'use strict'; /*global require*/ var Drone = require('drone'), blocks = require('blocks'); /************************************************************************ ### Drone.temple() method Constructs a mayan temple. #### Parameters * side - How many blocks wide and long the temple will be (default: 20) #### Example At the in-game prompt you can create a temple by looking at a block and typing: ```javascript /js temple() ``` Alternatively you can create a new Drone object from a Player or Location object and call the temple() method. ```javascript var d = new Drone(player); d.temple(); ``` ![temple example](img/templeex1.png) ***/ function temple( side ) { if ( !side ) { side = 20; } this.chkpt('temple'); while ( side > 4 ) { var middle = Math.round( (side-2) / 2 ); this .chkpt('temple-corner') .box( blocks.brick.mossy, side, 1, side ) .right( middle ) .box( blocks.stairs.stone ) .right() .box( blocks.stairs.stone ) .move('temple-corner') .up() .fwd() .right(); side = side - 2; } this.move('temple'); } Drone.extend( temple );