var File =; var FileWriter =; var PrintWriter =; /* Save a javascript object to a file (saves using JSON notation) */ var _save = function(object, filename){ var objectToStr = null; try{ objectToStr = JSON.stringify(object); }catch(e){ print("ERROR: " + e.getMessage() + " while saving " + filename); return; } var f = (filename instanceof File) ? filename : new File(filename); var out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(f)); out.println( objectToStr ); out.close(); }; /* plugin management */ var _plugins = {}; var _plugin = function(/* String */ moduleName, /* Object */ moduleObject, isPersistent) { // // don't load plugin more than once // if (typeof _plugins[moduleName] != "undefined") return _plugins[moduleName].module; var pluginData = {persistent: isPersistent, module: moduleObject}; = || {}; _plugins[moduleName] = pluginData; if (isPersistent){ var loadedStore = load(dataDir.canonicalPath + "/" + moduleName + "-store.json"); if (loadedStore){ = loadedStore; }else{ if (!{ = {}; } } } return moduleObject; }; /* allow for deferred execution (once all modules have loaded) */ var _deferred = []; var _ready = function( func ){ _deferred.push(func); }; var _cmdInterceptors = []; /* command management - allow for non-ops to execute approved javascript code. */ var _commands = {}; exports.commands = _commands; var _command = function(name,func,options,intercepts) { if (typeof name == "undefined"){ // it's an invocation from the Java Plugin! if (__cmdArgs.length === 0) throw new Error("Usage: jsp command-name command-parameters"); var name = __cmdArgs[0]; var cmd = _commands[name]; if (typeof cmd === "undefined"){ // it's not a global command - pass it on to interceptors var intercepted = false; for (var i = 0;i < _cmdInterceptors.length;i++){ if (_cmdInterceptors[i](__cmdArgs)) intercepted = true; } if (!intercepted) self.sendMessage("Command '" + name + "' is not recognised"); }else{ func = cmd.callback; var params = []; for (var i =1; i < __cmdArgs.length;i++){ params.push("" + __cmdArgs[i]); } return func(params); } }else{ if (typeof options == "undefined") options = []; _commands[name] = {callback: func, options: options}; if (intercepts) _cmdInterceptors.push(func); return func; } }; exports.plugin = _plugin; exports.command = _command; = _save; var scriptCraftDir = null; var pluginDir = null; var dataDir = null; exports.autoload = function(dir) { scriptCraftDir = dir; pluginDir = new File(dir, "plugins"); dataDir = new File(dir, "data"); var _canonize = function(file){ return "" + file.getCanonicalPath().replaceAll("\\\\","/"); }; /* recursively walk the given directory and return a list of all .js files */ var _listSourceFiles = function(store,dir) { var files = dir.listFiles(); for (var i = 0;i < files.length; i++) { var file = files[i]; if (file.isDirectory()){ _listSourceFiles(store,file); }else{ if ((file.getCanonicalPath().endsWith(".js") || file.getCanonicalPath().endsWith(".coffee")) ) { store.push(file); } } } }; /* sort so that .js files with same name as parent directory appear before other files in the same directory */ var sortByModule = function(a,b){ a = _canonize(a); b = _canonize(b); var aparts = (""+a).split(/\//); var bparts = (""+b).split(/\//); //var adir = aparts[aparts.length-2]; var adir = aparts.slice(0,aparts.length-1).join("/"); var afile = aparts[aparts.length-1]; //var bdir = bparts[bparts.length-2]; var bdir = bparts.slice(0,bparts.length-1).join("/"); var bfile = bparts[bparts.length-1]; if(adirbdir) return 1; afile = afile.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+/)[0]; if (adir.match(new RegExp(afile + "$"))) return -1; else return 1; }; /* Reload all of the .js files in the given directory */ var _reload = function(pluginDir) { _loaded = []; var sourceFiles = []; _listSourceFiles(sourceFiles,pluginDir); //sourceFiles.sort(sortByModule); // // script files whose name begins with _ (underscore) // will not be loaded automatically at startup. // These files are assumed to be dependencies/private to plugins // // E.g. If you have a plugin called myMiniGame.js in the myMiniGame directory // and which in addition to myMiniGame.js also includes _myMiniGame_currency.js _myMiniGame_events.js etc. // then it's assumed that _myMiniGame_currency.js and _myMiniGame_events.js will be loaded // as dependencies by myMiniGame.js and do not need to be loaded via js reload // var len = sourceFiles.length; if (config.verbose) + " scriptcraft plugins found."); for (var i = 0;i < len; i++){ var pluginPath = _canonize(sourceFiles[i]); if (config.verbose)"Loading plugin: " + pluginPath); var module = require(pluginPath); for (var property in module){ /* all exports in plugins become global */ global[property] = module[property]; } } }; _reload(pluginDir); }; addUnloadHandler(function(){ // // save all plugins which have persistent data // for (var moduleName in _plugins){ var pluginData = _plugins[moduleName]; if (pluginData.persistent) _save(, dataDir.canonicalPath + "/" + moduleName + "-store.json"); } });