'use strict'; /************************************************************************ ## Lightning module Causes a bolt of lightning to strike. ### Usage ```javascript // strike lightning wherever a player's arrow lands var lightning = require('lightning'); events.projectileHit( function( event ){ if ( entities.arrow( event.projectile ) // it's an arrow && entities.player( event.projectile.owner ) // it was shot by a player ) { lightning( event.projectile ); // strike lightning at the arrow location } }); ``` ***/ module.exports = function lightning( something ) { if (__plugin.canary && something.location){ return something.location.world.makeLightningBolt(something.location); } if (__plugin.bukkit && something.location){ return something.location.world.strikeLightning(something.location); } console.log('Need an object with a location property for lightning strike'); return null; };