var global = this; var ScriptCraft = ScriptCraft || {}; ScriptCraft.core = ScriptCraft.core || {}; // // private implementation // (function(){ // // don't execute this more than once // if (typeof load == "function") return ; var _originalScript = __script; importPackage(; var _canonize = function(file){ return file.getCanonicalPath().replaceAll("\\\\","/"); }; var _load = function(filename){ var file = new File(filename); print("loading " + _canonize(file)); if (file.exists()){ var parent = file.getParentFile(); var reader = new FileReader(file); __engine.put("__script",_canonize(file)); __engine.put("__folder",(parent?_canonize(parent):"")+"/"); __engine.eval(reader); }else{ print("Error: " + filename + " not found"); } }; var _listJsFiles = function(store,dir) { if (typeof dir == "undefined"){ dir = new File(_originalScript).getParentFile().getParentFile(); } var files = dir.listFiles(); for (var i = 0;i < files.length; i++){ if (files[i].isDirectory()){ _listJsFiles(store,files[i]); }else{ if (files[i].getCanonicalPath().endsWith(".js") && !(files[i].getName().startsWith("_"))) { store.push(files[i]); } } } }; var _reload = function(pluginDir) { var jsFiles = []; _listJsFiles(jsFiles,pluginDir); // // script files whose name begins with _ (underscore) // will not be loaded automatically at startup. // These files are assumed to be dependencies/private to plugins // // E.g. If you have a plugin called myMiniGame.js in the myMiniGame directory // and which in addition to myMiniGame.js also includes _myMiniGame_currency.js _myMiniGame_events.js etc. // then it's assumed that _myMiniGame_currency.js and _myMiniGame_events.js will be loaded // as dependencies by myMiniGame.js and do not need to be loaded via js reload // for (var i = 0;i < jsFiles.length; i++){ load(_canonize(jsFiles[i])); } }; var _isJavaObject = function(o){ var result = false; try { o.hasOwnProperty("testForJava"); }catch (e){ // java will throw an error when an attempt is made to access the // hasOwnProperty method. (it won't exist for Java objects) result = true; } return result; }; var _javaLangObjectMethods = ["equals","getClass","class","getClass","hashCode","notify","notifyAll","toString","wait","clone","finalize"]; var _getProperties = function(o) { var result = []; if (_isJavaObject(o)){ propertyLoop: for (var i in o){ // // don't include standard Object methods // var isObjectMethod = false; for (var j = 0;j < _javaLangObjectMethods.length; j++) if (_javaLangObjectMethods[j] == i) continue propertyLoop; if (typeof o[i] == "function") result.push(i+"()"); else result.push(i); } }else{ for (var i in o){ if (!o.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; if (i.match(/^[^_]/)){ if (typeof o[i] == "function") result.push(i+"()"); else result.push(i); } } } return result.sort(); }; var __onTabComplete2 = function() { var _globalSymbols = _getProperties(global) var result = global.__onTC_result; var args = global.__onTC_args; var propsOfLastArg = []; var statement = args.join(" "); statement = statement.replace(/^\s+/,"").replace(/\s+$/,""); if (statement.length == 0){ propsOfLastArg = _globalSymbols; }else{ var statementSyms = statement.split(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\.]/); var lastSymbol = statementSyms[statementSyms.length-1]; // // try to complete the object ala java IDEs. // var parts = lastSymbol.split(/\./); var name = parts[0]; var symbol = global[name]; var lastGoodSymbol = symbol; if (typeof symbol != "undefined") { for (var i = 1; i < parts.length;i++){ name = parts[i]; symbol = symbol[name]; if (typeof symbol == "undefined") break; lastGoodSymbol = symbol; } if (typeof symbol == "undefined"){ // // look up partial matches against last good symbol // var objectProps = _getProperties(lastGoodSymbol); if (name == ""){ // if the last symbol looks like this.. // ScriptCraft. // for (var i =0;i < objectProps.length;i++) propsOfLastArg.push(statement+objectProps[i]);; }else{ // it looks like this.. // // var li = statement.lastIndexOf(name); statement = statement.substring(0,li); for (var i = 0; i < objectProps.length;i++){ if (objectProps[i].indexOf(name) == 0){ propsOfLastArg.push(statement + objectProps[i]); } } } }else{ var objectProps = _getProperties(symbol); for (var i = 0; i < objectProps.length; i++){ propsOfLastArg.push(statement + objectProps[i]); } } }else{ // loop thru globalSymbols looking for a good match for (var i = 0;i < _globalSymbols.length; i++){ if (_globalSymbols[i].indexOf(lastSymbol) == 0){ propsOfLastArg.push(statement.replace(lastSymbol,_globalSymbols[i])); } } } } for (var i = 0;i < propsOfLastArg.length; i++){ result.add(propsOfLastArg[i]); } }; global._onTabComplete = __onTabComplete2; ScriptCraft.core.load = _load; ScriptCraft.core.reload = _reload; for (var f in ScriptCraft.core){ global[f] = ScriptCraft.core[f]; } ScriptCraft.core.initialized = true; // // assumes this was loaded from js-plugins/core/ // reload(new File(__script).getParentFile().getParentFile()); }());