/* A test of the commando plugin. Adds a new `/js-time` command with 4 possible options: Dawn, Midday, Dusk, Midnight */ if (__plugin.canary){ console.warn('commando-test not yet supported in CanaryMod'); return; } var commando = require('./commando').commando, times = ['Dawn','Midday','Dusk','Midnight']; commando( 'js-time' , function( params, sender ) { var time = ''+params[0].toLowerCase(), i = 0; if ( sender.location ) { for ( ; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( times.toLowerCase() == time ) { sender.location.world.setTime( i * 6000 ); break; } } } else { echo( sender, 'This command only works in-world'); } },times);