/************************************************************************** ### Drone.stairs() function The stairs() function will build a flight of stairs #### Parameters * blockType - should be one of the following: * blocks.stairs.oak * blocks.stairs.cobblestone * blocks.stairs.brick * blocks.stairs.stone * blocks.stairs.nether * blocks.stairs.sandstone * blocks.stairs.spruce * blocks.stairs.birch * blocks.stairs.jungle * blocks.stairs.quartz * width - The width of the staircase - default is 1 * height - The height of the staircase - default is 1 #### Example To build an oak staircase 3 blocks wide and 5 blocks tall: /js stairs(blocks.stairs.oak, 3, 5) Staircases do not have any blocks beneath them. ***/ var Drone = require('./drone').Drone; /*global require*/ function stairs(blockType, width, height){ if (typeof width === 'undefined') width = 1; if (typeof height === 'undefined') height = 1; this.chkpt('_stairs'); var bm = this._getBlockIdAndMeta(blockType); while (height > 0) { this.traverseWidth(width, function(){ this.setBlock(bm[0], bm[1]); }); this.fwd().up(); height -= 1; } this.move('_stairs'); } Drone.extend(stairs);