# Let's begin … [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/Join Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/walterhiggins/ScriptCraft?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) ScriptCraft lets you write Minecraft Mods using Javascript - a programming language that's relatively easy to learn and use. ScriptCraft is a Minecraft Server plugin which means it must be used with a Minecraft server. Once you've downloaded and installed the Minecraft Server, then installed the ScriptCraft Plugin you can write your own Minecraft mods using Javascript. I created ScriptCraft to make it easier for younger programmers to create their own Minecraft Mods. Mods are written using the JavaScript programming language. Once the ScriptCraft mod is installed, you can add your own new Mods by adding JavaScript (.js) files in a directory. * If you're new to programming and want to start modding Minecraft, then [Start Here][yp]. * If you've already used [Scratch][scr], have attended a few [CoderDojo][cd] sessions, or have already dabbled with JavaScript, then [Start Here][cda]. * Watch some [demos][ytpl] of what you can do with ScriptCraft. This is a simple mod in a file called greet.js in the scriptcraft/plugins directory … ```javascript function greet( player ) { echo( player, 'Hello ' + player.name ); } exports.greet = greet; ``` At the in-game prompt, type: ```javascript /js greet(self) ``` Anything you can do using the Spigot or CanaryMod APIs in Java, you can do using ScriptCraft in JavaScript. # Description ScriptCraft is a plugin for Minecraft Servers which lets operators, administrators and plug-in authors customize the game using JavaScript. ScriptCraft makes it easier to create your own mods. Mods can be written in Javscript and can use the full [SpigotMC API][spigot] or [CanaryMod API][cm]. ScriptCraft works with all of the following Minecraft Server software: * [SpigotMC][spigot] (Recommended) * [GlowStone][gs] * [CanaryMod][cm] [spigot]: http://www.spigotmc.org/ [gs]: http://www.glowstone.net/ I recommend using SpigotMC because both CanaryMod and CraftBukkit are no longer being actively developed. The ScriptCraft mod also lets you enter javascript commands at the in-game prompt. To bring up the in-game prompt press the `/` key then type `js ` followed by any javascript statement. For example: `/js 1 + 1` will print 2. ScriptCraft also includes many objects and functions to make building and modding easier using JavaScript. The JavaScript `Drone` object bundled with ScriptCraft provides an easy way to build at-scale in Minecraft. See the attached [temple.js][temple] file for an example of how you can use the sample Drone plugin to create new buildings in Minecraft. [drone]: https://github.com/walterhiggins/ScriptCraft/tree/master/src/main/javascript/drone/drone.js [cottage]: https://github.com/walterhiggins/ScriptCraft/tree/master/src/main/js/plugins/drone/contrib/cottage.js [temple]: https://github.com/walterhiggins/ScriptCraft/blob/master/src/main/js/plugins/drone/contrib/temple.js [bukkit]: http://dl.bukkit.org/ [cm]: http://canarymod.net/ # Prerequisites * You will need to have Java version 7 or later installed on your machine. Check the version by typing `java -version` at a command prompt. * You will need to [install SpigotMC][spigot] on your machine. SpigotMC is a customized version of Minecraft Server that makes it easy to install plugins and customize Minecraft. You can [download the SpigotMC server here.][spigotdl] # Installation Before installing ScriptCraft you must first install SpigotMC which is a special version of Minecraft Server that makes it easy to customize the game. ## Installing and Running SpigotMC Follow these steps to download and install SpigotMC on your machine. 1. Download Spigot's [BuildTools.jar][spigotdl] 2. Save the BuildTools.jar file to a new directory called spigotmc. 3. Open a terminal (Mac and Linux) or command prompt (windows) window and type `java -jar BuildTools.jar`. This will kick off a long series of commands to "build" SpigotMC. 4. When the build is done, there will be a new file beginning with `spigot` and ending in `.jar` in the spigotmc directory. Run this file by typing `java -jar spigot-1.10.2.jar` (it might not be that exact name - you can list files in the directory by typing `dir` (Windows) or `ls` (Mac and Linux). 5. The server will start up then shut down very shortly afterwards. You'll need to edit a file called `eula.txt` - change `eula=false` to `eula=true` and save the file. 6. Run the `java -jar spigot-1.10.2.jar` command again - this time the server will start up. Shut it down by typing `exit` at the server prompt. 7. Download the [scriptcraft.jar][dl] plugin and save it to the `plugins` directory and restart the server by typing `java -jar spigot-1.10.2.jar`. 9. At the server prompt type `js 1 + 1` and hit enter. The result `2` should be displayed. Congratulations - you've just installed your Custom Minecraft Server and are ready to begin writing your first mod! # Post Install Once installed, a new scriptcraft/plugins directory is automatically created. All files in the scriptcraft/plugins directory will be automatically loaded when the server starts. *Only players who are ops can use this plugin.* You can grant a player `op` privileges by typing 'op ' at the server console prompt or by adding the player's username to the ops.txt file in your server directory. Launch the server, then launch the Minecraft client and create a new server connection. The IP address will be `localhost` . Once you've connected to your server and have entered the game, look at a ground-level block and type … /js up().box( blocks.wool.black, 4, 9, 1 ) … This will create a black monolith structure 4 blocks wide by 9 blocks high by 1 block long. Take a look at the src/main/javascript/drone/drone.js file to see what ScriptCraft's drone can do. If you're interested in customizing minecraft beyond just creating new buildings, take a look at [the homes mod][homes] for an example of how to create a more fully-featured JavaScript plugin for Minecraft. A JavaScript mod for minecraft is just a JavaScript source file (.js) located in the scriptcraft/plugins directory. All .js files in this directory will be automatically loaded when the server starts. To get started writing your own mod, take a look at some of the [examples][examples]. [homes]: src/main/js/plugins/homes/homes.js [examples]: src/main/js/plugins/examples/ # Additional information Because the SpigotMC API is open, all of the SpigotMC API is accessible via javascript once the ScriptCraft plugin is loaded. There are a couple of useful Java objects exposed via javascript in the ScriptCraft plugin … * `__plugin` – the ScriptCraft Plugin itself. This is a useful starting point for accessing other SpigotMC objects. The `__plugin` object is of type [org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin][api] and all of its properties and methods are accessible. For example … `js __plugin.name` returns the plugin's name (JavaScript is more concise than the equivalent Java code: `__plugin.getName()` ). * `server` – The top-level org.bukkit.Server object. See the [SpigotMC API docs][spigotapi] for reference. * `self` – The player/command-block or server console operator who invoked the `/js` command. Again, this is a good jumping off point for diving into the SpigotMC API. [dl]: http://scriptcraftjs.org/download/latest [api]: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/ [ic]: http://canarymod.net/releases [spigotdl]: https://hub.spigotmc.org/jenkins/job/BuildTools/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/BuildTools.jar [cmapi]: https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/ [spigotapi]: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/ # Contributing If you would like to contribute source code and/or documentation changes please [read contributing.md][contrib] ## Status [![Travis Build Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/walterhiggins/ScriptCraft.png)](http://travis-ci.org/walterhiggins/ScriptCraft) # Bukkit Configuration ## (You can ignore this if using CanaryMod) ScriptCraft works with Bukkit Plugin and uses the Bukkit Configuration API. On first loading, ScriptCraft will create a config.yml file in the plugins/scriptcraft/ directory. This file looks like this … extract-js: plugins: true modules: true lib: true This file allows scriptcraft admins to turn on or off re-unzipping of the `modules`, `plugins` and `lib` folders when deploying a new version of ScriptCraft. It's strongly recommended that the `lib` directory always be set to true to get the latest core ScriptCraft code . The modules and plugins directories are optional and not part of ScriptCraft core. # Further Reading ScriptCraft has [its own website][website] with further information. * To get started using ScriptCraft to Learn JavaScript, read [The Young Person's Guide to Programming in Minecraft][yp]. * The ScriptCraft [API documentation][api]. * To delve deeper into creating your own minecraft mod for use by others, read [Creating a complete Minecraft Mod in JavaScript][mm]. * Take a look at some [examples][ex]. * Buy the Official ScriptCraft Book [A Beginner's Guide to Writing Minecraft Plugins in Javascript][book]. You can find more information about [ScriptCraft on my blog][blog]. # Additional Resources CoderDojo Athenry have some [excellent tutorials][cda] for younger programmers who have used [Scratch][scr] and are interested in Modding Minecraft using JavaScript. In particular, they have an excellent [Scratch - to - JavaScript][sj] tutorial which explains Scratch programs and how to do the same thing in JavaScript. I highly recommend the series of [tutorials provided by CoderDojo Athenry][cda]. Developer Chris Cacciatore has created some interesting tools using ScriptCraft … * [A wolf-bot][wb] * [L-Systems (Large-scale fractal structures in Minecraft)][ls] # Docker To launch a container with CanaryMod and ScriptCraft you can just do docker run -p 25565:25565 -it tclavier/scriptcraft You can find all files used to build this container in github project: [docker-scriptcraft](https://github.com/tclavier/docker-scriptcraft) [wb]: https://github.com/cacciatc/wolfbot [ls]: https://github.com/cacciatc/scriptcraft-lsystems [blog]: http://walterhiggins.net/blog/cat-index-scriptcraft.html [yp]: docs/YoungPersonsGuideToProgrammingMinecraft.md [mm]: docs/Anatomy-of-a-Plugin.md [api]: docs/API-Reference.md [website]: http://scriptcraftjs.org/ [cd]: http://coderdojo.com/ [scr]: http://scratch.mit.edu/ [cda]: http://cdathenry.wordpress.com/category/modderdojo/ [ytpl]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDp20SKm43Y&list=PL4Tw0AgXQZH5BiFHqD2hXyXQi0-qFbGp_ [ex]: src/main/js/plugins/examples [contrib]: contributing.md [sj]: http://cdathenry.wordpress.com/2013/10/12/modderdojo-week-2-moving-from-scratch-to-javascript/ [book]: http://www.peachpit.com/store/beginners-guide-to-writing-minecraft-plugins-in-javascript-9780133930146