var Drone = require('../drone').Drone; var blocks = require('blocks'); /************************************************************************ Drone.rainbow() method ====================== Creates a Rainbow. Parameters ---------- * radius (optional - default:18) - The radius of the rainbow Example ------- var d = new Drone(); d.rainbow(30); ![rainbow example](img/rainbowex1.png) ***/ Drone.extend('rainbow', function(radius){ if (typeof radius == "undefined") radius = 18; this.chkpt('rainbow'); this.down(radius); // copy blocks.rainbow and add air at end (to compensate for strokewidth) var colors = blocks.rainbow.slice(0); colors.push(blocks.air); for (var i = 0;i < colors.length; i++) { var bm = this._getBlockIdAndMeta(colors[i]); this.arc({ blockType: bm[0], meta: bm[1], radius: radius-i, strokeWidth: 2, quadrants: {topright: true, topleft: true}, orientation: 'vertical'}).right().up(); } return this.move('rainbow'); });