/* A simple minecraft plugin. Usage: At the in-game prompt type ... /jsp hello-byname {player-name} ... substituting {player-name} with the name of a player currently online and a message `Hello ...` will be sent to the named player. This example builds on example-5 and also introduces a new concept - use of shared modules. That is : modules which are not specific to any one plugin or set of plugins but which can be used by all plugins. Shared modules should be placed in the `scriptcraft/modules` directory. * The utils module is used. Because the 'utils' module is located in the modules folder we don't need to specify an exact path, just 'utils' will do. * The `utils.player()` function is used to obtain a player object matching the player name. Once a player object is obtained, a message is sent to that player. */ var utils = require('utils'); var greetings = require('./example-1-hello-module'); command('hello-byname', function( parameters, sender ) { var playerName = parameters[0]; var recipient = utils.player(playerName); if (recipient) greetings.hello(recipient); else sender.sendMessage('Player ' + playerName + ' not found.'); });