/************************************************************************* ## Example Plugin #5 A simple minecraft plugin. Using Modules. ### Usage: At the in-game prompt type ... /jsp hello-module ... and a message `Hello {player-name}` will appear (where {player-name} is replaced by your own name). This example demonstrates the use of modules. In example-1-hello-module.js we created a new javascript module. In this example, we use that module... * We load the module using the `require()` function. Because this module and the module we require are n the same directory, we specify `'./example-1-hello-module'` as the path (when loading a module from the same directory, `./` at the start of the path indicates that the file should be searched for in the same directory. * We assign the loaded module to a variable (`greetings`) and then use the module's `hello` method to display the message. Source Code... var greetings = require('./example-1-hello-module'); command('hello-module', function( parameters, player ){ greetings.hello(player); }); ***/ var greetings = require('./example-1-hello-module'); command('hello-module', function( parameters, player ){ greetings.hello(player); });