'use strict'; var tabCompleteJSP = require('tabcomplete-jsp'); /* Tab Completion of the /js and /jsp commands */ var _isJavaObject = function(o){ var result = false; try { o.hasOwnProperty( 'testForJava' ); } catch (e) { // java will throw an error when an attempt is made to access the // hasOwnProperty method. (it won't exist for Java objects) result = true; } return result; }; var _javaLangObjectMethods = [ 'equals' ,'getClass' ,'class' ,'getClass' ,'hashCode' ,'notify' ,'notifyAll' ,'toString' ,'wait' ,'clone' ,'finalize' ]; var _getProperties = function( o ) { var result = [], i, j, isObjectMethod, typeofProperty; if ( _isJavaObject( o ) ) { /* fix for issue #115 - java objects are not iterable see: http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/nashorn-dev/2014-March/002790.html */ if ( typeof Object.bindProperties === 'function' ) { var placeholder = {}; Object.bindProperties(placeholder, o); o = placeholder; } propertyLoop: for ( i in o ) { // // don't include standard Object methods // isObjectMethod = false; for ( j = 0; j < _javaLangObjectMethods.length; j++ ) { if ( _javaLangObjectMethods[j] == i ) { continue propertyLoop; } } typeofProperty = null; try { typeofProperty = typeof o[i]; } catch( e ) { if ( e.message == 'java.lang.IllegalStateException: Entity not leashed' ) { // wph 20131020 fail silently for Entity leashing in craftbukkit } else { throw e; } } if ( typeofProperty == 'function' ) { result.push( i+'()' ); } else { result.push( i ); } } } else { if ( o.constructor == Array ) { return result; } for ( i in o ) { if ( i.match( /^[^_]/ ) ) { if ( typeof o[i] == 'function' ) { result.push( i+'()' ); } else { result.push( i ); } } } } return result.sort(); }; var onTabCompleteJS = function( result, cmdSender, pluginCmd, cmdAlias, cmdArgs ) { var _globalSymbols, lastArg, propsOfLastArg, statement, statementSyms, lastSymbol, parts, name, symbol, lastGoodSymbol, i, objectProps, candidate, re, li, possibleCompletion; cmdArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call( cmdArgs, 0 ); if ( pluginCmd.name == 'jsp' ) { return tabCompleteJSP( result, cmdSender, pluginCmd, cmdAlias, cmdArgs ); } global.self = cmdSender; // bring in self just for autocomplete _globalSymbols = _getProperties(global); lastArg = cmdArgs.length ? cmdArgs[ cmdArgs.length - 1 ] + '' : null; propsOfLastArg = []; statement = cmdArgs.join(' '); statement = statement.replace(/^\s+/,'').replace(/\s+$/,''); if ( statement.length == 0 ) { propsOfLastArg = _globalSymbols; } else { statementSyms = statement.split(/[^\$a-zA-Z0-9_\.]/); lastSymbol = statementSyms[statementSyms.length-1]; //print('DEBUG: lastSymbol=[' + lastSymbol + ']'); // // try to complete the object ala java IDEs. // parts = lastSymbol.split(/\./); name = parts[0]; symbol = global[name]; //print('DEBUG: name=' + name + ',symbol=' + symbol); lastGoodSymbol = symbol; if ( typeof symbol !== 'undefined' ) { for ( i = 1; i < parts.length; i++ ) { name = parts[i]; if ( !name ) { // fix issue #115 break; } symbol = symbol[name]; // this causes problem in jre8 if name is '' if ( typeof symbol == 'undefined' ) { break; } // nashorn - object[missingProperty] returns null not undefined if ( symbol == null ) { break; } lastGoodSymbol = symbol; } if ( typeof symbol == 'undefined' || symbol === null) { // // look up partial matches against last good symbol // objectProps = _getProperties( lastGoodSymbol ); if ( name == '' ) { // if the last symbol looks like this.. // ScriptCraft. // for ( i = 0; i < objectProps.length; i++ ) { candidate = lastSymbol + objectProps[i]; re = new RegExp( lastSymbol + '$', 'g' ); propsOfLastArg.push( lastArg.replace( re, candidate ) ); } } else { // it looks like this.. // ScriptCraft.co // //print('debug:case Y: ScriptCraft.co'); li = statement.lastIndexOf(name); for ( i = 0; i < objectProps.length; i++ ) { if ( objectProps[i].indexOf(name) == 0 ) { candidate = lastSymbol.substring( 0, lastSymbol.lastIndexOf( name ) ); candidate = candidate + objectProps[i]; re = new RegExp( lastSymbol + '$', 'g' ); propsOfLastArg.push( lastArg.replace( re, candidate ) ); } } } } else { objectProps = _getProperties( symbol ); for ( i = 0; i < objectProps.length; i++ ) { re = new RegExp( lastSymbol+ '$', 'g' ); propsOfLastArg.push( lastArg.replace( re, lastSymbol + '.' + objectProps[i] ) ); } } } else { for ( i = 0; i < _globalSymbols.length; i++ ) { if ( _globalSymbols[i].indexOf(lastSymbol) == 0 ) { possibleCompletion = _globalSymbols[i]; re = new RegExp( lastSymbol+ '$', 'g' ); propsOfLastArg.push( lastArg.replace( re, possibleCompletion ) ); } } } } for ( i = 0; i < propsOfLastArg.length; i++ ) { result.add( propsOfLastArg[i] ); } delete global.self; // delete self when no longer needed for autocomplete }; module.exports = onTabCompleteJS;