ig.module( 'game.main' ) .requires( //'impact.debug.menu', 'impact.game', 'impact.font', 'game.entities.ball', 'game.entities.paddle-enemy', 'game.entities.paddle-player', 'game.levels.level1' ) .defines(function(){ RunningGame = ig.Game.extend({ font: new ig.Font( 'media/lcddot.font.png' ), pauseDialogAlpha: 0, pauseDialog: new ig.AnimationSheet( 'media/pause_screen.png', 624, 384 ), pauseDialogAnim: null, showPause: false, clearColor: null, init: function() { ig.input.unbindAll(); ig.global.lifes = 4; // increase this to 3 ig.global.score = 0; // Menu navigation ig.input.bind(ig.KEY.ESC, 'escape'); ig.input.bind(ig.KEY.ENTER, 'enter'); // Game navigation ig.input.bind(ig.KEY.UP_ARROW, 'up'); ig.input.bind(ig.KEY.DOWN_ARROW, 'down'); ig.input.bind(ig.KEY.T, 'force-top'); ig.input.bind(ig.KEY.B, 'force-bottom'); // vim goodness ig.input.bind(ig.KEY.K, 'up'); ig.input.bind(ig.KEY.J, 'down'); // Gamer style ig.input.bind(ig.KEY.W, 'up'); ig.input.bind(ig.KEY.S, 'down'); // init graphics this.pauseDialogAnim = new ig.Animation( this.pauseDialog, 0, [0] ) // Load the level this.loadLevel(LevelLevel1); }, update: function() { // User is in the pause menu if (this.showPause) { if (ig.input.pressed('escape')) { ig.system.setGame(StartScreen); return; } if (ig.input.pressed('enter')) { this.showPause = false; this.pauseDialogAlpha = 0; return; } } // The game is over if (ig.global.lifes == 0) { ig.system.setGame(ScoreboardScreen); } // The User want back to the main menu inside a running game if (ig.input.pressed('escape')) { this.showPause = true; } // The game is running if (!this.showPause) this.parent(); }, draw: function() { ig.system.context.clearRect( 0 ,0, ig.system.realWidth, ig.system.realHeight ); this.parent(); // Draw entries and background this.font.draw(ig.global.score, 390, 8, ig.Font.ALIGN.RIGHT); if (this.showPause) { if(this.pauseDialogAlpha < 1) { this.pauseDialogAlpha += .1; if(this.pauseDialogAlpha > 1) this.pauseDialogAlpha = 1; this.pauseDialogAnim.alpha = this.pauseDialogAlpha; } this.pauseDialogAnim.draw(0, 0); } } }); ScoreboardScreen = ig.Game.extend({ scoreoid: { api_key: 'd1011f8f6776a10f7a5d87eaa86c43c8d2ffb9dc', game_id: '642fc6c1e8', response: 'json' }, font: new ig.Font( 'media/04b03.font.png' ), background: new ig.Image('media/stats_screen.png'), init: function() { ig.input.bind(ig.KEY.ENTER, 'main-menu'); this.loadScores(); }, update: function() { if (ig.input.pressed('main-menu')) { ig.system.setGame(StartScreen); } this.parent(); }, loadScores: function() { ig.global.scores = undefined; $.post('https://www.scoreoid.com/api/getScores', this.scoreoid, function(data) { console.log(data); ig.global.scores = data; }); }, saveScore: function(username, score) { }, draw: function() { this.parent(); this.background.draw(0, 0); // Draw the current highscore if its loaded if (ig.global.scores !== undefined) { var ypos = 50; for (var i=0; i