load(__folder + "../utils/text.js"); /* Define the signs module - signs are persistent (that is - a menu sign will still be a menu after th server has shut down and started up) plugins now have persistent state - Yay! */ var signs = signs || plugin("signs", { /* construct an interactive menu which can then be attached to a Sign. */ menu: function( /* String */ label, /* Array */ options, /* Function */ onInteract, /* Number */ defaultSelection ){} /* more to come - clocks */ },true); /* private implementation */ (function(){ /* redraw a menu sign */ var _redrawMenuSign = function(p_sign,p_selectedIndex,p_displayOptions) { var optLen = p_displayOptions.length; // the offset is where the menu window begins var offset = Math.max(0, Math.min(optLen-3, Math.floor(p_selectedIndex/3) * 3)); for (var i = 0;i < 3; i++){ var text = ""; if (offset+i < optLen) text = p_displayOptions[offset+i]; if (offset+i == p_selectedIndex) text = ("" + text).replace(/^ /,">".white()); p_sign.setLine(i+1,text); } p_sign.update(true); }; signs._updaters = {}; /* construct an interactive menu to be subsequently attached to one or more Signs. */ signs.menu = function( /* String */ label, /* Array */ options, /* Function */ callback, /* Number */ selectedIndex) { if (typeof selectedIndex == "undefined") selectedIndex = 0; // // variables common to all instances of this menu can go here // var labelPadding = "---------------"; var optionPadding = " "; var paddedLabel = (labelPadding+label+labelPadding).substr(((label.length+30)/2)-7,15); var optLen = options.length; var displayOptions = []; for (var i =0;i < options.length;i++){ displayOptions[i] = (" " + options[i] + optionPadding).substring(0,15); } var theSigns = this; /* this function is returned by signs.menu and when it is invoked it will attach menu behaviour to an existing sign in the world. signs.menu is for use by Plugin Authors. The function returned by signs.menu is for use by admins/ops. */ var convertToMenuSign = function(/* Sign */ sign, save) { if (typeof save == "undefined") save = true; if (typeof sign == "undefined"){ var mouseLoc = getMousePos(); if (mouseLoc){ sign = mouseLoc.block.state; }else{ throw new Exception("You must provide a sign!"); } } // // per-sign variables go here // var cSelectedIndex = selectedIndex; sign.setLine(0,paddedLabel.bold()); var _updateSign = function(p_player,p_sign) { cSelectedIndex = (cSelectedIndex+1) % optLen; _redrawMenuSign(p_sign,cSelectedIndex,displayOptions); var signSelectionEvent = {player: p_player, sign: p_sign, text: options[cSelectedIndex], number:cSelectedIndex}; callback(signSelectionEvent); }; /* get a unique ID for this particular sign instance */ var signLoc = sign.block.location; var menuSignSaveData = [""+signLoc.world.name, signLoc.x,signLoc.y,signLoc.z]; var menuSignUID = JSON.stringify(menuSignSaveData); /* keep a reference to the update function for use by the event handler */ theSigns._updaters[menuSignUID] = _updateSign; // initialize the sign _redrawMenuSign(sign,cSelectedIndex,displayOptions); /* whenever a sign is placed somewhere in the world (which is what this function does) save its location for loading and initialization when the server starts up again. */ if (save){ if (typeof theSigns.store.menus == "undefined") theSigns.store.menus = {}; var signLocations = theSigns.store.menus[label]; if (typeof signLocations == "undefined") signLocations = theSigns.store.menus[label] = []; signLocations.push(menuSignSaveData); } return sign; }; /* a new sign definition - need to store (in-memory only) it's behaviour and bring back to life other signs of the same type in the world. Look for other static signs in the world with this same label and make dynamic again. */ if (this.store.menus && this.store.menus[label]) { var signsOfSameLabel = this.store.menus[label]; var defragged = []; var len = signsOfSameLabel.length; for (var i = 0; i < len ; i++) { var loc = signsOfSameLabel[i]; var world = org.bukkit.Bukkit.getWorld(loc[0]); if (!world) continue; var block = world.getBlockAt(loc[1],loc[2],loc[3]); if (block.state instanceof org.bukkit.block.Sign){ convertToMenuSign(block.state,false); defragged.push(loc); } } /* remove data for signs which no longer exist. */ if (defragged.length != len){ this.store.menus[label] = defragged; } } return convertToMenuSign; }; /* All dependecies ( 'events' module ) have loaded */ ready(function(){ // // Usage: // In game, create a sign , target it and type /js signs.testMenu() // signs.testMenu = signs.menu( "Dinner", ["Lamb","Pork","Chicken","Duck","Beef"], function(event){ event.player.sendMessage("You chose " + event.text); }); // // This is an example sign that displays a menu of times of day // interacting with the sign will change the time of day accordingly. // // In game, create a sign , target it and type /js signs.timeOfDay() // signs.timeOfDay = signs.menu( "Time", ["Dawn","Midday","Dusk","Midnight"], function(event){ event.player.location.world.setTime( event.number * 6000 ); }); // // update it every time player interacts with it. // events.on("player.PlayerInteractEvent",function(listener, event) { /* look up our list of menu signs. If there's a matching location and there's a sign, then update it. */ if (! event.clickedBlock.state instanceof org.bukkit.block.Sign) return; var evtLocStr = utils.locationToString(event.clickedBlock.location); var signUpdater = signs._updaters[evtLocStr] if (signUpdater) signUpdater(event.player, event.clickedBlock.state); }); }); }());