var Drone = require('./drone').Drone; /************************************************************************ ### Drone.sphere() method Creates a sphere. #### Parameters * block - The block the sphere will be made of. * radius - The radius of the sphere. #### Example To create a sphere of Iron with a radius of 10 blocks... sphere( blocks.iron, 10); ![sphere example](img/sphereex1.png) Spheres are time-consuming to make. You *can* make large spheres (250 radius) but expect the server to be very busy for a couple of minutes while doing so. ***/ Drone.extend( 'sphere', function( block, radius ) { var lastRadius = radius, slices = [ [ radius , 0 ] ], diameter = radius * 2, bm = this._getBlockIdAndMeta( block ), r2 = radius * radius, i = 0, newRadius, yOffset, sr, sh, v, h; if ( radius > 127 ) { throw new Error('Sphere radius must be less than 128 blocks'); } for ( i = 0; i <= radius; i++ ) { newRadius = Math.round( Math.sqrt( r2 - i * i ) ); if ( newRadius == lastRadius ) { slices[ slices.length - 1 ][ 1 ]++; } else { slices.push( [ newRadius , 1 ] ); } lastRadius = newRadius; } this.chkpt( 'sphere' ); // // mid section // this.up( radius - slices[0][1] ) .cylinder( block, radius, ( slices[0][1]*2 ) - 1, { blockType: bm[0], meta: bm[1] } ) .down( radius - slices[0][1] ); yOffset = -1; for ( i = 1; i < slices.length; i++ ) { yOffset += slices[i-1][1]; sr = slices[i][0]; sh = slices[i][1]; v = radius + yOffset; h = radius - sr; // northern hemisphere this.up( v ) .fwd( h ) .right( h ) .cylinder( block, sr, sh, { blockType: bm[0], meta: bm[1] } ) .left( h ) .back( h ) .down( v ); // southern hemisphere v = radius - ( yOffset + sh + 1 ); this.up( v ) .fwd( h ) .right( h ) .cylinder( block, sr, sh, { blockType: bm[0], meta: bm[1]} ) .left( h ) .back( h ) .down( v ); } return this.move( 'sphere' ); }); /************************************************************************ ### Drone.sphere0() method Creates an empty sphere. #### Parameters * block - The block the sphere will be made of. * radius - The radius of the sphere. #### Example To create a sphere of Iron with a radius of 10 blocks... sphere0( blocks.iron, 10); Spheres are time-consuming to make. You *can* make large spheres (250 radius) but expect the server to be very busy for a couple of minutes while doing so. ***/ Drone.extend('sphere0', function(block,radius) { var lastRadius = radius, slices = [ [ radius, 0 ] ], diameter = radius * 2, bm = this._getBlockIdAndMeta( block ), r2 = radius*radius, i, newRadius, sr, sh, v, h, len, yOffset; if ( radius > 127 ) { throw new Error('Sphere radius must be less than 128 blocks'); } for ( i = 0; i <= radius; i++ ) { newRadius = Math.round( Math.sqrt( r2 - i * i ) ); if ( newRadius == lastRadius ) { slices[ slices.length - 1 ][ 1 ]++; } else { slices.push( [ newRadius, 1 ] ); } lastRadius = newRadius; } this.chkpt( 'sphere0' ); // // mid section // this.up( radius - slices[0][1] ) .arc({ blockType: bm[0], meta: bm[1], radius: radius, strokeWidth: 2, stack: (slices[0][1]*2)-1, fill: false }) .down( radius - slices[0][1] ); yOffset = -1; len = slices.length; for ( i = 1; i < len; i++ ) { yOffset += slices[i-1][1]; sr = slices[i][0]; sh = slices[i][1]; v = radius + yOffset; h = radius-sr; // northern hemisphere // .cylinder(block,sr,sh,{blockType: bm[0],meta: bm[1]}) this.up( v ).fwd( h ).right( h ) .arc({ blockType: bm[0], meta: bm[1], radius: sr, stack: sh, fill: false, strokeWidth: i < len - 1 ? 1 + ( sr - slices[ i + 1 ][ 0 ] ) : 1 }) .left( h ).back( h ).down( v ); // southern hemisphere v = radius - ( yOffset + sh + 1 ); this.up( v ).fwd( h ).right( h ) .arc({ blockType: bm[0], meta: bm[1], radius: sr, stack: sh, fill: false, strokeWidth: i < len - 1 ? 1 + ( sr - slices[ i + 1 ][ 0 ] ) : 1 }) .left( h ).back( h ). down( v ); } this.move( 'sphere0' ); return this; }); /************************************************************************ ### Drone.hemisphere() method Creates a hemisphere. Hemispheres can be either north or south. #### Parameters * block - the block the hemisphere will be made of. * radius - the radius of the hemisphere * northSouth - whether the hemisphere is 'north' or 'south' #### Example To create a wood 'north' hemisphere with a radius of 7 blocks... hemisphere(blocks.oak, 7, 'north'); ![hemisphere example](img/hemisphereex1.png) ***/ Drone.extend( 'hemisphere', function( block, radius, northSouth ) { var lastRadius = radius, slices = [ [ radius, 0 ] ], diameter = radius * 2, bm = this._getBlockIdAndMeta(block), r2 = radius * radius, i = 0, newRadius; if ( radius > 255 ) { throw new Error('Hemisphere radius must be less than 256 blocks'); } for ( i = 0; i <= radius; i++ ) { newRadius = Math.round( Math.sqrt( r2 - i * i ) ); if ( newRadius == lastRadius ) { slices[ slices.length - 1 ][ 1 ]++; } else { slices.push( [ newRadius, 1 ] ); } lastRadius = newRadius; } this.chkpt( 'hsphere' ); // // mid section // if ( northSouth == 'north' ) { this.cylinder( block, radius, slices[0][1], { blockType: bm[0], meta: bm[1] } ); } else { this.up( radius - slices[0][1] ) .cylinder( block, radius, slices[0][1], { blockType: bm[0], meta: bm[1] } ) .down( radius - slices[0][1] ); } var yOffset = -1; for ( i = 1; i < slices.length; i++ ) { yOffset += slices[i-1][1]; var sr = slices[i][0]; var sh = slices[i][1]; var v = yOffset, h = radius-sr; if ( northSouth == 'north' ) { // northern hemisphere this.up( v ).fwd( h ).right( h ) .cylinder( block, sr, sh, { blockType: bm[0], meta: bm[1] } ) .left( h ).back( h ).down( v ); } else { // southern hemisphere v = radius - ( yOffset + sh + 1 ); this.up( v ).fwd( h ).right( h ) .cylinder( block, sr, sh, { blockType: bm[0], meta: bm[1] } ) .left( h ).back( h ).down( v ); } } return this.move( 'hsphere' ); }); /************************************************************************ ### Drone.hemisphere0() method Creates a hollow hemisphere. Hemispheres can be either north or south. #### Parameters * block - the block the hemisphere will be made of. * radius - the radius of the hemisphere * northSouth - whether the hemisphere is 'north' or 'south' #### Example To create a glass 'north' hemisphere with a radius of 20 blocks... hemisphere0(, 20, 'north'); ![hemisphere example](img/hemisphereex2.png) ***/ Drone.extend( 'hemisphere0', function( block, radius, northSouth ) { if ( radius > 255 ) { throw new Error('Hemisphere radius must be less than 256 blocks'); } /* return this.hemisphere( block, radius, northSouth) .fwd().right().up( northSouth == 'north' ? 0 : 1 ) .hemisphere( 0, radius-1, northSouth ) .back().left().down( northSouth == 'north' ? 0 : 1 ); */ var lastRadius = radius, slices = [ [ radius, 0 ] ], diameter = radius * 2, bm = this._getBlockIdAndMeta(block), r2 = radius * radius, i = 0, len, newRadius; if ( radius > 255 ) { throw new Error('Hemisphere radius must be less than 256 blocks'); } for ( i = 0; i <= radius; i++ ) { newRadius = Math.round( Math.sqrt( r2 - i * i ) ); if ( newRadius == lastRadius ) { slices[ slices.length - 1 ][ 1 ]++; } else { slices.push( [ newRadius, 1 ] ); } lastRadius = newRadius; } this.chkpt( 'hsphere0' ); // // mid section // if ( northSouth == 'north' ) { this.arc({ blockType: bm[0], meta: bm[1], radius: radius, strokeWidth: 1, stack: slices[0][1], fill: false }); } else { this.up( radius - slices[0][1] ); this.arc({ blockType: bm[0], meta: bm[1], radius: radius, strokeWidth: 1, stack: slices[0][1], fill: false }); this.down( radius - slices[0][1] ); } var yOffset = -1; len = slices.length; for ( i = 1; i < slices.length; i++ ) { yOffset += slices[i-1][1]; var sr = slices[i][0]; var sh = slices[i][1]; var v = yOffset, h = radius-sr; if ( northSouth == 'north' ) { // northern hemisphere this.up( v ) .fwd( h ) .right( h ); this.arc( { blockType: bm[0], meta: bm[1], radius: sr, stack: sh, fill: false, strokeWidth: i < len - 1 ? 1 + ( sr - slices[ i + 1 ][ 0 ] ) : 1 } ); this.left( h ) .back( h ) .down( v ); } else { // southern hemisphere v = radius - ( yOffset + sh + 1 ); this.up( v ) .fwd( h ) .right( h ); this.arc({ blockType: bm[0], meta: bm[1], radius: sr, stack: sh, fill: false, strokeWidth: i < len - 1 ? 1 + ( sr - slices[ i + 1 ][ 0 ] ) : 1 }); this.left( h ) .back( h ) .down( v ); } } return this.move( 'hsphere0' ); });