package net.minecraft.src; /** * This mod lets you load and run javascript to build structures which * would otherwise be tedious. Build road networks, rows of houses, * factories and sky-scrapers. ScriptCraft takes building to a whole * new level by making it easy to create javascript scripts that do * the building for you. The following code creates a simple cottage * at the crosshair location or the player's current location... * * load("./drone.js"); * var drone = new Drone().chkpt('cornerstone'); * drone.box0(48,7,2,6) // 4 walls * .right(3).door() // a door front-center * .left(2).box(102) // windows left and right of door * .right(4).box(102) // * .move('cornerstone').up(2).prism0(53,7,6); // a gable roof * */ public class CommandScript extends CommandBase { ScriptCraftEvaluator evaluator = null; public String getCommandName() { return "js"; } public int getRequiredPermissionLevel() { return 0; } public void processCommand(ICommandSender par1ICommandSender, String[] args) { if (this.evaluator == null) this.evaluator = new ScriptCraftEvaluator(new ScriptCraftMCP(this)); // Collect the arguments into a single string. String s = ""; for (int i=0; i < args.length; i++) { s += args[i] + " "; } // Now evaluate the string we've colected. this.evaluator.eval(s,par1ICommandSender); return; } }