'use strict'; /************************************************************************ ## events Module The Events module provides a thin wrapper around CanaryMod's or Bukkit's Event-handling API. The Java-based CanaryMod and Bukkit Events APIs make use of Java Annotations which are not available in Javascript, so this module provides a simple way to listen to minecraft events in javascript. ### events.on() static method This method is used to register event listeners. This method is called by all of the Event Helper methods. The `events` object has functions for registering listeners for each type of event. For example, you can register a block-break listener using events.on: ```javascript events.on( Packages.net.canarymod.hook.player.BlockDestroyHook, function( evt, cancel ) { echo(evt.player, evt.player.name + ' broke a block!'); } ); ``` or you can (and probably should) use the more succinct: ```javascript events.blockDestroy( function( evt, cancel ) { echo(evt.player, evt.player.name + ' broke a block!'); } ); ``` The events.on method can be used to register standard CanaryMod/Bukkit events and can also be used to register non-standard events - that is - events provided by plugins. #### Parameters * eventType - A Java class. See the [CanaryMod Hook API][cmEvtApi] or [Bukkit Event API][buk] for details of the many event types. * callback - A function which will be called whenever the event fires. The callback in turn takes 2 parameters: - event : the event fired - cancel : a function which if invoked will cancel the event - not all event types are cancelable; this function only cancels cancelable events). * priority (optional - default: "CRITICAL" for CanaryMod or "HIGHEST" for Bukkit) - The priority the listener/callback takes over other listeners to the same event. Possible values for CanaryMod are "CRITICAL", "HIGH", "LOW", "NORMAL" and "PASSIVE". For an explanation of what the different CanaryMod Hook priorities mean, refer to CanaryMod's [Hook Priority class][cmPriority]. Possible values for Bukkit are "HIGH", "HIGHEST", "LOW", "LOWEST", "NORMAL", "MONITOR". For an explanation of what the different Bukkit Event priorities mean, refer to bukkit's [Event API Reference][buk2]. #### Returns An object which can be used to unregister the listener. #### Example: The following code will print a message on screen every time a block is broken in the game ```javascript events.on( Packages.net.canarymod.hook.player.BlockDestroyHook, function( evt, cancel ) { echo(evt.player, evt.player.name + ' broke a block!'); } ); ``` To handle an event only once and unregister from further events... ```javascript events.on( Packages.net.canarymod.hook.player.BlockDestroyHook, function( evt, cancel ) { echo( evt.player, evt.player.name + ' broke a block!'); this.unregister(); } ); ``` The `this` keyword when used inside the callback function refers to the Listener object created by ScriptCraft. It has 2 methods `unregister()` which can be used to stop listening and `cancel()` which can be used to cancel the current event. The object returned by `events.on()` only has the `unregister()` method, the `cancel()` method is only available from within the event handling function. To unregister a listener *outside* of the listener function... ```javascript var myBlockBreakListener = events.on( Packages.net.canarymod.hook.player.BlockDestroyHook, function( evt ) { ... } ); ... myBlockBreakListener.unregister(); ``` [buk2]: http://wiki.bukkit.org/Event_API_Reference [buk]: http://jd.bukkit.org/dev/apidocs/index.html?org/bukkit/event/Event.html [cmEvtApi]: https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/Hook.html [cmPriority]: https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/plugin/Priority.html ***/ var helper; /*global __plugin, module, require*/ if (__plugin.canary){ module.exports = require('events-canary'); helper = require('events-helper-canary'); } else { module.exports = require('events-bukkit'); helper = require('events-helper-bukkit'); } for ( var func in helper ) { module.exports[func] = helper[func]; };