/************************************************************************* ### Drone.door() method create a door - if a parameter is supplied an Iron door is created otherwise a wooden door is created. #### Parameters * doorType (optional - default wood) - If a parameter is provided then the door is Iron. #### Example To create a wooden door at the crosshairs/drone's location... var drone = new Drone(); drone.door(); To create an iron door... drone.door( blocks.door_iron ); ![iron door](img/doorex1.png) ### Drone.door_iron() method create an Iron door. ### Drone.door2() method Create double doors (left and right side) #### Parameters * doorType (optional - default wood) - If a parameter is provided then the door is Iron. #### Example To create double-doors at the cross-hairs/drone's location... drone.door2(); ![double doors](img/door2ex1.png) ### Drone.door2_iron() method Create double iron doors ***/ var Drone = require('./drone').Drone; /*global require*/ function door( doorMaterial, hinge) { if ( typeof doorMaterial == 'undefined' ) { doorMaterial = 64; // wood } if (typeof hinge == 'undefined') { hinge = 'left'; } this.then(function(){ this.setBlock(doorMaterial, this.dir); this.setBlock(doorMaterial, hinge=='left' ? 8 : 9, 0,1,0); }); } Drone.extend( door ); Drone.extend( function door_iron( ) { this.door(71); } ); Drone.extend( function door2( doorMaterial ) { if ( typeof doorMaterial == 'undefined' ) { doorMaterial = 64; } this .door( doorMaterial, 'left') .right() .door( doorMaterial, 'right') .left(); } ); Drone.extend( function door2_iron( ) { this.door2( 71 ); } );