'use strict'; var _commands = require('command').commands; /* Tab completion for the /jsp commmand */ var __onTabCompleteJSP = function( result, cmdSender, pluginCmd, cmdAlias, cmdArgs ) { var cmdInput = cmdArgs[0], opts, cmd, len, i; cmd = _commands[cmdInput]; if ( cmd ) { if (typeof cmd.options === 'function'){ opts = cmd.options(); } else { opts = cmd.options; } len = opts.length; if ( cmdArgs.length > 1 ) { // partial e.g. /jsp chat_color dar for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if ( opts[i].indexOf( cmdArgs[1] ) == 0 ) { result.add( opts[i] ); } } } } else { if ( cmdArgs.length == 0 ) { for ( i in _commands ) { result.add( i ); } } else { // partial e.g. /jsp ho // should tabcomplete to home // for ( i in _commands ) { if ( i.indexOf( cmdInput ) == 0 ) { result.add( i ); } } } } return result; }; module.exports = __onTabCompleteJSP;