/************************************************************************* ## alias Plugin The alias module lets players and server admins create their own per-player or global custom in-game command aliases. ### Examples To set a command alias which is only visible to the current player (per-player alias)... /jsp alias set cw = time set {1} ; weather {2} ... Creates a new custom command only usable by the player who set it called `cw` (short for set Clock and Weather) which when invoked... /cw 4000 sun ... will perform the following commands... /time set 4000 /weather sun Aliases can use paramters as above. On the right hand side of the `=`, the `{1}` refers to the first parameter provided with the `cw` alias, `{2}` refers to the second parameter and so on. So `cw 4000 sun` is converted to `time set 4000` and `weather sun`. To set a global command alias usable by all (only operators can create such an alias)... /jsp alias global stormy = time 18000; weather storm To delete an alias ... /jsp alias delete cw ... deletes the 'cw' alias from the appropriate alias map. To get a list of aliases currently defined... /jsp alias list To get help on the `jsp alias` command: /jsp alias help Aliases can be used at the in-game prompt by players or in the server console. Aliases will not be able to avail of command autocompletion (pressing the TAB key will have no effect). ***/ var _usage = "\ /jsp alias set {alias} = {comand-1} ;{command-2}\n \ /jsp alias global {alias} = {command-1} ; {command-2}\n \ /jsp alias list\n \ /jsp alias delete {alias}\n \ Create a new alias : \n \ /jsp alias set cw = time set {1} ; weather {2}\n \ Execute the alias : \n \ /cw 4000 sun \n \ ...is the same as '/time set 4000' and '/weather sun'"; /* persist aliases */ var _store = { players: {}, global: {} }; /* turns 'cw = time set {1} ; weather {2}' into {cmd: 'cw', aliases: ['time set {1}', 'weather {2}']} _processParams is a private function which takes an array of parameters used for the 'set' and 'global' options. */ var _processParams = function(params){ var paramStr = params.join(' '); var eqPos = paramStr.indexOf('='); var aliasCmd = paramStr.substring(0,eqPos).trim(); var aliasValue = paramStr.substring(eqPos+1).trim(); return { cmd: aliasCmd, aliases: aliasValue.split(/\s*;\s*/) }; }; var _set = function(player, params){ var playerAliases = _store.players[player.name]; if (!playerAliases){ playerAliases = {}; } var o = _processParams(params); playerAliases[o.cmd] = o.aliases; _store.players[player.name] = playerAliases; player.sendMessage("Alias '" + o.cmd + "' created."); }; var _delete = function(player, params){ if (_store.players[player.name] && _store.players[player.name][params[0]]){ delete _store.players[player.name][params[0]]; player.sendMessage("Alias '" + params[0] + "' deleted."); } else{ player.sendMessage("Alias '" + params[0] + "' does not exist."); } if (player.op){ if (_store.global[params[0]]) delete _store.global[params[0]]; } }; var _global = function(player, params){ if (!player.op){ player.sendMessage("Only operators can set global aliases. " + "You need to be an operator to perform this command."); return; } var o = _processParams(params); _store.global[o.cmd] = o.aliases; player.sendMessage("Global alias '" + o.cmd + "' created."); }; var _list = function(player){ try { var alias = 0; if (_store.players[player.name]){ player.sendMessage("Your aliases:"); for (alias in _store.players[player.name]){ player.sendMessage(alias + " = " + JSON.stringify(_store.players[player.name][alias])); } }else{ player.sendMessage("You have no player-specific aliases."); } player.sendMessage("Global aliases:"); for (alias in _store.global){ player.sendMessage(alias + " = " + JSON.stringify(_store.global[alias]) ); } }catch(e){ console.error("Error in list function: " + e.message); throw e; } }; var alias = plugin('alias', { "store": _store, "set": _set, "global": _global, "delete": _delete, "list": _list, "help": function(player){ player.sendMessage("Usage:\n" + _usage);} }, true ); var aliasCmd = command('alias', function(params,invoker){ var operation = params[0]; if (!operation){ invoker.sendMessage("Usage:\n" + _usage); return; } if (alias[operation]) alias[operation](invoker, params.slice(1)); else invoker.sendMessage("Usage:\n" + _usage); }); var _intercept = function( msg, invoker, exec) { if (msg.trim().length == 0) return false; var msgParts = msg.split(' '); var command = msg.match(/^\/*([^\s]+)/)[1]; var template = [], isAlias = false, cmds = []; if (_store.global[command]){ template = _store.global[command]; isAlias = true; }else{ if (config.verbose){ var commandObj = server.commandMap.getCommand(command); if (!commandObj) console.info("No global alias found for command: " + command); } } /* allows player-specific aliases to override global aliases */ if (_store.players[invoker] && _store.players[invoker][command]) { template = _store.players[invoker][command]; isAlias = true; }else{ if (config.verbose){ var commandObj = server.commandMap.getCommand(command); if (!commandObj) console.info("No player alias found for command: " + command); } } for (var i = 0;i < template.length; i++) { var filledinCommand = template[i].replace(/{([0-9]+)}/g, function (match,index){ index = parseInt(index,10); if (msgParts[index]) return msgParts[index] else return match; }); cmds.push(filledinCommand); } for (var i = 0; i< cmds.length; i++){ exec(cmds[i]); } return isAlias; }; /* Intercept all command processing and replace with aliased commands if the command about to be issued matches an alias. */ events.on('player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent', function(listener,evt){ var invoker = evt.player; var exec = function(cmd){ invoker.performCommand(cmd);}; var isAlias = _intercept(''+evt.message, ''+invoker.name, exec); if (isAlias) evt.cancelled = true; }); /* define a 'void' command because ServerCommandEvent can't be canceled */ command('void',function(){}); events.on('server.ServerCommandEvent', function(listener,evt){ var invoker = evt.sender; var exec = function(cmd){ invoker.server.dispatchCommand(invoker, cmd); }; var isAlias = _intercept(''+evt.command, ''+ invoker.name, exec); if (isAlias) evt.command = "jsp void"; });