# Additional Resources CoderDojo Athenry have some [excellent tutorials][cda] for younger programmers who have used [Scratch][scr] and are interested in Modding Minecraft using Javascript. In particular, they have an excellent [Scratch - to - Javascript][sj] tutorial which explains Scratch programs and how to do the same thing in Javascript. [scr]: http://scratch.mit.edu/ [cda]: http://cdathenry.wordpress.com/category/modderdojo/ [sj]: http://cdathenry.wordpress.com/2013/10/12/modderdojo-week-2-moving-from-scratch-to-javascript/ I highly recommend the series of tutorials provided by CoderDojo Athenry. Developer Chris Cacciatore has created some interesting tools using Scriptcraft... * [A wolf-bot][wb] * [L-Systems (Large-scale fractal structures in Minecraft)][ls] [wb]: https://github.com/cacciatc/wolfbot [ls]: https://github.com/cacciatc/scriptcraft-lsystems