'use strict'; /************************************************************************* ## sc-mqtt module This module provides a simple way to communicate with devices (such as Arduino) using the popular lightweight [MQTT protocol][mqtt]. ### Usage This module can only be used if the separate `sc-mqtt.jar` file is present in the CraftBukkit classpath. To use this module, you should ... 1. Download sc-mqtt.jar from 2. Save the file to the same directory where craftbukkit.jar resides. 3. Create a new batch file (windows-only) called craftbukkit-sc-mqtt.bat and edit it to include the following command... ```sh java -classpath sc-mqtt.jar;craftbukkit.jar org.bukkit.craftbukkit.Main ``` If you're using Mac OS, create a new craftbukkit-sc-mqtt.command file and edit it (using TextWrangler or another text editor) ... ```sh java -classpath sc-mqtt.jar:craftbukkit.jar org.bukkit.craftbukkit.Main ``` 4. Execute the craftbukkit-sc-mqtt batch file / command file to start Craftbukkit. You can now begin using this module to send and receive messages to/from a Net-enabled Arduino or any other device which uses the [MQTT protocol][mqtt] ```javascript var mqtt = require('sc-mqtt'); // create a new client var client = mqtt.client( 'tcp://localhost:1883', 'uniqueClientId' ); // connect to the broker client.connect( { keepAliveInterval: 15 } ); // publish a message to the broker client.publish( 'minecraft', 'loaded' ); // subscribe to messages on 'arduino' topic client.subscribe( 'arduino' ); // do something when an incoming message arrives... client.onMessageArrived( function( topic, message ) { console.log( 'Message arrived: topic=' + topic + ', message=' + message ); }); ``` The `sc-mqtt` module provides a very simple minimal wrapper around the [Eclipse Paho MQTT Version 3 Client][pahodocs] java-based MQTT library. [pahodocs]: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wmqv7/v7r5/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.mq.javadoc.doc/WMQMQxrClasses/org/eclipse/paho/client/mqttv3/package-summary.html [mqtt]: http://mqtt.org/ ***/ var MISSING_MQTT = '\nMissing class org.walterhiggins.scriptcraft.ScriptCraftMqttCallback.\n' + 'Make sure sc-mqtt.jar is in the classpath.\n' + 'See http://github.com/walterhiggins/scriptcraft-extras-mqtt for details.\n'; function Client( brokerUrl, clientId ) { var Callback = org.walterhiggins.scriptcraft.ScriptCraftMqttCallback; var MqttClient = org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttClient; var callback = new Callback( function( err ) { console.log( 'connectionLost: ' + err ); }, function( topic, message ) { console.log( 'messageArrived ' + topic + '> ' + message ); }, function( token ) { console.log( 'deliveryComplete:' + token ); } ); if ( !brokerUrl ) { brokerUrl = 'tcp://localhost:1883'; } if ( !clientId ) { clientId = 'scriptcraft' + new Date().getTime(); } var client = new MqttClient( brokerUrl, clientId, null ); client.setCallback( callback ); return { connect: function( options ) { if ( typeof options === 'undefined' ) { client.connect(); }else{ client.connect(options); } return client; }, disconnect: function( quiesceTimeout ) { if ( typeof quiesceTimeout == 'undefined' ) { client.disconnect(); } else { client.disconnect( quiesceTimeout ); } return client; }, publish: function( topic, message, qos, retained ) { if ( typeof message == 'string' ) { message = new java.lang.String( message ).bytes; } if (typeof qos == 'undefined'){ qos = 1; } if (typeof retained == 'undefined'){ retained = false; } client.publish( topic, message,qos, retained ); return client; }, subscribe: function( topic ) { client.subscribe( topic ); return client; }, unsubscribe: function( topic ) { client.unsubscribe( topic ); return client; }, onMessageArrived: function( fn ) { callback.setMesgArrived( fn ); return client; }, onDeliveryComplete: function( fn ) { callback.setDeliveryComplete( fn ); return client; }, onConnectionLost: function( fn ) { callback.setConnLost( fn ); return client; } }; } /* Return a new MQTT Client */ exports.client = function( brokerUrl, clientId, options ) { if ( typeof org.walterhiggins.scriptcraft.ScriptCraftMqttCallback != 'function' ) { throw MISSING_MQTT; } return new Client( brokerUrl, clientId, options ); };