/* The arrows mod adds fancy arrows to the game. Usage: /js arrows.sign() turns a targeted sign into a Arrows menu /js arrows.normal() sets arrow type to normal. /js arrows.explosive() - makes arrows explode. /js arrows.teleport() - makes player teleport to where arrow has landed. /js arrows.flourish() - makes a tree grow where the arrow lands. /js arrows.lightning() - lightning strikes where the arrow lands. All of the above functions can take an optional player object or name as a parameter. E.g. /js arrows.explosive('player23') makes player23's arrows explosive. */ var arrows = arrows || plugin("arrows",{ /* turn a sign into a menu of arrow choices */ sign: function(sign){}, /* change player's arrows to normal */ normal: function(player){}, /* change player's arrows to explode on impact */ explosive: function(player){}, /* change player's arrows to teleporting */ teleport: function(player){}, /* change player's arrows to plant trees where they land */ flourish: function(player){}, /* change player's arrows to strike lightning where they land */ lightning: function(player){} },true); /* private implementation of normal, explosive, teleport, flourish and lightning functions */ (function(){ // // setup functions for the arrow types // var _types = {normal: 0, explosive: 1, teleport: 2, flourish: 3, lightning: 4}; for (var type in _types) { arrows[type] = (function(n){ return function(player){ if (typeof player == "undefined") player = __self; var playerName = null; if (typeof player == "string") playerName = player; else playerName = player.name; arrows.store.players[playerName] = n; }; })(_types[type]); } }()); /* Arrows depends on 2 other modules: 'signs' and 'events' so the following code can't execute until all modules have loaded (ready). */ ready(function() { /* called when the player chooses an arrow option from a menu sign */ var _onMenuChoice = function(event){ if (typeof arrows.store.players == "undefined") arrows.store.players = {}; arrows.store.players[event.player.name] = event.number; }; arrows.sign = signs.menu("Arrow", ["Normal","Explosive","Teleport","Flourish","Lightning"], _onMenuChoice ); /* event handler called when a projectile hits something */ var _onArrowHit = function(listener,event) { var projectile = event.entity; var world = projectile.world; var shooter = projectile.shooter; if (projectile instanceof org.bukkit.entity.Arrow && shooter instanceof org.bukkit.entity.Player) { var arrowType = arrows.store.players[shooter.name]; switch (arrowType){ case 1: projectile.remove(); world.createExplosion(projectile.location,2.5); break; case 2: projectile.remove(); shooter.teleport(projectile.location, org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause.ENDER_PEARL); break; case 3: projectile.remove(); world.generateTree(projectile.location, org.bukkit.TreeType.BIG_TREE); break; case 4: projectile.remove(); world.strikeLightning(projectile.location); break; } } }; events.on("entity.ProjectileHitEvent",_onArrowHit); });