.playerList()](#eventsplayerlist)
* [events.playerIdle()](#eventsplayeridle) * [events.playerIdle()](#eventsplayeridle)
* [events.enchant()](#eventsenchant) * [events.enchant()](#eventsenchant)
* [events.playerArmSwing()](#eventsplayerarmswing) * [events.playerArmSwing()](#eventsplayerarmswing)
@ -384,6 +391,8 @@ Walter Higgins
* [Usage (Bukkit) :](#usage-bukkit-) * [Usage (Bukkit) :](#usage-bukkit-)
* [Utilities Module](#utilities-module) * [Utilities Module](#utilities-module)
* [utils.player() function](#utilsplayer-function) * [utils.player() function](#utilsplayer-function)
* [utils.world( worldName ) function](#utilsworld-worldname--function)
* [utils.blockAt( Location ) function](#utilsblockat-location--function)
* [utils.locationToJSON() function](#utilslocationtojson-function) * [utils.locationToJSON() function](#utilslocationtojson-function)
* [utils.locationToString() function](#utilslocationtostring-function) * [utils.locationToString() function](#utilslocationtostring-function)
* [utils.locationFromJSON() function](#utilslocationfromjson-function) * [utils.locationFromJSON() function](#utilslocationfromjson-function)
@ -1234,6 +1243,14 @@ The crucial difference is that the events module now has functions for each of t
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information. * priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.playerList()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerListHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/PlayerListHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.playerIdle() ### events.playerIdle()
#### Parameters #### Parameters
@ -4554,6 +4571,14 @@ if ( player ) {
[bkpl]: http://jd.bukkit.org/dev/apidocs/org/bukkit/entity/Player.html [bkpl]: http://jd.bukkit.org/dev/apidocs/org/bukkit/entity/Player.html
[bkloc]: http://jd.bukkit.org/dev/apidocs/org/bukkit/Location.html [bkloc]: http://jd.bukkit.org/dev/apidocs/org/bukkit/Location.html
### utils.world( worldName ) function
Returns a World object matching the given name
### utils.blockAt( Location ) function
Returns the Block at the given location.
### utils.locationToJSON() function ### utils.locationToJSON() function
utils.locationToJSON() returns a [org.bukkit.Location][bkloc] object in JSON form... utils.locationToJSON() returns a [org.bukkit.Location][bkloc] object in JSON form...
@ -5599,30 +5624,37 @@ See https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/api/in
The following functions are provided: The following functions are provided:
* acaciaDoor()
* acaciaFence()
* acaciaFenceGate()
* acaciaLeaves() * acaciaLeaves()
* acaciaLog() * acaciaLog()
* acaciaSapling() * acaciaSapling()
* acaciaStairs() * acaciaStairs()
* acaciaWood() * acaciaWood()
* acaciaWoodDoubleStep() * acaciaWoodSlab()
* acaciaWoodStep()
* activatorRail() * activatorRail()
* allium() * allium()
* andesite()
* anvil() * anvil()
* apple() * apple()
* armorStand()
* arrow() * arrow()
* azureBluet() * azureBluet()
* bakedPotato() * bakedPotato()
* banner()
* beacon() * beacon()
* bed() * bed()
* bedrock() * bedrock()
* birchDoor()
* birchFence()
* birchFenceGate()
* birchLeaves() * birchLeaves()
* birchLog() * birchLog()
* birchSapling() * birchSapling()
* birchWood() * birchWood()
* birchWoodDoubleStep() * birchWoodSlab()
* birchWoodStair() * birchWoodStairs()
* birchWoodStep()
* blackCarpet() * blackCarpet()
* blackGlass() * blackGlass()
* blackGlassPane() * blackGlassPane()
@ -5647,7 +5679,8 @@ The following functions are provided:
* bread() * bread()
* brewingStand() * brewingStand()
* brickBlock() * brickBlock()
* brickStair() * brickSlab()
* brickStairs()
* brownCarpet() * brownCarpet()
* brownGlass() * brownGlass()
* brownGlassPane() * brownGlassPane()
@ -5676,9 +5709,11 @@ The following functions are provided:
* coal() * coal()
* coalBlock() * coalBlock()
* coalOre() * coalOre()
* coarseDirt()
* cobble() * cobble()
* cobbleSilverFishBlock() * cobbleSilverFishBlock()
* cobbleStair() * cobbleSlab()
* cobbleStairs()
* cobblestoneWall() * cobblestoneWall()
* cocoaBeans() * cocoaBeans()
* cocoaPlant() * cocoaPlant()
@ -5687,7 +5722,9 @@ The following functions are provided:
* cookedChicken() * cookedChicken()
* cookedClownFish() * cookedClownFish()
* cookedFish() * cookedFish()
* cookedMutton()
* cookedPufferFish() * cookedPufferFish()
* cookedRabbit()
* cookedSalmon() * cookedSalmon()
* cookie() * cookie()
* crackedSilverFishBlock() * crackedSilverFishBlock()
@ -5699,13 +5736,15 @@ The following functions are provided:
* cyanGlassPane() * cyanGlassPane()
* cyanStainedClay() * cyanStainedClay()
* dandelionYellow() * dandelionYellow()
* darkOakDoor()
* darkOakFence()
* darkOakFenceGate()
* darkOakLeaves() * darkOakLeaves()
* darkOakLog() * darkOakLog()
* darkOakSapling() * darkOakSapling()
* darkOakStairs() * darkOakStairs()
* darkOakWood() * darkOakWood()
* darkOakWoodDoubleStep() * darkOakWoodSlab()
* darkOakWoodStep()
* daylightSensor() * daylightSensor()
* deadBush() * deadBush()
* detectorRail() * detectorRail()
@ -5722,19 +5761,27 @@ The following functions are provided:
* diamondPickaxe() * diamondPickaxe()
* diamondSpade() * diamondSpade()
* diamondSword() * diamondSword()
* diorite()
* dirt() * dirt()
* dispenser() * dispenser()
* doubleAcaciaWoodSlab()
* doubleBirchWoodSlab()
* doubleBrickBlockSlab()
* doubleCobbleSlab()
* doubleDarkOakWoodSlab()
* doubleGrass() * doubleGrass()
* doublestepBrickBlock() * doubleJungleWoodSlab()
* doublestepCobble() * doubleNetherBrickSlab()
* doublestepNetherBrick() * doubleOakWoodSlab()
* doublestepOrnateStone() * doubleOrnateStoneSlab()
* doublestepQuartz() * doubleQuartzSlab()
* doublestepSandStone() * doubleRedSandstoneSlab()
* doublestepSandStoneTrim() * doubleSandStoneTrimSlab()
* doublestepStone() * doubleSandstoneSlab()
* doublestepStoneBricks() * doubleSpruceWoodSlab()
* doublestepWood() * doubleStoneBricksSlab()
* doubleStoneSlab()
* doubleWoodSlab()
* dropper() * dropper()
* egg() * egg()
* elevenRecord() * elevenRecord()
@ -5789,6 +5836,7 @@ The following functions are provided:
* goldSword() * goldSword()
* goldenApple() * goldenApple()
* goldenCarrot() * goldenCarrot()
* granite()
* grass() * grass()
* gravel() * gravel()
* grayCarpet() * grayCarpet()
@ -5830,13 +5878,15 @@ The following functions are provided:
* itemFrame() * itemFrame()
* jackOLantern() * jackOLantern()
* jukebox() * jukebox()
* jungleDoor()
* jungleFence()
* jungleFenceGate()
* jungleLeaves() * jungleLeaves()
* jungleLog() * jungleLog()
* jungleSapling() * jungleSapling()
* jungleWood() * jungleWood()
* jungleWoodDoubleStep() * jungleWoodSlab()
* jungleWoodStair() * jungleWoodStairs()
* jungleWoodStep()
* ladder() * ladder()
* lapisBlock() * lapisBlock()
* lapisLazuli() * lapisLazuli()
@ -5897,8 +5947,9 @@ The following functions are provided:
* nameTag() * nameTag()
* netherBrick() * netherBrick()
* netherBrickFence() * netherBrickFence()
* netherBrickStair() * netherBrickStairs()
* netherBricks() * netherBricks()
* netherBricksSlab()
* netherQuartz() * netherQuartz()
* netherQuartzOre() * netherQuartzOre()
* netherStar() * netherStar()
@ -5909,8 +5960,7 @@ The following functions are provided:
* oakLog() * oakLog()
* oakSapling() * oakSapling()
* oakWood() * oakWood()
* oakWoodDoubleStep() * oakWoodSlab()
* oakWoodStep()
* obsidian() * obsidian()
* orangeCarpet() * orangeCarpet()
* orangeDye() * orangeDye()
@ -5921,6 +5971,7 @@ The following functions are provided:
* ornateQuartzBlock() * ornateQuartzBlock()
* ornateSilverFishBlock() * ornateSilverFishBlock()
* ornateStoneBrick() * ornateStoneBrick()
* ornateStoneSlab()
* oxeyeDaisy() * oxeyeDaisy()
* packedIce() * packedIce()
* painting() * painting()
@ -5928,7 +5979,7 @@ The following functions are provided:
* peony() * peony()
* pineLeaves() * pineLeaves()
* pineLog() * pineLog()
* pineWoodStair() * pineWoodStairs()
* pinkCarpet() * pinkCarpet()
* pinkDye() * pinkDye()
* pinkGlass() * pinkGlass()
@ -5938,6 +5989,9 @@ The following functions are provided:
* piston() * piston()
* podzol() * podzol()
* poisonousPotato() * poisonousPotato()
* polishedAndesite()
* polishedDiorite()
* polishedGranite()
* poppy() * poppy()
* pork() * pork()
* portal() * portal()
@ -5946,6 +6000,8 @@ The following functions are provided:
* potion() * potion()
* poweredMinecart() * poweredMinecart()
* poweredRail() * poweredRail()
* prismarineCrystals()
* prismarineShard()
* pufferFish() * pufferFish()
* pumpkin() * pumpkin()
* pumpkinPie() * pumpkinPie()
@ -5959,16 +6015,27 @@ The following functions are provided:
* quartzPillarCap() * quartzPillarCap()
* quartzPillarHorizontal() * quartzPillarHorizontal()
* quartzPillarVertical() * quartzPillarVertical()
* quartzSlab()
* quartzStairs() * quartzStairs()
* rabbitFoot()
* rabbitHide()
* rabbitStew()
* rail() * rail()
* rawBeef() * rawBeef()
* rawChicken() * rawChicken()
* rawFish() * rawFish()
* rawMutton()
* rawRabbit()
* rawSalmon() * rawSalmon()
* redCarpet() * redCarpet()
* redGlass() * redGlass()
* redGlassPane() * redGlassPane()
* redMushroom() * redMushroom()
* redSandstone()
* redSandstoneBlank()
* redSandstoneOrnate()
* redSandstoneSlab()
* redSandstoneStairs()
* redStainedClay() * redStainedClay()
* redStone() * redStone()
* redTulip() * redTulip()
@ -5984,10 +6051,12 @@ The following functions are provided:
* rottenFlesh() * rottenFlesh()
* saddle() * saddle()
* sand() * sand()
* sandStoneTrimSlab()
* sandstone() * sandstone()
* sandstoneBlank() * sandstoneBlank()
* sandstoneOrnate() * sandstoneOrnate()
* sandstoneStair() * sandstoneSlab()
* sandstoneStairs()
* seeds() * seeds()
* shears() * shears()
* shrub() * shrub()
@ -6003,34 +6072,28 @@ The following functions are provided:
* spiderEye() * spiderEye()
* spiderWeb() * spiderWeb()
* sponge() * sponge()
* spruceDoor()
* spruceFence()
* spruceFenceGate()
* spruceSapling() * spruceSapling()
* spruceWood() * spruceWood()
* spruceWoodDoubleStep() * spruceWoodSlab()
* spruceWoodStep()
* stalRecord() * stalRecord()
* steak() * steak()
* stepBrickBlock()
* stepCobble()
* stepNetherBricks()
* stepOrnateStone()
* stepQuartz()
* stepSandStone()
* stepSandStoneTrim()
* stepStone()
* stepStoneBricks()
* stepWood()
* stick() * stick()
* stickyPiston() * stickyPiston()
* stone() * stone()
* stoneAxe() * stoneAxe()
* stoneBrick() * stoneBrick()
* stoneBrickSilverFishBlock() * stoneBrickSilverFishBlock()
* stoneBrickStair() * stoneBrickStairs()
* stoneBricksSlab()
* stoneButton() * stoneButton()
* stoneHoe() * stoneHoe()
* stonePickaxe() * stonePickaxe()
* stonePlate() * stonePlate()
* stoneSilverFishBlock() * stoneSilverFishBlock()
* stoneSlab()
* stoneSpade() * stoneSpade()
* stoneSword() * stoneSword()
* storageMinecart() * storageMinecart()
@ -6064,10 +6127,11 @@ The following functions are provided:
* woodHoe() * woodHoe()
* woodPickaxe() * woodPickaxe()
* woodPlate() * woodPlate()
* woodSlab()
* woodSpade() * woodSpade()
* woodSword() * woodSword()
* woodenButton() * woodenButton()
* woodenStair() * woodenStairs()
* woolBlack() * woolBlack()
* woolBlue() * woolBlue()
* woolBrown() * woolBrown()

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@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
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# The Young Person's Guide to Programming in Minecraft # The Young Person's Guide to Programming in Minecraft
## Table of Contents ## Table of Contents
* [Introduction](#introduction) * [Introduction](#introduction)