var signs = require('signs'); // // Usage: // // In game, create a sign , target it and type ... // // /js signs.menu_food(); // // ... or ... // // /js signs.menu_time() // exports.signs = { menu_food:"Dinner", ["Lamb","Pork","Chicken","Duck","Beef"], function(event){ event.player.sendMessage("You chose " + event.text); }), // // This is an example sign that displays a menu of times of day // interacting with the sign will change the time of day accordingly. // // In game, create a sign , target it and type ... // // /js var signExamples = require('./signs/examples'); // /js signExamples.timeOfDay() // menu_time:"Time", ["Dawn","Midday","Dusk","Midnight"], function(event){ event.number * 6000 ); }) }