'use strict'; /*global require */ var Drone = require('drone'), blocks = require('blocks'); /************************************************************************ ### Drone.chessboard() method Creates a tile pattern of given block types and size #### Parameters * whiteBlock - (optional: default blocks.wool.white) * blackBlock - (optional: default blocks.wool.black) * width - width of the chessboard * length - length of the chessboard #### Example At the in-game prompt you can create a chessboard by looking at a block and typing: ```javascript /js chessboard() ``` Alternatively you can create a new Drone object from a Player or Location object and call the chessboard() method. ```javascript var d = new Drone(player); d.chessboard(); ``` ![chessboard example](img/chessboardex1.png) ***/ Drone.extend('chessboard', function( whiteBlock, blackBlock, width, depth ) { var i, j, block; if ( typeof whiteBlock == 'undefined' ) { whiteBlock = blocks.wool.white; } if ( typeof blackBlock == 'undefined' ) { blackBlock = blocks.wool.black; } if ( typeof width == 'undefined' ) { width = 8; } if ( typeof depth == 'undefined' ) { depth = width; } var squares = [ blackBlock, whiteBlock ]; this.chkpt('chessboard-start'); for ( i = 0; i < depth; i++ ) { this.boxa( squares, width, 1, 1).fwd(); squares = squares.reverse(); } this.move('chessboard-start'); });