/************************************************************************ Blocks Module ============= You hate having to lookup [Data Values][dv] when you use ScriptCraft's Drone() functions. So do I. So I created this blocks object which is a helper object for use in construction. Examples -------- box( blocks.oak ); // creates a single oak wood block box( blocks.sand, 3, 2, 1 ); // creates a block of sand 3 wide x 2 high x 1 long box( blocks.wool.green, 2 ); // creates a block of green wool 2 blocks wide ***/ var blocks = { air: 0, stone: 1, grass: 2, dirt: 3, cobblestone: 4, oak: 5, spruce: '5:1', birch: '5:2', jungle: '5:3', sapling: { oak: 6, spruce: '6:1', birch: '62:2', jungle: '6:3' }, bedrock: 7, water: 8, water_still: 9, lava: 10, lava_still: 11, sand: 12, gravel: 13, gold_ore: 14, iron_ore: 15, coal_ore: 16, wood: 17, leaves: 18, sponge: 19, glass: 20, lapis_lazuli_ore: 21, lapis_lazuli_block: 22, dispenser: 23, sandstone: 24, note: 25, bed: 26, powered_rail: 27, detector_rail: 28, sticky_piston: 29, cobweb: 30, grass_tall: 31, dead_bush: 32, piston: 33, piston_extn: 34, white: 35, // white is white wool black: '35:15', wool: { white: 35, orange: '35:1', magenta: '35:2', lightblue: '35:3', yellow: '35:4', lime: '35:5', pink: '35:6', gray: '35:7', lightgray: '35:8', cyan: '35:9', purple: '35:10', blue: '35:11', brown: '35:12', green: '35:13', red: '35:14', black: '35:15' }, dandelion: 37, flower_yellow: 37, rose: 38, flower_red: 38, mushroom_brown: 39, mushroom_red: 40, gold: 41, iron: 42, tnt: 46, bookshelf: 47, moss_stone: 48, obsidian: 49, torch: 50, fire: 51, monster_spawner: 52, stairs: { oak: 53, cobblestone: 67, brick: 108, stone: 109, nether: 114, sandstone: 128, spruce: 134, birch: 135, jungle: 136, quartz: 156 }, chest: 54, redstone_wire: 55, diamond_ore: 56, diamond: 57, crafting_table: 58, wheat_seeds: 59, farmland: 60, furnace: 61, furnace_burning: 62, sign_post: 63, door_wood: 64, ladder: 65, rail: 66, sign: 68, lever: 69, pressure_plate_stone: 70, door_iron: 71, pressure_plate_wood: 72, redstone_ore: 73, redstone_ore_glowing: 74, torch_redstone: 75, torch_redstone_active: 76, stone_button: 77, ice: 79, snow: 80, cactus: 81, clay: 82, sugar_cane: 83, jukebox: 84, fence: 85, pumpkin: 86, netherrack: 87, soulsand: 88, glowstone: 89, netherportal: 90, jackolantern: 91, cake: 92, redstone_repeater: 93, redeston_repeater_active: 94, chest_locked: 95, trapdoor: 96, monster_egg: 97, brick: { stone: 98, mossy: '98:1', cracked: '98:2', chiseled: '98:3', red: 45 }, mushroom_brown_huge: 99, mushroom_red_huge: 100, iron_bars: 101, glass_pane: 102, melon: 103, pumpkin_stem: 104, melon_stem: 105, vines: 106, fence_gate: 107, mycelium: 110, lily_pad: 111, nether: 112, neter_fence: 113, netherwart: 115, table_enchantment: 116, brewing_stand: 117, cauldron: 118, endportal: 119, endportal_frame: 120, endstone: 121, dragon_egg: 122, redstone_lamp: 123, redstone_lamp_active: 124, slab: { snow: 78, stone: 44, sandstone: '44:1', wooden: '44:2', cobblestone: '44:3', brick: '44:4', stonebrick: '44:5', netherbrick:'44:6', quartz: '44:7', oak: 126, spruce: '126:1', birch: '126:2', jungle: '126:3', upper: { stone: '44:8', sandstone: '44:9', wooden: '44:10', cobblestone: '44:11', brick: '44:12', stonebrick: '44:13', netherbrick:'44:14', quartz: '44:15', oak: '126:8', spruce: '126:9', birch: '126:10', jungle: '126:11', } }, cocoa: 127, emerald_ore: 129, enderchest: 130, tripwire_hook: 131, tripwire: 132, emerald: 133, command: 137, beacon: 138, cobblestone_wall: 139, flowerpot: 140, carrots: 141, potatoes: 142, button_wood: 143, mobhead: 144, anvil: 145, chest_trapped: 146, pressure_plate_weighted_light: 147, pressure_plate_weighted_heavy: 148, redstone_comparator: 149, redstone_comparator_active: 150, daylight_sensor: 151, redstone: 152, netherquartzore: 153, hopper: 154, quartz: 155, rail_activator: 157, dropper: 158 };