/************************************************************************* ## Spawn Plugin Allows in-game operators to easily spawn creatures at current location. ### Usage /jsp spawn cow /jsp spawn sheep /jsp spawn wolf This command supports TAB completion so to see a list of possible entitities, type `/jsp spawn ' at the in-game command prompt, then press TAB. Visit for a list of possible entities (creatures) which can be spawned. ***/ var entities = []; var entityType = null; if (__plugin.canary){ entityType = Packages.net.canarymod.api.entity.EntityType; }else { entityType = org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; } var entitytypes = entityType.values(); for ( var t in entitytypes ) { if ( entitytypes[t] && entitytypes[t].ordinal ) { entities.push(entitytypes[t].name()); } } command( 'spawn', function( parameters, sender ) { if ( !isOp(sender) ) { echo( sender, 'Only operators can perform this command' ); return; } var location = sender.location; if ( !location ) { echo( sender, 'You have no location. This command only works in-game.' ); return; } var world = location.world || sender.world; var type = ('' + parameters[0]).toUpperCase(); if (__plugin.bukkit){ world.spawnEntity( location, entityType[type] ); } else { var Canary = Packages.net.canarymod.Canary; var entity = Canary.factory().entityFactory.newEntity(entityType[type], location); entity.spawn(); } }, entities );