ig.module( 'impact.entity' ) .requires( 'impact.animation', 'impact.impact' ) .defines(function(){ ig.Entity = ig.Class.extend({ id: 0, settings: {}, size: {x: 16, y:16}, offset: {x: 0, y: 0}, pos: {x: 0, y:0}, last: {x: 0, y:0}, vel: {x: 0, y: 0}, accel: {x: 0, y: 0}, friction: {x: 0, y: 0}, maxVel: {x: 100, y: 100}, zIndex: 0, gravityFactor: 1, standing: false, bounciness: 0, minBounceVelocity: 40, anims: {}, animSheet: null, currentAnim: null, health: 10, type: 0, // TYPE.NONE checkAgainst: 0, // TYPE.NONE collides: 0, // COLLIDES.NEVER _killed: false, slopeStanding: {min: (44).toRad(), max: (136).toRad() }, init: function( x, y, settings ) { this.id = ++ig.Entity._lastId; this.pos.x = x; this.pos.y = y; ig.merge( this, settings ); }, addAnim: function( name, frameTime, sequence, stop ) { if( !this.animSheet ) { throw( 'No animSheet to add the animation '+name+' to.' ); } var a = new ig.Animation( this.animSheet, frameTime, sequence, stop ); this.anims[name] = a; if( !this.currentAnim ) { this.currentAnim = a; } return a; }, update: function() { this.last.x = this.pos.x; this.last.y = this.pos.y; this.vel.y += ig.game.gravity * ig.system.tick * this.gravityFactor; this.vel.x = this.getNewVelocity( this.vel.x, this.accel.x, this.friction.x, this.maxVel.x ); this.vel.y = this.getNewVelocity( this.vel.y, this.accel.y, this.friction.y, this.maxVel.y ); // movement & collision var mx = this.vel.x * ig.system.tick; var my = this.vel.y * ig.system.tick; var res = ig.game.collisionMap.trace( this.pos.x, this.pos.y, mx, my, this.size.x, this.size.y ); this.handleMovementTrace( res ); if( this.currentAnim ) { this.currentAnim.update(); } }, getNewVelocity: function( vel, accel, friction, max ) { if( accel ) { return ( vel + accel * ig.system.tick ).limit( -max, max ); } else if( friction ) { var delta = friction * ig.system.tick; if( vel - delta > 0) { return vel - delta; } else if( vel + delta < 0 ) { return vel + delta; } else { return 0; } } return vel.limit( -max, max ); }, handleMovementTrace: function( res ) { this.standing = false; if( res.collision.y ) { if( this.bounciness > 0 && Math.abs(this.vel.y) > this.minBounceVelocity ) { this.vel.y *= -this.bounciness; } else { if( this.vel.y > 0 ) { this.standing = true; } this.vel.y = 0; } } if( res.collision.x ) { if( this.bounciness > 0 && Math.abs(this.vel.x) > this.minBounceVelocity ) { this.vel.x *= -this.bounciness; } else { this.vel.x = 0; } } if( res.collision.slope ) { var s = res.collision.slope; if( this.bounciness > 0 ) { var proj = this.vel.x * s.nx + this.vel.y * s.ny; this.vel.x -= s.nx * proj * 2; this.vel.y -= s.ny * proj * 2; this.vel.x *= this.bounciness; this.vel.y *= this.bounciness; } else { var lengthSquared = s.x * s.x + s.y * s.y; var dot = (this.vel.x * s.x + this.vel.y * s.y)/lengthSquared; this.vel.x = s.x * dot; this.vel.y = s.y * dot; var angle = Math.atan2( s.x, s.y ); if( angle > this.slopeStanding.min && angle < this.slopeStanding.max ) { this.standing = true; } } } this.pos = res.pos; }, draw: function() { if( this.currentAnim ) { this.currentAnim.draw( this.pos.x - this.offset.x - ig.game._rscreen.x, this.pos.y - this.offset.y - ig.game._rscreen.y ); } }, kill: function() { ig.game.removeEntity( this ); }, receiveDamage: function( amount, from ) { this.health -= amount; if( this.health <= 0 ) { this.kill(); } }, touches: function( other ) { return !( this.pos.x >= other.pos.x + other.size.x || this.pos.x + this.size.x <= other.pos.x || this.pos.y >= other.pos.y + other.size.y || this.pos.y + this.size.y <= other.pos.y ); }, distanceTo: function( other ) { var xd = (this.pos.x + this.size.x/2) - (other.pos.x + other.size.x/2); var yd = (this.pos.y + this.size.y/2) - (other.pos.y + other.size.y/2); return Math.sqrt( xd*xd + yd*yd ); }, angleTo: function( other ) { return Math.atan2( (other.pos.y + other.size.y/2) - (this.pos.y + this.size.y/2), (other.pos.x + other.size.x/2) - (this.pos.x + this.size.x/2) ); }, check: function( other ) {}, collideWith: function( other, axis ) {}, ready: function() {} }); // Last used entity id; incremented with each spawned entity ig.Entity._lastId = 0; // Collision Types - Determine if and how entities collide with each other // In ACTIVE vs. LITE or FIXED vs. ANY collisions, only the "weak" entity moves, // while the other one stays fixed. In ACTIVE vs. ACTIVE and ACTIVE vs. PASSIVE // collisions, both entities are moved. LITE or PASSIVE entities don't collide // with other LITE or PASSIVE entities at all. The behaiviour for FIXED vs. // FIXED collisions is undefined. ig.Entity.COLLIDES = { NEVER: 0, LITE: 1, PASSIVE: 2, ACTIVE: 4, FIXED: 8 }; // Entity Types - used for checks ig.Entity.TYPE = { NONE: 0, A: 1, B: 2, BOTH: 3 }; ig.Entity.checkPair = function( a, b ) { // Do these entities want checks? if( a.checkAgainst & b.type ) { a.check( b ); } if( b.checkAgainst & a.type ) { b.check( a ); } // If this pair allows collision, solve it! At least one entity must // collide ACTIVE or FIXED, while the other one must not collide NEVER. if( a.collides && b.collides && a.collides + b.collides > ig.Entity.COLLIDES.ACTIVE ) { ig.Entity.solveCollision( a, b ); } }; ig.Entity.solveCollision = function( a, b ) { // If one entity is FIXED, or the other entity is LITE, the weak // (FIXED/NON-LITE) entity won't move in collision response var weak = null; if( a.collides == ig.Entity.COLLIDES.LITE || b.collides == ig.Entity.COLLIDES.FIXED ) { weak = a; } else if( b.collides == ig.Entity.COLLIDES.LITE || a.collides == ig.Entity.COLLIDES.FIXED ) { weak = b; } // Did they already overlap on the X-axis in the last frame? If so, // this must be a vertical collision! if( a.last.x + a.size.x > b.last.x && a.last.x < b.last.x + b.size.x ) { // Which one is on top? if( a.last.y < b.last.y ) { ig.Entity.seperateOnYAxis( a, b, weak ); } else { ig.Entity.seperateOnYAxis( b, a, weak ); } a.collideWith( b, 'y' ); b.collideWith( a, 'y' ); } // Horizontal collision else if( a.last.y + a.size.y > b.last.y && a.last.y < b.last.y + b.size.y ){ // Which one is on the left? if( a.last.x < b.last.x ) { ig.Entity.seperateOnXAxis( a, b, weak ); } else { ig.Entity.seperateOnXAxis( b, a, weak ); } a.collideWith( b, 'x' ); b.collideWith( a, 'x' ); } }; // FIXME: This is a mess. Instead of doing all the movements here, the entities // should get notified of the collision (with all details) and resolve it // themselfs. ig.Entity.seperateOnXAxis = function( left, right, weak ) { var nudge = (left.pos.x + left.size.x - right.pos.x); // We have a weak entity, so just move this one if( weak ) { var strong = left === weak ? right : left; weak.vel.x = -weak.vel.x * weak.bounciness + strong.vel.x; var resWeak = ig.game.collisionMap.trace( weak.pos.x, weak.pos.y, weak == left ? -nudge : nudge, 0, weak.size.x, weak.size.y ); weak.pos.x = resWeak.pos.x; } // Normal collision - both move else { var v2 = (left.vel.x - right.vel.x)/2; left.vel.x = -v2; right.vel.x = v2; var resLeft = ig.game.collisionMap.trace( left.pos.x, left.pos.y, -nudge/2, 0, left.size.x, left.size.y ); left.pos.x = Math.floor(resLeft.pos.x); var resRight = ig.game.collisionMap.trace( right.pos.x, right.pos.y, nudge/2, 0, right.size.x, right.size.y ); right.pos.x = Math.ceil(resRight.pos.x); } }; ig.Entity.seperateOnYAxis = function( top, bottom, weak ) { var nudge = (top.pos.y + top.size.y - bottom.pos.y); // We have a weak entity, so just move this one if( weak ) { var strong = top === weak ? bottom : top; weak.vel.y = -weak.vel.y * weak.bounciness + strong.vel.y; // Riding on a platform? var nudgeX = 0; if( weak == top && Math.abs(weak.vel.y - strong.vel.y) < weak.minBounceVelocity ) { weak.standing = true; nudgeX = strong.vel.x * ig.system.tick; } var resWeak = ig.game.collisionMap.trace( weak.pos.x, weak.pos.y, nudgeX, weak == top ? -nudge : nudge, weak.size.x, weak.size.y ); weak.pos.y = resWeak.pos.y; weak.pos.x = resWeak.pos.x; } // Bottom entity is standing - just bounce the top one else if( ig.game.gravity && (bottom.standing || top.vel.y > 0) ) { var resTop = ig.game.collisionMap.trace( top.pos.x, top.pos.y, 0, -(top.pos.y + top.size.y - bottom.pos.y), top.size.x, top.size.y ); top.pos.y = resTop.pos.y; if( top.bounciness > 0 && top.vel.y > top.minBounceVelocity ) { top.vel.y *= -top.bounciness; } else { top.standing = true; top.vel.y = 0; } } // Normal collision - both move else { var v2 = (top.vel.y - bottom.vel.y)/2; top.vel.y = -v2; bottom.vel.y = v2; var nudgeX = bottom.vel.x * ig.system.tick; var resTop = ig.game.collisionMap.trace( top.pos.x, top.pos.y, nudgeX, -nudge/2, top.size.x, top.size.y ); top.pos.y = resTop.pos.y; var resBottom = ig.game.collisionMap.trace( bottom.pos.x, bottom.pos.y, 0, nudge/2, bottom.size.x, bottom.size.y ); bottom.pos.y = resBottom.pos.y; } }; });