var File =, FileReader =, FileInputStream =, out = java.lang.System.out, err = java.lang.System.err, Modifier = java.lang.reflect.Modifier, clz, ZipInputStream =, zis = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream('./target/minecraft/craftbukkit.jar')), entry = null; var content = [ '/*********************', '## Events Helper Module', 'The Events helper module provides a suite of functions - one for each possible event.', 'For example, the events.blockBreak() function is just a wrapper function which calls events.on(org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent, callback, priority)', 'This module is a convenience wrapper for easily adding new event handling functions in Javascript. ', 'At the in-game or server-console prompt, players/admins can type `events.` and use TAB completion ', 'to choose from any of the approx. 160 different event types to listen to.', '', '### Usage', '', ' events.blockBreak( function( event ) { ', ' event.player.sendMessage(\'You broke a block!\'); ', ' });', '', '... which is just a shorter and less error-prone way of writing ...', '', ' events.on(\'block.BlockBreakEvent\',function( event ) { ', ' event.player.sendMessage(\'You broke a block!\');', ' });', '', 'The crucial difference is that the events module now has functions for each of the built-in events. The functions are accessible via TAB-completion so will help beginning programmers to explore the events at the server console window.', '', '***/' ]; for (var i = 0; i< content.length; i++){ out.println(content[i]); } while ( ( entry = zis.nextEntry) != null) { var name = '' +; if (name.match(/org\/bukkit\/event\/.+Event\.class$/)){ name = name.replace(/\//g,'.').replace('.class',''); try { clz = java.lang.Class.forName(name); }catch ( e) { clz = engine.eval(name); } var isAbstract = Modifier.isAbstract(clz.getModifiers()); if ( isAbstract ) { continue; } var parts = name.split('.'); var shortName = name.replace('org.bukkit.event.',''); var fname = parts.reverse().shift().replace(/^(.)/,function(a){ return a.toLowerCase();}).replace(/Event$/,''); var comment = [ '/*********************', '### events.' + fname + '()', '', '#### Parameters ', '', ' * callback - A function which is called whenever the ['+ shortName + ' event](' + shortName.replace('.','/') + '.html) is fired', '', ' * priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.', '', '***/' // ]; for (var i = 0; i < comment.length; i++){ out.println(comment[i]); } out.println('exports.' + fname + ' = function(callback,priority){ '); out.println(' return events.on(' + name + ',callback,priority);'); out.println('};'); } }