RELEASE NOTES ============= 3.0.2 Release (2014 12 28) ---------------------------------- This version includes fixes for CraftBukkit (1.7.X) and also fixes problems on Mac OS X and includes some support for Drone methods in Minecraft 1.8 (CanaryMod 1.2) 3.0.0 Release (2014 11 09) ---------------------------------- In September 2014, development of CraftBukkit was discontinued due to a DMCA takedown notice. ScriptCraft has since switched from CraftBukkit to CanaryMod as the underlying framework. ScriptCraft continues to run on CraftBukkit but - for the immediate future - future development efforts will be to ensure it works primarily on CanaryMod. When other frameworks like SpongePowered become available, I hope to eventually support those too. The biggest change in 3.0.0 is the removal of the short name event registration function. This will no longer work: events.on('block.BlockBreakEvent', function( event ) { ... }); Instead use this: events.blockDestroy( function( event ) { ... }); or events.on(net.canarymod.hook.block.BlockDestroyHook, function( event ) { ... }); 2014 08 23 ---------- Chessboard was broken, is now fixed. Rainbows are now made from stained glass. Full range of stained_glass colors is available in blocks variable. SnowballFight mini-game has been removed. An improved version will be available soon online. chat plugin has been removed - will be available in another github repo soon. 2014 06 14 ---------- Fix issue #140 - fails to build for JRE7 Changed command() documentation to conform with new way of using (passing a named function) 2014 05 31 ---------- Fix bug in persistence module. Private load function wasn't returning result of scload. 2014 05 29 ---------- Fix tab completion for /jsp command so that it conforms with tab completion norms in minecraft. /jsp ice completes to /jsp icecream Hitting TAB again has no effect. Player must type space then hit TAB to get list of flavors. This is consistent with how MC treats other commands for tab completion. 2014 05 19 ---------- Improved Tab Completion to work with Java Enums too. 2014 05 12 ---------- Turn off modality for conversations which are started via the 'input' module. (with modality on, player.sendMessage() is suppressed but player.sendRawMessage() isn't. turning modality off as devs would expect player.sendMessage() to work - I did anyway) 2014 05 10 ---------- Further simplification of events handling. The events.on() function can still be used but additional functions are now provided for each type of event. For example, to register a custom player-join event handler... events.playerJoin(function(event){ event.player.sendMessage('welcome!'); }); Added new sounds module for simpler sounds playback and in-game tab completion. All of the org.bukkit.Sound enum values are attached to the sounds module. 2014 04 13 ---------- Added asynchronous `input()` function module. Version 2.0.6 (2014 03 15) -------------------------- ## Simplified Event handling code. The callback function for event handling now only takes 1 single parameter, the event which triggered the callback. The listener object is bound to the callback function so within the callback function `this` refers to the listener object. Unregistering listeners has also been greatly simplified. You can have an event handler which fires only once by unregistering itself within the callback like this... events.on('player.PlayerJoinEvent', function( event ) { // do something event.player.sendMessage( "You're the first player to join" ); // unregister so this function is called only once ever. this.unregister(); }); The `events.on()` function also returns the same listener object as `this` refered to inside the callback. The listener object has a single method `unregister()` which can be called to stop listening for the event. # 2014 03 12 Added Drone.MAX_VOLUME and Drone.MAX_SIDE properties to specify limits on size of Drone ops. This is to stop individual players from hogging the CPU in a classrom environment. # 2014 03 08 Fixed issues #115 #122 #123 Improved background processing of Drone build commands. # 2014 02 19 ## Version 2.0.5 Asynchronous building. Drone now builds asynchronously. Fixed Issue #119 (exceptions on reload/stop) # 2014 02 11 ## Version 2.0.4 Various bug fixes, enhanced classroom module and improved error logging on startup. # 2014 01 17 Added support for communication with Arduino and other devices which use the [MQTT protocol][mqtt] via a new `sc-mqtt` module. This module requires a separate sc-mqtt.jar file downloadable from which must be included in the CraftBukkit classpath. If using MQTT in ScriptCraft, then Craftbukkit should be launched like this... java -classpath craftbukkit.jar;sc-mqtt.jar org.bukkit.craftbukkit.Main You can use the new `sc-mqtt` module like this to send and receive messages between minecraft and an Arduino. For example to send a message to the MQTT broker whenever a player breaks a block... var mqtt = require('sc-mqtt'); var client = mqtt.client('tcp://localhost:1883','scripcraft'); client.connect(); events.on('block.BlockBreakEvent', function(listener, event){ client.publish('minecraft','block-broken'); }); To have minecraft react to inputs from an MQTT broker... var mqtt = require('sc-mqtt'); var client = mqtt.client('tcp://localhost:1883','scripcraft'); client.connect(); client.onMessageArrived(function(topic, message){ var payload = message.payload; if (topic == 'arduino'){ // do something with payload. } }); [mqtt]: # 2014 01 14 Added config.yml file for configuration options. This file allows scriptcraft admins to turn on or off re-unzipping of the modules, plugins and lib folders when deploying a new version of scriptcraft. It's strongly recommended that the lib directory always be set to true to get the latest core scriptcraft code . The modules and plugins directories are optional and not part of scriptcraft core. The config.yml file looks like this... extract-js: plugins: true modules: true lib: true # 2014 01 13 Bug Fix: Make ScriptCraft work with Nashorn javascript engine bundled with Java 8 # 2014 01 12 ## Important The ScriptCraft.jar file has been renamed scriptcraft.jar (see bug fix details below). This means that you will have to remove the existing `plugins/ScriptCraft.jar` file if present. Bug Fix: On Mac OS, the plugins/scriptcraft directory is copied to plugins/ScriptCraftPlugin the 2nd time ScriptCraftPlugin is loaded. This has been fixed by changing the plugin name from ScriptCraftPlugin to scriptcraft. The jar file has also been rename from ScriptCraft.jar to scriptcraft.jar. New command: `jsp spawn` lets in-game operators spawn any type of entity. For example `/jsp spawn cow` will spawn a cow at the in-game operator's current location. New minigame: Cow Clicker. A simple demonstration of using Bukkit's Scoreboard API. Players click cows to score points. Scores are displayed in a side bar on screen. Players join or leave the game by typing `/jsp cowclicker` at the in-game prompt. # 2014 01 05 Bug Fix: On Mac OS, alias plugin caused Exceptions due to missing .trim() function on String. Changed target for compilation to 1.6 so that ScriptCraft will work with both java 1.6 and 1.7. Added documentation for the Signs module. # 2014 01 02 Added a warning in console at start-up if legacy directories are detected. Added 'use strict' to core modules. Bug Fix; Signs were not being saved. (introduced with recent change to JSONifying Location) # 2014 01 01 'Buddha' Release - towards a total annihilation of the 'self' variable. The 'self' variable should only be used at the in-game or server console command prompts and should not be used in modules or in multi-threaded code. Moved scriptcraft directory from {craftbukkit-root}/scriptcraft to {craftbukkit-root}/plugins/scriptcraft because this seems to be where other plugins create plugin-specific directories on the filesystem. Documentation updates. Added new sections to the Young Persons Guide to Modding Minecraft. # 2013 12 30 Removing coffeescript support because coffeescript.js will not compile/evaluate (generated bytecode exceeds 64K limit). Updated plugin to remove `self` variable once the `js` command evaluation has completed (limits the scope of the `self` variable to just command-prompt evaluation). # 2013 12 29 Bug Fix: [Can't get Scriptcraft core libraries working][bug103]. [bug103]: Bug Fix; Server console errors when empty commands submitted. Added more example modules. # 2013 12 28 Documented the 'homes' module other tweaks to documentation. # 2013 12 27 ## Updated 'jsp alias' command. The 'jsp alias' command now lets players define their own shortcuts which don't require the 'jsp ' prefix. ### Example At the in-game prompt use the following command to create a new alias `cw` (short for change Clock & Weather) which will change the time and weather using a single statement. /jsp alias set cw = time set {1} ; weather {2} This creates a new cw alias which takes 2 parameters, time and weather and passes them to the 'time set' and 'weather' commands. You use the alias like this... /cw 4000 sun ... which in turn gets converted into these 2 commands... /time set 4000 /weather sun Aliases can be set on a per-player basis or can be set globally (for all players). Aliases are automatically saved and restore on server shutdown/startup. ## Added console global variable. ScriptCraft now has a `console` global variable which can be used for logging (to the server console). The `console` variable uses the ScriptCraft plugin Logger object. You use the console object in your javascript modules like this...'Hello %s, %s', 'World', 'Universe'); ... or simply... console.warn('Hello World'); # 2013 12 26 Made the `events` variable global because it is use by modules and plugins. This means there is no longer any need to explicitly `require('events')` since `events` is now a free variable in the global namespace. # 2013 12 25 Added the 'commando' module. # 2013 12 24 ## 'Modules' release ### Modules in ScriptCraft ScriptCraft now has a simple module loading system. ScriptCraft now uses the [CommonJS module contract][cjsmod] - that is - the same module system used by Node.js. All of the javascript code which comes bundled with ScriptCraft has been modified so that it conforms to the CommonJS module system. ### What this means for plugins you've developed using ScriptCraft If you have written plugins using a previous version of ScriptCraft then you have 2 options... 1. Continue using the previous version of ScriptCraft. 2. Update your plugins to work with the ScriptCraft 'Modules' release. ... Option 2 should be relatively straightforward if you follow these steps... 1. Copy your own custom plugins from the `js-plugins` directory to the new `scriptcraft/plugins` directory. 2. In your javascript code any functions, objects or variables which you want to expose for use by others should be exposed using the special `exports` variable. All other code within your .js files will now be private by default. See below for details on how CommonJS/Node.js modules work. If you have any questions or concerns or need help converting your existing javascript plugin, contact please post questions on the [ScriptCraft forum][scforum] or open an issue on the [Github project][github] [github]: [scforum]:!forum/scriptcraft---scripting-minecraft In ScriptCraft, files and modules are in one-to-one correspondence. As an example, foo.js loads the module circle.js in the same directory. *ScriptCraft now uses the same module system as Node.js - see [Node.js Modules][njsmod] for more details.* [njsmod]: [cjsmod]: The contents of foo.js: var circle = require('./circle.js'); echo( 'The area of a circle of radius 4 is ' + circle.area(4)); The contents of circle.js: var PI = Math.PI; exports.area = function (r) { return PI * r * r; }; exports.circumference = function (r) { return 2 * PI * r; }; The module circle.js has exported the functions area() and circumference(). To add functions and objects to the root of your module, you can add them to the special exports object. Variables local to the module will be private, as though the module was wrapped in a function. In this example the variable PI is private to circle.js. If you want the root of your module's export to be a function (such as a constructor) or if you want to export a complete object in one assignment instead of building it one property at a time, assign it to module.exports instead of exports. #### Module Loading When the ScriptCraft Java plugin is first installed, a new subdirectory is created in the craftbukkit directory. If your craftbukkit directory is called 'craftbukkit' then the new subdirectories will be ... * craftbukkit/scriptcraft/ * craftbukkit/scriptcraft/plugins * craftbukkit/scriptcraft/modules * craftbukkit/scriptcraft/lib ... The `plugins`, `modules` and `lib` directories each serve a different purpose. ##### The plugins directory At server startup the ScriptCraft Java plugin is loaded and begins automatically loading and executing all of the modules (javascript files with the extension `.js`) it finds in the `scriptcraft/plugins` directory. All modules in the plugins directory are automatically loaded into the `global` namespace. What this means is that anything a module in the `plugins` directory exports becomes a global variable. For example, if you have a module greeting.js in the plugins directory.... exports.greet = function() { echo('Hello ' +; }; ... then `greet` becomes a global function and can be used at the in-game (or server) command prompt like so... /js greet() ... This differs from how modules (in NodeJS and commonJS environments) normally work. If you want your module to be exported globally, put it in the `plugins` directory. If you don't want your module to be exported globally but only want it to be used by other modules, then put it in the `modules` directory instead. If you've used previous versions of ScriptCraft and have put your custom javascript modules in the `js-plugins` directory, then put them in the `scriptcraft/plugins` directory. To summarise, modules in this directory are ... * Automatically loaded and run at server startup. * Anything exported by modules becomes a global variable. ##### The modules directory The module directory is where you should place your modules if you don't want to export globally. In javascript, it's considered best practice not to have too many global variables, so if you want to develop modules for others to use, or want to develop more complex mods then your modules should be placed in the `modules` directory. *Modules in the `modules` directory are not automatically loaded at startup*, instead, they are loaded and used by other modules/plugins using the standard `require()` function. This is the key difference between modules in the `plugins` directory and modules in the `modules` directory. Modules in the `plugins` directory are automatically loaded and exported in to the global namespace at server startup, modules in the `modules` directory are not. ##### The lib directory Modules in the `lib` directory are for use by ScriptCraft and some core functions for use by module and plugin developers are also provided. The `lib` directory is for internal use by ScriptCraft. Modules in this directory are not automatically loaded nor are they globally exported.