'use strict'; /************************************************************************** ### Drone.cylinder() method A convenience method for building cylinders. Building begins radius blocks to the right and forward. #### Parameters * block - the block id - e.g. 6 for an oak sapling or '6:2' for a birch sapling. Alternatively you can use any one of the `blocks` values e.g. `blocks.sapling.birch` * radius * height #### Example To create a cylinder of Iron 7 blocks in radius and 1 block high... cylinder(blocks.iron, 7 , 1); ![cylinder example](img/cylinderex1.png) ### Drone.cylinder0() method A version of cylinder that hollows out the middle. #### Example To create a hollow cylinder of Iron 7 blocks in radius and 1 block high... cylinder0(blocks.iron, 7, 1); ![cylinder0 example](img/cylinder0ex1.png) ***/ var Drone = require('./drone').Drone; function cylinder0( block,radius,height,exactParams ) { var arcParams = { radius: radius, fill: false, orientation: 'horizontal', stack: height }; if ( exactParams ) { for ( var p in exactParams ) { arcParams[p] = exactParams[p]; } }else{ var md = this._getBlockIdAndMeta(block ); arcParams.blockType = md[0]; arcParams.meta = md[1]; } return this.arc(arcParams ); }; function cylinder( block,radius,height,exactParams ) { var arcParams = { radius: radius, fill: true, orientation: 'horizontal', stack: height }; if ( exactParams ) { arcParams.blockType = exactParams.blockType; arcParams.meta = exactParams.meta; }else{ var md = this._getBlockIdAndMeta(block ); arcParams.blockType = md[0]; arcParams.meta = md[1]; } return this.arc(arcParams ); }; Drone.extend(cylinder0 ); Drone.extend(cylinder );