var Drone = require('../drone'); var blocks = require('../blocks'); module.exports = Drone; /************************************************************************ Drone.spiral_stairs() method ============================ Constructs a spiral staircase with slabs at each corner. Parameters ---------- * stairBlock - The block to use for stairs, should be one of the following... - 'oak' - 'spruce' - 'birch' - 'jungle' - 'cobblestone' - 'brick' - 'stone' - 'nether' - 'sandstone' - 'quartz' * flights - The number of flights of stairs to build. ![Spiral Staircase](img/spiralstair1.png) Example ------- To construct a spiral staircase 5 floors high made of oak... spiral_stairs('oak', 5); ***/ Drone.extend("spiral_stairs",function(stairBlock, flights){ this.chkpt('spiral_stairs'); for (var i = 0; i < flights; i++){ this .box(blocks.stairs[stairBlock] + ':' + Drone.PLAYER_STAIRS_FACING[this.dir]) .up().fwd() .box(blocks.stairs[stairBlock] + ':' + Drone.PLAYER_STAIRS_FACING[this.dir]) .up().fwd() .box(blocks.slab[stairBlock]) .turn().fwd(); } return this.move('spiral_stairs'); });