module.exports = function( $ ) { // wph 20140105 trim not availabe in String on Mac OS. if ( typeof String.prototype.trim == 'undefined' ) { String.prototype.trim = function( ) { return this.replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, '' ); }; } // wph 20140316 Java 1.6.0_65 on mac does not have Function.prototype.bind // code from if (typeof Function.prototype.bind == 'undefined' ) { Function.prototype.bind = (function (slice){ // (C) WebReflection - Mit Style License function bind(context) { var self = this; // "trapped" function reference // only if there is more than an argument // we are interested into more complex operations // this will speed up common bind creation // avoiding useless slices over arguments if (1 < arguments.length) { // extra arguments to send by default var $arguments =, 1); return function () { return self.apply( context, // thanks @kangax for this suggestion arguments.length ? // concat arguments with those received $arguments.concat( : // send just arguments, no concat, no slice $arguments ); }; } // optimized callback return function () { // speed up when function is called without arguments return arguments.length ? self.apply(context, arguments) :; }; } // the named function return bind; }(Array.prototype.slice)); } $.setTimeout = function( callback, delayInMillis ) { /* javascript programmers familiar with setTimeout know that it expects a delay in milliseconds. However, bukkit's scheduler expects a delay in ticks (where 1 tick = 1/20th second) */ var bukkitTask = server.scheduler.runTaskLater( __plugin, callback, Math.ceil( delayInMillis / 50 ) ); return bukkitTask; }; $.clearTimeout = function( bukkitTask ) { bukkitTask.cancel(); }; $.setInterval = function( callback, intervalInMillis ) { var delay = Math.ceil( intervalInMillis / 50); var bukkitTask = server.scheduler.runTaskTimer( __plugin, callback, delay, delay ); return bukkitTask; }; $.clearInterval = function( bukkitTask ) { bukkitTask.cancel(); }; };