/************************************************************************ ## Fireworks Module The fireworks module makes it easy to create fireworks using ScriptCraft. The module has a single function `firework` which takes a `org.bukkit.Location` as its 1 and only parameter. ### Examples The module also extends the `Drone` object adding a `firework` method so that fireworks can be created as a part of a Drone chain. For Example.... /js firework() ... creates a single firework, while .... /js firework().fwd(3).times(5) ... creates 5 fireworks in a row. Fireworks have also been added as a possible option for the `arrow` module. To have a firework launch where an arrow strikes... /js arrows.firework() To call the fireworks.firework() function directly, you must provide a location. For example... /js var fireworks = require('fireworks'); /js fireworks.firework( self.location ); ![firework example](img/firework.png) ***/ /* create a firework at the given location */ var firework = function( location ) { var Color = org.bukkit.Color; var FireworkEffect = org.bukkit.FireworkEffect; var EntityType = org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; var randInt = function( n ) { return Math.floor( Math.random() * n ); }; var getColor = function( i ) { var colors = [ Color.AQUA, Color.BLACK, Color.BLUE, Color.FUCHSIA, Color.GRAY, Color.GREEN, Color.LIME, Color.MAROON, Color.NAVY, Color.OLIVE, Color.ORANGE, Color.PURPLE, Color.RED, Color.SILVER, Color.TEAL, Color.WHITE, Color.YELLOW]; return colors[i]; }; var fw = location.world.spawnEntity(location, EntityType.FIREWORK); var fwm = fw.getFireworkMeta(); var fwTypes = [FireworkEffect.Type.BALL, FireworkEffect.Type.BALL_LARGE, FireworkEffect.Type.BURST, FireworkEffect.Type.CREEPER, FireworkEffect.Type.STAR]; var type = fwTypes[ randInt( 5 ) ]; var r1i = randInt( 17 ); var r2i = randInt( 17 ); var c1 = getColor( r1i ); var c2 = getColor( r2i ); var effectBuilder = FireworkEffect.builder() .flicker( Math.round( Math.random() ) == 0 ) .withColor( c1 ) .withFade( c2 ) .trail( Math.round( Math.random() ) == 0 ); effectBuilder['with']( type ); var effect = effectBuilder.build(); fwm.addEffect( effect ); fwm.setPower( randInt( 2 ) + 1 ); fw.setFireworkMeta( fwm ); }; exports.firework = firework;