/* Experimental: Point at a block and issue the following ... /js var d = new Drone(); /js var clock = new LCDClock(d); /js clock.start24(); ... start the clock... /js clock.stop24(); ... stops the clock... */ var Drone = require('../drone').Drone; var blocktype = require('../blocktype'); exports.LCDClock = function(drone, fgColor,bgColor,border) { var lastSecs = [0,0,0,0], world = drone.world, intervalId = -1; if (typeof bgColor == 'undefined') bgColor = '35:15'; // black wool if (typeof fgColor == 'undefined') fgColor = 35 ; // white wool if (border){ drone.box(border,21,9,1); drone.up().right(); } drone.blocktype('00:00',fgColor,bgColor); return { start24: function(){ var clock = this; function tick(){ var rolloverMins = 24*60; var timeOfDayInMins = Math.floor(((world.time + 6000) % 24000) / 16.6667); timeOfDayInMins = timeOfDayInMins % rolloverMins; console.log('Minecraft time: ' + world.time + ' timeOfDayInMins: ' + timeOfDayInMins); clock.update(timeOfDayInMins); }; intervalId = setInterval(tick, 800); }, stop24: function(){ clearInterval(intervalId); }, update: function(secs){ var digits = [0,0,0,0], s = secs % 60; m = (secs - s) / 60; digits[3] = s%10; digits[2] = (s-digits[3])/10; digits[1] = m%10; digits[0] = (m-digits[1])/10; // // updating all 4 digits each time is expensive // only update digits which have changed (in most cases - just 1) // if (digits[3] != lastSecs[3]) drone.right(14).blocktype(''+digits[3],fgColor,bgColor).left(14); if (digits[2] != lastSecs[2]) drone.right(10).blocktype(''+digits[2],fgColor,bgColor).left(10); if (digits[1] != lastSecs[1]) drone.right(4).blocktype(''+digits[1], fgColor, bgColor).left(4); if (digits[0] != lastSecs[0]) drone.blocktype(''+digits[0], fgColor, bgColor); lastSecs[0] = digits[0]; lastSecs[1] = digits[1]; lastSecs[2] = digits[2]; lastSecs[3] = digits[3]; } }; };